B Hop is a RACIST

"To compare the history of racism against black people with the history of racism against white people is ridiculous. If you think white guys have been discriminated against or oppressed to even one tenth of the degree that black people have, then you're an idiot."

Actually your an idiot.

Truthfully the statement does make me more interested
in the fight.

Shhh... you had me at 'hello'.

LoL, someone on here will be defending the comment.

Racism is racism.

And that dumbfuck asshole is clearly racist. I hope he gets the shit beaten out of him.

And, no, I won't buy that fight.

The double standards in this country on racial issues are astounding.


It's a war in there. At all times. Black Vs White. Mexicans are split in half, north alligning with blacks and south alligning with white (in CA at least).

I mean, that's your enemy and you have to be ready at all times man. It's hard to just get out and go talk to people. He's been out so long, though that you can't use it as an excuse at all, but it could of had an impact on him.

With all the blatant racist remarks spouted here against minorities and particularly blacks, what the fuck are you getting so up at arms about? shut the hell up.

"With all the blatant racist remarks spouted here against minorities and particularly blacks, what the fuck are you getting so up at arms about? shut the hell up."


for the record Calzaghe would embarrass Hopkins

and Hopkins was beat twice by Taylor, and who dethroned him again?

thats right Kelly Pavlik, a WHITE guy

this isnt to say Hopkins is not one of the best, because he is

that was just a very dumb thing to say

Don't get me wrong, Nicknitro. I'm with you on this one.

I'm just speaking from experiance.

Invincible, comments on a forum are one thing, but to get on TV and say shit like that should have reprecussions.

Should black people get a free bigot pass their whole life because some slackjaw slave owner whipped his great great great grand pa?

Ignorant asshole racist. So is anyone who defends him.

J Macc has given 50 lashes to the correct.

LoL @ Stagger.

Seriously, though. I've had to explain to some people that my family was Irish and Scottish immigrants, weren't even here when there were slaves, so you can't play that card with me.

Calzaghe would beat Hopkins in 8 rounds. No sweat. I respect Bernard.. in his prime he was a badass boxer, but this is fucking retarded and he's lost my respect.

Damn Carter administration.


dickhead thing to say.

"Invincible, comments on a forum are one thing, but to get on TV and say shit like that should have reprecussions."

Isn't T.V. just another forum?

No, it's not just another forum. It's something that our youth watches and is influenced by.