Barnett: 'Strikeforce has a better heavyweight div

Brock75thRanger - Fedors biggest wins were Crocop and Nog

Mir beat both those guys in much more dominating fashion,Mir isnt considered top 5 in the ufc hw,maybe 5th if he is

Yes i expect the typical Nog and Crocop walked through a post prime time warp the minute they entered the ufc

fact is Brock,Crocop,Nog,and Fedor are all within 2 years of each other in age.Funny how that post prime thing seems to coincidentally happen when the 3 pride guys leave japan,like they old got old on the same day or sumthin

Oh man. More of your typical newer-fan perspective (or rather, lack of perspective). But it really is amusing to see the newer fans generally fall for, and collectively, eagerly cling to the notion that fight age does not exist, that declines don't sometimes happen quite precipitously in combat sports (especially after YEARS of accumulated wear-and-tear) - and thus that the fighters whose primes they actually missed out on as they happened, are still the same today as they were back then. (And it's just that the new generation of fighters - i.e., the only ones you have actually been familiar with - is just sooo much better than them now.)


The bottom-line fact is that Mir beat Nog and Cro Cop 4-5 years after Fedor had already done so - which is an eternity in MMA, where even just one year alone can already be enough for a fighter to suddenly pass well out of his prime (just see Chuck, whose trajectory and abrupt decline were actually almost parallel with Cro Cop's).

(And btw, truly LOL @ claiming that Mir beat Cro Cop in "much more dominating fashion" than Fedor did - unless by "dominating fashion," you mean doing NOTHING even against a passive and gunshy Cro Cop for the majority of the fight, before finally doing something and catching him with a knee at the end, after 2 full rounds of mind-numbing ineffectiveness. The final moment was decisive - but overall, Mir hardly outfought Cro Cop in "much more dominating fashion" at all.)

It's true though that Cro Cop and Nog were not considered to be already past their primes when they first entered the UFC - especially Cro Cop, who was actually coming in on a high, and definitely perceived to be still at his peak (and was in fact universally considered the #2 or #3 HW in MMA at the time, along with Nog).

But by the time they faced Mir?

Nog was still considered a top HW, and Mir's win over Nog was big. But after his preceding performances against Herring and Sylvia - even though he still beat both of them decisively - given how he had looked (i.e., the one bad moment against Herring, and the first two rounds against Sylvia), there were already definitely whispers that Nog might be physically past his prime by the time of the Mir fight.

(And btw, Herring was a guy that Nog had already twice beaten more impressively, with even less trouble, years earlier, when Herring was still a top HW - and according to Herring himself, when Herring had still been training more seriously for MMA as well [where Herring himself claimed going into the Brock fight that he hadn't really trained seriously in years]. So the version of Nog in 2007 had more trouble beating a past-prime version of Herring than he had, 3 and 6 years earlier against the prime version.)

And Cro Cop? Cro Cop was not even close to what he once was, by any standard of measure.

By the time Cro Cop faced Mir - again, 5 years after Fedor had already beaten him - it was a virtually universal and established conclusion that Cro Cop was well past his prime, and had substantially deteriorated BOTH physically and mentally (where Cro Cop seemed like he couldn't even pull the trigger any more, and would rather just try to lamely push away instead of even punch). Cro Cop had not looked good in YEARS - even in his wins, even against opponents like Al Turk and Anthony Perosh - and was far, far less than the physically dominant force he once was (with no snap and explosiveness any more), and psychologically broken-down as well (with no more killer instinct and unwilling to even engage any more).

Actually, just look at how Nog and Cro Cop have looked even in their WINS - and even against LOWER-level competition in the last few years (e.g., past-prime Herring, Al Turk, Perosh) than what they had previously dominated more easily and impressively, years earlier. Just looking at their performances themselves, they are so conspicuously slower and duller-reflexed than what they used to be.

You (and the other conclusory newer fans) should really go back and actually watch Nog's and Cro Cop's fights from earlier in the decade - especially from around the time they faced Fedor - when they were both still on dominant streaks going into the Fedor fight, AND were still dominant forces after their Fedor fights as well.

Even without considering the accumulated damage, the numerous injuries and surgeries they have been through in the 4-5 years since then - from just watching their performances alone (again, even against LOWER level of competition, even in their wins) - I don't think any reasonably knowledgeable or long-term observer would conclude that Nog and especially Cro Cop were still at the same physically-prime level that they were several years earlier, when they faced Fedor.

Mir had taken a few nasty beatings before he faced Cro Cop and Nog.

Does that make a difference?

It's amazing how Tim Sylvia was given abuse and called "past it" by the anti-Fedor brigade after he got completely embarrassed by Fedor. Yet Nog/Crocop (who have both done a LOT more fighting than Sylvia) are still the same as they were in Pride days in these peoples eyes. Deluded. Phone Post

Pandanus - The UFC has an advantage that is has more mid-tier heavies like Kongo, Gonzaga, Russow, Al-Turks, Rothwells etc. to build up their stars.

Exactly. The UFC has superior top-20-level depth, beyond just their six top-10 guys (Brock, Cain, Dos Santos, Carwin, Mir, and Nog), with more additional guys outside the top 10 like Gonzaga, Kongo, Nelson, etc. - while Strikeforce has 5 of the clear-cut top 11 at HW (Werdum, Fedor, Alistair, Antonio Silva, and Barnett), but less depth beyond their top 5.

(Btw, WTF is up with the self-contradicting idiots who try to exclude Barnett from being a top HW because he hasn't beaten any top HW's in recent years - but then at the same time, try to somehow include Roy Nelson when, unlike Barnett, Nelson has NEVER beaten a single top HW in his career. So by the same standard - who has Nelson beaten?

Nelson's best official win ever is Struve - and even being generous and counting the controversial decisions that very arguably should have gone his way, Nelson's best de-facto wins ever are then Monson and Rothwell - and Barnett has beaten the same level of competition in the last couple of years as Nelson has [Monson as well, a Rizzo who had just beaten Monson, and Yvel], PLUS better opponents over his entire career, PLUS, unlike Nelson, is still on a win streak.)

There is easily a definitive top-11 at HW right now, clearly ahead of everyone else - Brock, Werdum, Fedor, Cain, Dos Santos, Carwin, Mir, Nog, Alistair, Antonio Silva, and Barnett. That's it. No one else in the HW division is even reasonably ahead of those guys right now, by any standard of measure.

The UFC has 6 of the top 11, Strikeforce has the other 5 - and those top-5 or 6 guys are of very comparable (and debatable) levels to each other right now. But the UFC has more of the top 20 and beyond than Strikeforce does, which is what gives the UFC's division the distinct advantage with superior depth beyond that top 11.

Wales1 - Thanks for ignoring the main points in my THREE responses to your questions. Ok Chuck didn't get KTFO. He was simply beaten so badly that his corner threw in the towel. And would have been KTFO given a little more time. Like that really changes anything in my responses. But way to cling to your only piss weak defence of my statements. Phone Post

rockwell - Wales1 - Thanks for ignoring the main points in my THREE responses to your questions. Ok Chuck didn't get KTFO. He was simply beaten so badly that his corner threw in the towel. And would have been KTFO given a little more time. Like that really changes anything in my responses. But way to cling to your only piss weak defence of my statements. Phone Post

What points were they?

That UFC fighters can only fight for the UFC?

The UFC did that we PRIDE and PRIDE burnt them.

Is Brock or Carwin going to make the big bucks fighting for DREAM? DREAM has failed to pay it's fighters.

Fedor, Overeem and Barnett are NOT fighting each other, when was the last time they faced a top fighter?

Fedor is not under the control of the UFC, just M1.....

And you are wrong.

If Brock beats Cain and JDS then that is the greatest run any HW or MMA fighter has ever been on.

nobones - 

You're an idiot. Why do you think I put different categories and titles before each list? And why do you think in the post right after that I did put a top 20 list with only 20 fighters on the list regardless of promotion. The first two lists were a UFC vs. SF comparison of HWs moron.

You could have up to 40 fighters that could claim to be in a top 20 list idiot. That would be 20 from each promotion if both promotions are truly stacked. Now which ones actually make the list is subjective, and doesn't mean a guy that doesn't make my list couldn't make your list as long as you can make a strong case. The two lists were lists of fighters that one COULD MAKE AN ARGUMENT FOR BEING ON A TOP TWENTY LIST. THAT NUMBER CAN AND SHOULD BE GREATER THAN 20 FIGHTERS. Man what a fool.
Wrong. The key word you are now missing out to highlight your dicktuck is LEGIT.

40 fighters can CLAIM to be top 20 but only 20 can be LEGIT.

And listen to all your little chat "idiot this, idiot that" and you PMing me separate from this thread like I give a fuck about what some UFC shill has to say.


WALES1 - And you are wrong.

If Brock beats Cain and JDS then that is the greatest run any HW or MMA fighter has ever been on.

 LOLWUT? Better than Fedors TWENTY SEVEN.....that's TWENTY in 27......fight win streak.

Man you are crazy.


rockwell - 
WALES1 - And you are wrong.

If Brock beats Cain and JDS then that is the greatest run any HW or MMA fighter has ever been on.

 LOLWUT? Better than Fedors TWENTY SEVEN.....that's TWENTY in 27......fight win streak.

Man you are crazy.

Take away the cans and the freak shows and then you get the correct number......

Fedor beat legit HWs, but he did it between fighting cans and freak.

Brock is beaten them in a row, he is not taking a fight with the likes of Zulu, Matt Lindland, Brett Rogers and Mark Hunt.

UFC has a lot of mid level HW's, but the mid level guys in SF are as good if not better, AA KO'd both Nelson and Rothwell, guys like Sergei are much more talented than those mid level guys, Rogers can hang with them also

Biggest issue is those guys in the UFC are fighting a bunch more, Cormier and SDR will be getting to fight those guys and prove themselves soon, if they pick up Herman and Duffee they will really be in bussiness, they just need to put more shows on

Lesnar's streak:

4 Fights including

Herring (part time, not training right for years and waaaay outside top 10),

Couture (14 years and 60+lbs),

Mir (Meh some like him I think he's shite),

Carwin (who tooled him until he gassed)

Fedor's streak:

27 fights (could be more but for a tournament when he got a cut from an illegal elbow)

Herring (young, prime and highly rated at the time)

Big Nog (Top 3 at the time)

CroCop (Top 3 at the time)

Arlovski (Top 3 at the time)

Sylvia (Top 5 at the time)

Hoffman (Not sure where he ranked at the time but with wins over Herring, Overeem and Ricco Rodriguez)

Rogers (Top 10 at the time)


Randleman (who couldn't even stop him by dropping him on his head)

Schilt (K1 top dog)

Coleman (Legend)

and that is without any "cans" as you call them.

Fedor beat all these guys in a row. A bit long row that was unbroken until earlier this year.


WALES1 - And you are wrong.

If Brock beats Cain and JDS then that is the greatest run any HW or MMA fighter has ever been on.

WTF. Holy newer-fan-like exaggeration.

Brock would actually have arguably the greatest 3 to 5-fight stretch ever - but not even reasonably "the greatest run any HW or MMA fighter has ever been on." WTF.

Fedor went on a 27-fight run for over 9 years where - even with the unworthy opponents interspersed in there, and even discounting those filler wins - he still beat more top opponents in a row without losing for longer than anyone else, in any weight class, in MMA history to this point. That is just a quantifiable fact.

And even if Brock does win his next 2 fights - Fedor would STILL have beaten more top opponents at the time, during his run, than Brock will have done in his. (Where as of now, Fedor actually has more than 3 times the top-10 wins and double the top-5 wins that Brock has so far. And as of now, Brock's 5th best win is still Min Soo Kim - while Fedor's is probably Sylvia or Herring, who were both easily top-5 HW's at the time.)

Anderson Silva is also still on a 13-fight run (or 15-fight, not including the DQ "loss" to Okami) - where Anderson would STILL have beaten more top fighters total than Brock will have in his.

Yes, Fedor and Anderson - and virtually all of the more established all-time-greats - have never gone on a single 5-fight stretch like Brock would then have (for example, Fedor and Anderson have never beaten 4 straight legit top-10 opponents in 4 straight fights) - but they still will have beaten more top opponents OVERALL during their runs than Brock. And thus their runs overall - their whole reigns and streaks of dominance - would still remain greater than Brock's in both total quality and quantity, by every substantive standard of measure for all-time "greatness."

Same goes for GSP, Hughes, Wanderlei, Chuck, etc. - even though it is very arguable that they never had a segment of 5 straight fights where they beat such formidable monsters in their division as Brock will have done (especially with the last 3 in Carwin, Cain, and Dos Santos, which would form the main strength of the run).

But holy premature hyperbole @ declaring that Brock's 5-fight streak would then be not just the greatest 5-fight stretch ever (which, again, would actually have a very strong argument), but even "the greatest run ANY HW or MMA fighter has EVER been on." You are really starting to sound like a wide-eyed exaggerating, newly infatuated fan with all this Brock would already have "the greatest run EVER" talk - with a very limited perspective on "ever" in the first place.

Coleman is a legend.

But Randy is 14 years and 60+lbs?

Mir is shit, but you rate Hoffman, Schilt, Babalu, Randleman and Rogers who have done fuck all in MMA compared to Mir.

whistleblower - 
WALES1 - And you are wrong.

If Brock beats Cain and JDS then that is the greatest run any HW or MMA fighter has ever been on.

WTF. Holy newer-fan-like exaggeration.

Brock would actually have arguably the greatest 3 to 5-fight stretch ever - but not even reasonably "the greatest run any HW or MMA fighter has ever been on." WTF.

Fedor went on a 27-fight run for over 9 years where - even with the unworthy opponents interspersed in there, and even discounting those filler wins - he still beat more top opponents in a row without losing for longer than anyone else, in any weight class, in MMA history to this point. That is just a quantifiable fact.

And even if Brock does win his next 2 fights - Fedor would STILL have beaten more top opponents at the time, during his run, than Brock will have done in his. (Where as of now, Fedor actually has more than 3 times the top-10 wins and double the top-5 wins that Brock has so far. And as of now, Brock's 5th best win is still Min Soo Kim - while Fedor's is probably Sylvia or Herring, who were both easily top-5 HW's at the time.)

Anderson Silva is also still on a 13-fight run (or 15-fight, not including the DQ "loss" to Okami) - where Anderson would STILL have beaten more top fighters total than Brock will have in his.

Yes, Fedor and Anderson - and virtually all of the more established all-time-greats - have never gone on a single 5-fight stretch like Brock would then have (for example, Fedor and Anderson have never beaten 4 straight legit top-10 opponents in 4 straight fights) - but they still will have beaten more top opponents OVERALL during their runs than Brock. And thus their runs overall - their whole reigns and streaks of dominance - would still remain greater than Brock's in both total quality and quantity, by every substantive standard of measure for all-time "greatness."

Same goes for GSP, Hughes, Wanderlei, Chuck, etc. - even though it is very arguable that they never had a segment of 5 straight fights where they beat such formidable monsters in their division as Brock will have done (especially with the last 3 in Carwin, Cain, and Dos Santos, which would form the main strength of the run).

But holy premature hyperbole @ declaring that Brock's 5-fight streak would then be not just the greatest 5-fight stretch ever (which, again, would actually have a very strong argument), but even "the greatest run ANY HW or MMA fighter has EVER been on." You are really starting to sound like a wide-eyed exaggerating, newly infatuated fan with all this Brock would already have "the greatest run EVER" talk - with a very limited perspective on "ever" in the first place.

Christ, it's the "MMA history expert".......

I meant to say that if Brock beats Cain and JDS then it could be the greatest 5 fight run in the history of MMA.


Which HW division was more stacked:

Fedor's 2005 era or Brock's today?

nobones - Roy has beaten top 20 guys recently and gone on a streak in the UFC which is going to up your profile substantially as much as Barnett's ranking was upped for beating freaking Gilbert Yvel and Pedro Rizzo.

No, he hasn't. Nelson's best win ever is Struve, and Struve was not top-20. Not on any credible ranking that even goes to 20, btw.

(For example, by USAToday's consensus rankings - guys like Fedor, Brock, Mir, Nog, Dos Santos, Cain, Carwin, Barnett, Werdum, Alistair, Rogers, Arlovski, Gonzaga, Antonio Silva, Kongo, Sylvia, Rizzo, Monson, Rothwell, Yvel, and Nelson himself were all ahead of Struve, who was actually not even included in the top 25. Nor was he on Fightmatrix's rankings as well, where he was #32. There were at least 20 guys who were reasonably - and unanimously - ahead of Struve.

Otherwise, please find us a single credible top-20 ranking with Struve in it. Go ahead. If you are going to even reply - please, necessarily, include this in your post.)

Struve was reasonably top-30 - not top-20. And yet Struve is the only one who was even top-30, or even remotely close to top-20-level, that Nelson has ever officially beaten.

But again, let's be generous and even include the controversial decisions that arguably should have gone Nelson's way as unofficial wins for him - in which case, his best de-facto wins ever (and not just recently) would be Monson (whom Barnett had also just beaten, btw, more clearly) and, going back further, Rothwell.

So in the last 3 years for Roy Nelson:

Wins over Struve, Brendan Schaub, Brad Imes, Fabiano Scherner, and Antoine Jaoude. (And an unofficial win over Monson. And let's even go back further and still count Rothwell as well.)

Losses to Arlovski, JDS, and Monson.

In the last 3 years for Barnett:

Wins over Rizzo (who had just beaten Monson), Monson, Yvel, Mighty Mo, Yoshida, and Geronimo dos Santos. No losses.

The only way Nelson's wins are even comparable to Barnett's, even in just the last few years alone (and it's not really even close if you go back further and compare their whole careers), is by including Nelson's controversial decision losses to Monson and Rothwell as de-facto wins - and even then, Nelson still has never beaten anyone even as good as the past-prime Rizzo who had stopped Monson, whom Barnett then beat.

By the SAME standard of measure by which to try to exclude Barnett as a top HW - you only exclude Nelson even more. (And seriously, just WTF @ even arguing that Nelson is somehow top-10 by any standard of measure, based on his wins OR "demonstrated skills" - when by those same bases, Barnett should be above him anyway, as Barnett has had better wins overall, similar or even slightly better wins even in recent years, and would be favored to straight-up beat Roy Nelson as well.)
nobones - By your logic who has Overeem beaten at HW to deserve the ranking he has now? Brett Rogers? Yoshida? The NC against Cro Cop two years ago?

Brett Rogers alone is a better win than Roy Nelson has ever had. Alistair's win streak is better than any streak Roy Nelson has ever had. And even based on wins - as well as especially on "demonstrated skill and potential" of course - there aren't 10 HW's right now who are reasonably ahead of Alistair, by any standard of measure.
nobones - And Nelson at least fought JDS and took it to a decision and beat Struve and won TUF to make an argument for being considered a top 10 fighter

nobones - The much more difficult argument is to place Barnett even in a top 20 list at this stage.

You are a joke that is not even worth laughing at.

No, I said how can you rank Babalu - who didn't have an impact at HW - over Mir.

role model - Werdum beats overrated past prime cam-crushing Fedor and now he's a matchup for Lesnar/Cain/Carwin/JDS? Oh wait he already got destroyed by JDS- must of been dumb luck. Overeem and maybe Barnett are the only ones who stand a chance in hell against the UFCs top four. Forget Bigfoot/Werdum/Arlovski - they would lose to UFC middle tier heavyweights like Nelson, Mir, Gonzaga etc. Werdum is hugely overrated after beating another hugely overrated can crusher. Phone Post

This post is a perfect example as to why it's so difficult to take new fans seriously.

If you're going to make statements and act like you know what you're talking about, at least look at fight finder first

WALES1 - Question.

Which HW division was more stacked:

Fedor's 2005 era or Brock's today?

Honestly, it ultimately depends on whether Cain, Dos Santos, and Carwin actually pan out as the monsters-in-waiting they appear to be. These are the guys who are going to define the state of "Brock's [HW division] today," and if this new era really is that much better than the previous one.

Brock is the only one so far who has more than two top wins with 3 (Randy, Mir, Carwin) - and he's easily the most proven new monster at this point (although Brock certainly showed weakness in his last fight, and raised major questions about how he might respond to getting hit). Dos Santos has looked like a juggernaut, but his ground has yet to be tested since becoming a top HW (which also speaks to his credit, though, since he has been able to avoid being taken and kept down), and he was submitted by a journeyman just before entering the UFC. Carwin needs to show that he can even make it out of the first round without utterly collapsing first.

I really believe that the superior depth of the HW division today is being generally overstated (especially by the newer fans who generally tend to naturally exaggerate the current, as it's the only frame of reference they ever really knew) - but if those big 4 at the top (along with the new and improved Ubereem in Strikeforce), do go on to prove that they really are the monsters they are cracked up to be, then this new generation will clearly be more "stacked" than the HW division has ever been, than the one that Fedor dominated and reigned over. (But as of now, imo, I'm honestly not convinced so far that they would beat the prime versions of Fedor, Nog, Cro Cop, Barnett, etc., who came before - and beyond those big 4 or 5 monsters, I really don't think guys like Mir, deteriorated Nog, Kongo, Gonzaga, and Nelson are indicative of a more "stacked" HW division.)

(And btw, WTF is up with this standard new-generation revisionism that "Fedor's era" was only 2005? Fedor destroyed Sylvia when he was still easily considered one of the top-5 HW's in 2008, and Arlovski when he was still UNIVERSALLY considered one of the top-5 HW's going into 2009 - where the only others even up there with Arlovski at that point were Barnett, Mir, and Brock.

The "new era" of HW's, the upcoming crop wasn't even established until around 2009-2010 - where Brock's first big win over Randy was at the end of 2008 [after having been submitted earlier that same year], and Carwin and Cain hadn't even beaten their first remotely A-level opponents yet until 2009, and were not even established contenders yet. If anything, "Fedor's era" was from 2003 to 2009 at least.)
WALES1 - I meant to say that if Brock beats Cain and JDS then it could be the greatest 5 fight run in the history of MMA.

LOL. Oh that's what you meant to say. Next time, you should just actually say that then (instead of only "meaning to," but then actually ending up saying something vastly different and wider in scope).
WALES1 - If Brock beats Cain and JDS then that is the greatest run any HW or MMA fighter has EVER been on.

WALES1 - I meant to say that if Brock beats Cain and JDS then it could be the greatest 5 fight run in the history of MMA.