awesome slam by ref

That couldn't have been real. It must have been staged.

For the sake of humanity and for the love of the sport, please let that have been staged.

steps of soapbox


As funny as it was to watch, I wouldn't object if the ref was arrested on assault charges. In fact, if that were to happen the words "Good...had it coming" come to mind.

That ref looks familiar. Was this event in or near Seattle?


OK, The ref is James Bruno. Older brother to Steve Bruno (IFL, AFC, Total Combat) and Mike Bruno (AFC) of the American Top Team.

These fights used to take place as a club in Ft. Lauderdale called Atlantis. Toughman with some ground game at times, guys would fight for $20 bar tab and a video etc... (It later became tournie style and winner got $300 I hear)

The kid that got slammed was being a fucker and when they were clinched up and James tried to break them he mashed Jame's face, so James put it hte fuck on him as you can see. The other kid jumped on him, James pushed him off game him the "no no" sign and went on to scold the slammed.


The REF is always in charge.... :-)

TTT for James Bruno.

I was wondering if it was the same James Bruno. How long ago was that ? And if you see him tell him I said hi and I want to know why he didn't do that to Pat ( inside joke)


Yeah thats James Bruno " The Dutch Mangler" or just simply "Dutch". I think the only way to pull something like that off is to be really , really mad.



Thanks Ben for the back story.

If you hit the Ref, the Ref should be able to hit you back. or Choke SLAM you.

LOL!! I'm saving this vid.

What a douche. He should never be allowed to ref again. LOL @ the double team action though..

I dont know whats more cool...the ref standing up for himself or the fact that Monster Magnet is the soundtrack for it.


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I wouldnt say he's at fault but he did provoke it.

he could have definately de-escalated it by letting the fighter know it was an accident. As if he didnt see the confrontation from a mile away when the guy started to get in his face before he put his glove on his head.

somewhere the big bossman is smiling :)

Thats maybe the best vid I have ever seen!!!!!!

That wasn't porn!