B Hop is a RACIST

Big deal, everyone is racist on these boards.

Are you racist?

^^^you're right about kids being influenced...i just don't understand the uproar here.

me, racist? no...some of my best friends are black. lol

J macc im not racist bro, but alot of people are white on these board and say racist shit all the time on here

I was asking Bz.

The uproar is that there is a double standard for these types of outbursts. If a white person said something similar, civil rights groups would be all over him and having him black listed in Vegas possibily the whole US.

Got it. So, you're just wondering why people get upset at this, and not when the white people say shit because the majority is white.

Now I understand.

kind of

Feel free to explain - I'm just curious if you think it's alright that Hopkins said that.

I'll tell you what I think, even though you already know. I just want to be clear. I disagree with racial statements like that in any medium just because it's ignorant and offensive. BUUUUUT, I don't remember anybody getting bent when Tommy Morrison made his comments about not liking black people and paraphrasing hitting them one good time and they aren't so tough. I don't remember any a word of protest.

That's all I'm saying.

Fair enough.

Man, Tommy had the best left hook I swear.

"In B-Hops defense at the weigh-ins the English fans were chanting he's a pussy over and over and then something about being a black man."

That brings more context to the situation. I saw the vid of Hopkins picking Hatton to win.

Alan Minter said that no black man would take his title, prior to getting beat by Marvin Hagler. I don't know if anyone made a big deal about his comments.

He's selling ppvs. A bunch of enraged white people (like me LOL) are going to tune into the fight now. I don't think he's necessarily racist. He loves money.

America has a big problem with racist black people.

hes hyping the fight... he knows how to put asses into seats

this is NOTHING compared to the buildup vs trinidad

Who cares what ODLH said as a young kid? The point is, he grew up. B Hop is a middle aged racist.

There's certainly a double standard here. If Joe Calzaghe said he's beat Hopkins like he owned him then there would be an uproar. Then again people don't think too much of fighters so they'll give them some leeway as these guys may be seen as ignorant or uneducated.

but everyone makes a big deal out of the matter and that's the real problem.

I still remember double-taking when I heard Hector Camacho say that Mike Tyson needed to stop acting like "a nigger." That was right on the fence of tolerability, I guess, and Hector didn't get in as much trouble as I thought he would.

Who cares, really? Calzaghe should be a 2 or 3-1 favorite to beat Hopkins, especially with all the UK money that would come in. Hops is old and a clock-killer. Joe would outwork him and frustrate the hell out of him.

There really isn't a defence to that statement.. You can whinge about the plight of minority groups till people are nauseated, but that is racism, and should be called as such. We all know what would happen if the races were reversed with such a comment from a prominent sportsperson.