Australia Cup


It was a good day for all involved, all the competitors/coaches/corner guys were excellent examples of sportsmanship and Jiu Jitsu skill. Thank you John Donehue/organizers/Extreme Jiu Jitsu for allowing all to compete and have a good day.

It is good to see that regardless of what happens on here and what club you come from was set aside, and that this level of coolness was exhibited by all involved. I certainly hope that this can continue.

Thank you cisemek for acknowledging the referees, it is a shit job at the best of times and it helps to have competitors that appreciate the effort that the refs go to.

As for my "match" with Soa. Well, I would have liked to give Soa a better run for his money but the man is a beast and he whipped my arse. To Soa's credit his technique and base were really solid, a testament to his hard work and the good coaching/training he recieves. I must be honest in saying that I was expecting to be out muscled rather than out techniqued (if that is even a word) but the man is good, not only is he physically gifted, he is very technical and smooth. Not something that one would expect from someone his stature/weight. Not only that, the man is a finisher! Which is really refreshing in the arena of tournament Jiu Jitsu. Kudos Soa, best of luck in the future.

Lastly to all the competitors and teams that did well. Well done to those that placed, not only is it a testament to your skill but to the skill of your training partners and coaches that help you achieve your potential.


Paul Dallow, let me get this straight, you fought a ninja, a cowboy, and a werewolf. Sounds to me like you attended a "Village People: The Next Generation" festival before you showed up to the tournament. Your really scaring me now!

I don't want to take anything away from any of the competitor's because I myself didn't/don't compete so if I was wearing a hat I'd take it off for all those who gave it a go yesterday. However, the one thing I was disappointed with was the amount of people who pulled closed guard, then the only thing they tried to do was keep their oponent in their guard and not attempt to do anything else, i.e., sweep or submit. It makes me wonder why the people I'm talking about even bother to compete in the first place. Granted it wasn't the biggest turnout for a competition, but it was however the National BJJ Titles, so if your going to compete, why not give it your all and actually attempt to do something, otherwise you may as well do what I did - and did fairly well I might add - don't compete.

A lot of people won't agree with the comments I've just made, but my 2c worth.


I was there all day and I think you are not really telling the truth.

On behalf of the guys and girl from Ground Zero, representing Gracie Sydney, thanks for hosting a really enjoyable event. From our prespective everything from the draws to our competitors ran like clockwork, which made for a really fun day.

My favorite fight for the day: Me (Jason) vs Hansel in the blue U79kgs finals... we were transitioning so fast that even we had trouble keeping up with the points! End result 9-7 in Hansels favour - He is just SOOOO HOT NOW! Watch out next weekend!

Interesting comment/prespective re the "pulling guard" issue... I didn't really see that much of it and neither did the refs because (to the best of my knowledge) no penalties nor warnings re stalling were made. Remember it takes two to play guard and only one person can be blamed for not passing.

Like last year the fact that the order of fights for each mat were posted in advance was a great thing - wish that would be adopted in more competitions. Thinking out loud, I'd also like to see a point display somewhere - even if it was hand written A4 sheets on the ref's table it would make life a hell of a lot easier during the match for the competitors and refs.

Actually, sitting at mat number 2's score table for the second half of the days events, I did witness Coach/Referee Donehue telling competitor's to stop stalling for time on a few occasions.

Who was the lady who competed in the last match? She was quite an impressive competitor to watch.

Re stalling: oh well, there you go.

The "lady" (???? I'll have to tell her that one!) was Carmen Jenke from Ground Zero. Technically and competitively she's really something and a pleasure to train with.

It was a great tournament, well run and the standard was high. Well done to all the GZ guys and girl, who all competed well. Hansell "He's so hot right now!" was particularly good.

I also enjoyed seeing Gearge Sotoropolous (Spelling??) fight off his back, which i have nver seen before. He was very impressive even in defeatSoa v Big Dave was also an interesting match to see.

I hope more clubs support this tournament next year, as it could have been even better.

Driz: Who said you could speak B*TCH?!?! Watch your gob else you'll get more of the same! You hear?!

You Bastard!!!! (Formerly known as Dutch Oven),

You better watch out next time I get back mount on you. Asphyxiation makes me horny.

Your Bitch


You have dishonoured me by letting me take the fall from Coach re your comment about Coaches Donehue and Brown being scondary.

I hereby challenge you to a NHB match. I have a contract. You bring your man and I'll bring my man and a video camera. Winner keeps the tape and holds honour.

Can you also please bring cup cakes and a flask of ice tea incase we get hungry after the fight?

...And finally a big thank you to me.I must say that I conducted the weigh-in with the utmost professionalism.I made sure there were no hold ups and let it be known that all competitors were already winners in my eyes for successfully making weight.

If i had it my way you'd all get a medal.Maybe next time I'll bring my own little ribbons to hand out.

Kakoda - Challenge accepted! If I ask nicely enough once he get's here, I'm sure Randy Couture will be more than happy to fight on my behalf. And if he doesn't I'll just have to settle for Paul Dallow to do it, after all he's already made weight, don't know if I can afford his appearance fee though.


I've changed my mind. I don't really want to fight. Basically because I'm weak, can't fight and am now very scared. I'm sorry if I offended you.

How can I make this up to you? Maybe a leopard g-string?

did vic manage to try one of those fancy flying arm bars like the one at the no gi tourny?

Paul Dallow kisses boys.

Congrats to all coaches, cornerpeople & competitors from all schools for the good sportsmanship & friendship that was exhibited on the day.

Thanks also to all referees, officials, & helpers.

Chris Shen

Are any of the non-Ground Zero guys who competed during the JJ Cup also fighting this weekend (AFBJJ Victorian State Championships)?

I'm assuming that most would see how they held up physically after the JJ cup. If so, then im assuming some may enter the Vic's.

There's a fair few guys from Dominance competing this Saturday as far as I know.