B Hop is a RACIST

What society have you been living in? It's well established that black people can make any racial comments they choose towards white people no matter how bad-- and can then hammer whites for even the slightest offense.

That said, he's right about Kessler. He's not in Hopkins' league, and neither is Calzaghe.

just like Hopkins grabbing the PR flag in '01. What a classless old man. I hope JC beats his ass. I thought B-Hop promised his dying momma he'd quit when he was 40. I guess he's all talk after all. WAR WALES!

 Hating people that you precieve to hate you is not racism. Let's not forget that Hopkins deals with the racist media all day.  They would love nothing more for some white boy to beat all the black champions so they can act like he's the greatest ever.  Jason Williams of the Sac Kings had the best selling jersey in the NBA for three fricken years back when he was "white chocolate". Eminem was lauded as the best rapper alive (not without merit) and he'll tell you himself how much attention he got because he's white.

Joe Lewis and Ali dealt with the pressure of being black boxers and just 10 years ago blacks couldn't play quarterback in the NFL (unwritten rule). 

I'm not saying Hopkins is right but from his POV he may very well be justified... especially if he's hearing some all white crowd dis him and prop up a white guy.

"Joe Lewis and Ali dealt with the pressure of being black boxers and just 10 years ago blacks couldn't play quarterback in the NFL"

Did they make any ridiculous tirades like that?

"Did they make any ridiculous tirades like that? "


Ali did.  Lewis wouldn't even eat watermelon or chicken in public.

Jason Williams was especially popular with inner city black kids, who thought it was a novelty that a white kid (I conder "white boy" to be equivalent to calling a black guy "boy")played a flashy style like them.

Prison can affect you, and therefore we all give Dog a pass, right?

Joe Louis, IMO.

"To compare the history of racism in America against black people with the history of racism against white people is ridiculous. If you think white guys have been discriminated against or oppressed to even one tenth of the degree that black people have, then you're an idiot."

I'm Jewish, our history is 10 times worse then that of the blacks. Does that make it ok for me to be a racist? No, of course not, because Jews have white skin.

"I'm Jewish, our history is 10 times worse then that of the blacks."

big deal... im a left handed native american lesbian in a wheelchair so no one has the right to say anything to me!

Yes Im sure Bernard with all his money is still locked against his will in a mentality of prison life.

I know this may have been said already, but I really did not want to read through the entire thread.

But on the first page somone had said that white people have not had one tenth of the racism against them as blacks have in the last 100 years. What color do you think Jews are? Just wondering because I am pretty sure there considered caucasian, and since the thirties there has been alot of prejudice directed towards them over the years.

Regardless Bhop is a piece of junk for saying somthing like that.

I got an idea, why doesn't somebody print Dept. of Justice stats on Black on White crime. If we're gonna get into the tit-for-tat game, let's get into it....


"Hating people that you precieve to hate you is not racism."

So if i perceive that coloured people hate whites - egged on by, i dunno, things like B-Hops comments - then i'm totally justified if i start calling people black pieces of shit, yellow monkeys, wogs, etc?

No, but you can say: "No black person is going to beat me at curling."

he is trying to hype the fight

SEE: holmes v. cooney

and also see the great white hype, but this white guy can fight!

what pisses me off is the double standard. if joe said "i would never let a N****R beat me ass." Al Sharpton et al. would down hooting and hollering.

LOL at the idea of white people trying to claim Jews as white after thousands of years of denial.


"So if i perceive that coloured people hate whites - egged on by, i dunno, things like B-Hops comments - then i'm totally justified if i start calling people black pieces of shit, yellow monkeys, wogs, etc? "


Racial slurs aren't justifed ever.  But if you want to think that all black people hate white people because of one black guy's comments then that's on you.  Furthermore, if you want to ignore that this Black guy might hate white people for specific things that happened to him (i.e. Prison, media etc.) then more power to you. No one said ignorance wasn't bliss.


"And the black guy never endured the "history of racism." As a matter of fact the black guy has had plenty of entitlements as well as some racism, though probably very little racism from whites in this day and age. "

LOL.  I love it when people act like racism stopped when slavery ended.  I went to several all white schools in suburban Minnesota and I can tell you racism is alive and well.  That's not to say anything of the southern states.

At this point it's so baked into our society that I'm not surprised some people think it doesn't exist.  No one even questions some -isms anymore.  Why does the University of Miami have a team full of black players yet the QB is always white?  Why are secrataries nearly always women?