Bec Hyatt talks domestic violence. (sad)

Bendos Toothpick - Just awful

Tom Lawlor vs Dan Hyatt needs to happen. Dan needs to get smashed. Phone Post 3.0

I thought this too.

UG mob needs to make Dan hate life from this point forward.

Nuevo Haole - 

lmfao @ that dude 'waiting patiently' while a woman was being severly physically abused

thanks for your support of her bro...


Don't mean to criticize you, but the reality is that if you intervene, the woman most likely goes back to the abuser on her own choice. Or, in other cases, the man goes back to the woman who is abusing him.


Just finally got round to watching her invicta fight last time around .. Such a bad ass especially within that last round ... Nothing but love for her and wish her all the best!!! Phone Post 3.0

Damn, very tough to read.  Props to Bec for coming forward and, most importantly, persevering in the face of such madness.

Story gave me chills. Poor girl. Phone Post 3.0

Sweet Daddy Bear - No disrespect intended, but has anyone heard his side of the story?

Hate to get out the pitchforks if this is not an accurate portrayal. Sadly, there are just as many false accusations of domestic abuse as there are legitimate ones, and I don't want to stand in judgement of someone who's not gotten to defend themselves.

If I've missed something, I apologize. I really am not trying to be disrespectful to Bec or accuse of of making a false claim by any means. I just need to hear both sides before going all NoJusticeForTrayvon with her.

Is that a real statistic from somewhere, that there are just as many false accusations as real ones? Phone Post

How does one make love to Bec Hyatt then beat her ass? Mind bottling. Phone Post

This breaks my heart. Keep doing exactly what ur doing Bec. Everything happens for a reason, and ur a positive role model for so many now. Phone Post 3.0

sad,i hope she has some sort file on record with the police.

If the kids saw this abuse 1st hand they will be damaged psychologically. Hopefully they all get the help they deserve and can move on to greener pastures. Someone stated that this is "Unforgivable." The 1st step to healing from an abuser IS forgiveness. If we don't forgive we stay stuck. Forgiving is not saying its ok. Forgiving is letting go of the hope that the past could be any different. So many people use the phrase "I'll never forgive that person for X" but by not being able to forgive, you only hurt yourself and stunt your own growth.

There is a reason why she gets into abusive relationships. What that reason is we don't know but a good therapist will be able to find the answer. Moving on without identifying the problem and working on it can lead to a whole host of other issues down the road. 1 doesn't escape abuse without damage. That damage needs to be dealt with.

Jack Brown -
Sweet Daddy Bear - No disrespect intended, but has anyone heard his side of the story?

Hate to get out the pitchforks if this is not an accurate portrayal. Sadly, there are just as many false accusations of domestic abuse as there are legitimate ones, and I don't want to stand in judgement of someone who's not gotten to defend themselves.

If I've missed something, I apologize. I really am not trying to be disrespectful to Bec or accuse of of making a false claim by any means. I just need to hear both sides before going all NoJusticeForTrayvon with her.

Is that a real statistic from somewhere, that there are just as many false accusations as real ones? Phone Post

It's not an accurate statistic, no. While false claims do happen, they're not as common as people believe.

In the UK over a period of 17 months in 2011, there were 111,891 prosecutions for domestic violence, compared to 35 prosecutions for making false accusations. Phone Post 3.0

i remember a few months back bec asked me on FB to like dan's page to show support. shortly after i guess is when things started to fall apart and he started posting all sorts of crazy shit on his page about bec and about killing himself. i immediatly unliked his page because it was obvious this dude had serious issues. much respect for you bec for pulling through. you are a warrior

Brian J DSouza - 
Nuevo Haole - 

lmfao @ that dude 'waiting patiently' while a woman was being severly physically abused

thanks for your support of her bro...


Don't mean to criticize you, but the reality is that if you intervene, the woman most likely goes back to the abuser on her own choice. Or, in other cases, the man goes back to the woman who is abusing him.


It's even worse than that. Women who grow up in abuse house holds, father being alcoholic and abuse/violent, will consistently find men in her adult life who are drunk and violent. Men grow up to play the role of the abuser. We're ruthlessly wired to reproduce things we experience growing up.

Which is why she needs to take very special care with her traumatized children, ideally working with a competent psychologist, to do everything she can to see them grow up well.

If you read this, Bec, wish you nothing but the best, hope to see you back on a winning streak as well.

pegson123 - To Mitch's defence he was still very young Phone Post

That is an extremely odd position to take. Phone Post

BTW the UG Blog should sticky this thread.

Mitch at 16 I think he did a good job of moving the children out of the firing line. Phone Post

Yeah a therapist would be good for the family if they don't already have one. The kids need to talk about it, maybe even with other kids that experienced the same situation.

It remarkable what you can hold inside without knowing.

Bec, you know we all love you here. You are part of a community that wants nothing but the best for you (besides the trolls).

Good luck in your journey, and may you continue to heal and move forward. Thanks for sharing your story.

That's so fucking disgusting

What a piece of shit. Sad insecure power monger. Phone Post 3.0

MMArijuana - 

Change last name. Phone Post