hiptosser - OMG a BJJ black belt arm barred a wrestler !!!!!
You dummy, I could get a bunch of central PA highschool wrestlers together put gis on em and your not doing shit.
Bruce Harvard purple belt and all.
You clearly have no idea what you are talking about and have no idea of what a good wrestler can do on the matt.
Think of it this way
A Bruce Havard purple vs. a club Blue would be handicapped to high white low blue belt.
A Bruce Havard purple vs. a D1 wrestler would be handicapped to small child with poor motor skills.

Why you think that? And not really. I've competed and done well (at blue belt). Other people I train with have done well too in competition at higher belts. You don't know what you're talking bout.

College wrestlers are fucking monsters. We get a fair number of them at our gym. Basically when they start they kick my ass until I can put them in guard then I submit them. I catch them once or twice with that submission and then they learn to avoid it. With in a couple of months we're in a stalemate. I'm just left with gi techniques against them, they can't submit me and I can't sweep them.

I think it was their ego. They knew they would have been beat back then, a high school wrestler against me, a guy with about 1 yr of training in judo and bjj, if they had come checked out the traneing back then I am sure they would have been beasts in the 'submission world' with their wrestling background.

I've gone against very accomplished wrestlers - as a purple belt I was barely able to submit them or sweep them after a grueling battle in my guard, this is when they were still pure wrestlers, they become beasts real quick and that same guy from about 4 years ago would probably whip my ass today

I don't know what all this drama is about

by accomplished I mean D1 champs and olympic hopefuls