** Avellan Shows Gator Roll from Quarter Nelson **

Here is a clip of Master Marcos Avellan teaching the gator roll off of the three quarter nelson.

If you guys like the video, help us out by giving this thread a "TTT" or by visiting the youtube link of the video and dropping a 5 star rank and comment, this helps us out with the youtube search rank: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0wRRfKAXa0

You can also visit Master Marcos' facebook fan page, which has daily blogs and videos, at www.MarcosAvellanFans.com. Thanks and enjoy!

Eddie Sultan

P.S. He also does his 30 Day Push Challenge. You can learn more about that on his facebook fan page in the notes section.


Oh shit, a Roberto Torrabalas sighting.





Hey, how is Roberto affiliated with you guys?

I miss our 40 minute straight rolls.

Thanks guys!

Kai, Roberto and I are close friends.  He is a Lloyd Irvin affiliate and Master Lloyd's gym is a brother school to FFA, so we are all like a family.

Roberto comes down twice a week to train and to work together.  LOL at "miss our 40 minute straight rolls" :)  Yes, Roberto still loves marathon grappling rolls!

--Marcos Avellan

Good video, I'm not sure that most people give the Avellans bros their due, especially David. Sure his WEC showing was disappointing, but his grappling credentials are quite impressive. Plus you should check out his fight in Bodog, very good fight.

Though I'll admit, I'm biased. I'm friends with their cousin. But if you really do look up Marcos and David you'll find some interesting stories, especially on the BJJ end. I won't spoil it for you but keep your eyes peeled for Avellan v. Gracie...you'll see which one and what happened. HIGHLARIOUS!



Marcos: Good deal, I trained with him in Kalamazoo... We used to have very long rolls until he figured me out and started crushing me at will.

You guys joining forces is nothing but a good thing!

