Belt thickness??

Trying to find the company that makes the heavyest or thickest belt.

i dont know abot heaviest but the OTM belts are pretty thick and heavy.

i would assume hck since they make the heaviest thickest gis.

Baroquen Record - i would assume hck since they make the heaviest thickest gis.

Strangely enough HCK belts are really thin (which I happen to like). Gameness, Keiko, and Vulkan are thick.

LOL when i posted that i thought... "watch howards are the thinnest" i havent seen any so i have no clue.

another vote for OTM they thick

just out of curiosity, is there a particular reason you would want a belt to be thicker?

The person who wants it plans on having it awhile.

IME, thicker belts come untied a lot easier.

Gameness are very thick, the old Ouano belts are very thick (and wider than the gameness), War belts are thick (and made out of Gi material which is awesome). Those are the only ones that I've seen, but they are all pretty sweet belts. For thick belts, the War belts seem to be the only ones that I've seen that keep tied really well (the gi material grips more I think)

 Just got a new Gameness and wore it the first time last night. The thing is so thick its not staying tied. Nice belt but I hope it breaks in a little.

OTM/Lucky Gi belts are thick. Ouanos and Gameness ones are thick as well.

I've found OTM/Lucky to be thicker than others.

thick belts suck. they come untied all the time. plus, I want my shit to look worn when I've put in mat time.

koral are my favorite belts.

IMO best belts available

RealPosition - IMO best belts available

I've heard good things about these belts and have even been referred to their site by friends but have yet to see one in person. Care to elaborate on why you believe these are the best belts?

why do you need/want a thick belt?

bjjasia - 
RealPosition - IMO best belts available

I've heard good things about these belts and have even been referred to their site by friends but have yet to see one in person. Care to elaborate on why you believe these are the best belts?

beacuase theyre more expensive .. DUH

 A lot of competitors actually like it when their belt unties and comes loose. For a few reasons

- They are less restricted and more air gets under their gi so then they don't get as hot

- Their opponent loses the option to grab their belt for attacks

- They can use their gi easier to attack their opponent.