Being Super tough white American just not enough anymore

Apparently “white American” is now a race also. This place gets stranger by the day.


Anderson Silva is not black….

That’s what we have weight classes for. I don’t think a badass like Otarsultanov is going go be able to do anything to somebody like Sadulaev. It wouldn’t matter what color skin athletes from Dagestan had. They could be polka dot for all I care, they would still be badass.

If the government of India placed athletics as a priority and created a mechanism like the Soviets had with sports, India would be right up there. China is doing it and had a late start. India has a fabulous tradition of wrestling but only in the last 10 or so years has the government put any money behind it.

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Look at India’s Olympic medal count

The only sport they care about is cricket.

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You aren’t wrong. But they have had a few very good wrestlers competing. Sushil Kumar was a world champion and Olympic medalist. The guy now at 65kg, Bahjarang, I’ll never get that right, he’s a threat to anybody. They definitely have talent but the government doesn’t put a lot into Olympic sports and cares more about cricket and other sports. But India definitely has a culture that is geared towards combat sports, its mainly the government doesn’t care enough.

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India is a bunch of slumdogs, Jabar at the liquore store will never be a good athlete. Yeah China is midgetmen with babydicks but they invented samurais and karate and all that. They got potential, hell China woman even can do good in porn aint no one wants to see an indian getting boned.

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Lorded over by a government that does its best to protect and preserve the mystic of kung-fu and TMAs.

agreed - Even though every generation says the previous is Soft. This Gen Z group is quite pussified and mentally soft so i agree with you and it won’t get better. Hopefully Gene editting will make Americans stronger!!
But every time I see the Dag Wrestlers, I see a very tough group of people. Scary

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Even though India officially did away with their caste system, it still unofficially exists. The Indians you see here in the states are mostly upper class or highly intelligent who came here as students. Where I live there are a lot of Indian, Chinese and Arab students. The Indians take their schooling very seriously. I used to roll occasionally with an Indian guy who was a CS masters student, he was really small, like 115 lbs, but he was tough and a real pain in the ass. He told me that a lot of guys who might be good wrestlers or fighters live in poor rural parts of India and there aren’t many gyms that teach grappling or wrestling unless a famous wrestler runs one or you’re in a major city where there might be one. It’s a family thing too I guess, if somebody’s father was a wrestler, they usually take to it that way. There’s a famous Indian movie about a wrestler who didn’t have a son, but had daughters and got them into wrestling where they did quite well. It’s called Dangal. India also has a big culture of strength and weightlifting but its mostly in rural areas. The guys who might be good at this just aren’t near places where they would get recognized or coached up or trained. That’s why the Soviet system worked, they’d find those guys and do that.

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The difference with the US wrestlers and Dagestanis/Chechens is that this is their life. They’re brought up with the mentality if they don’t win they might not eat. This is how they make a living. There’s very few wrestlers who make a living just wrestling. Most top wrestlers are assistant coaches or something. USA wrestling pays guys what Dana White wishes he could pay fighters. And they only pay the top 3 per weight. So when you see guys like Cejudo or Cael Sanderson who win a gold and bounce, but you see a Chechen hang around to win multiple world and Olympic titles, that’s why. Cejudo made so much more from endorsements and MMA than he ever could have dreamed if he kept wrestling. Sanderson got a multimillion dollar contract to coach at Penn State. The guys who do hang on like Burroughs, Taylor and Dake are true lifers.

India will never be a true world power due to massive corruption, incompetence and general malaise.

Look at the 2008 Beijing Olympics and compare them to the 2010 Delhi Commonwealth Games (basically the Olympics-Lite) .

The Beijing Olympics were hugely successful and a coming-out party for China to flex on the world stage. The Delhi Commonwealth Games were a complete fiasco, with at least 70 workers being killed during construction and the athlete accommodation blocks being unlivable.


The Times of India newspaper reports that the Scottish delegation apparently submitted a photograph of a dog defecating on a bed in the games village.Hooper said that there was “excrement in places it shouldn’t be” in the athletes’ quarters and that members of visiting delegations had to help clean up the unsanitary things.The BBC released images of bathrooms with brown-coloured paan stains on the walls and floor, liquids on the floor, and brown paw prints on athletes’ beds. Lalit Bhanot, the secretary general of the Organising Committee, rejected the complaint that sanitation was poor by saying that, due to cultural differences, there are different standards about cleanliness in India and the western world, a statement for which he was widely ridiculed in Indian and international media.


lol those slumdogs can never get their shit together. imagine all the diseases and bacteria on a wrestling matt in india.


The disrespect to Aljo stymies me as well Mr. Dorf… Janet Jackson couldnt 'andle Aljos ryddim when they next meet. Hardwork, fairplay, celebrating with family, and being a rolemodle is exactly how this shits going down again! God Bless the USA!

Not enough fucking Kenshield in all of Kenya…

Lol at you getting beat up by a 115lbs Indian guy.


Hit the nail on the head. Same in other countries that have a tough breed of people but no efficient government or administration. I was in Nepal a few years ago and got for meet their national wrestling team coaches. They said most of their wrestlers were from the main cities, and the guy they sent to the world championships this year got embarrassed badly. If they recruited tough people from Mustang, where a lot of Nepali soldiers come from, or Sherpas, they’d have something. But comparing people from the city there to people from the remote high mountains who work physically all day is like comparing apples and oranges. It’d be like if India recruited Ghurkas and Sikhs to wrestle and box.

lol he better get a new screename cause he can never show his face around here again.

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I just said he was pretty tough and squirmy. I don’t think he ever came close to beating me. Nice enough guy but too small to really do much to me. He did catch some guys who weren’t as well versed on the mat occasionally. Or some people who underestimated his skill.