Ben Askren joins Evolve MMA. ONE FC bound?

Breaking news on twitter that Ben Askren has joined the Evolve MMA fight team and is moving to Singapore. Could be joining ONE FC then I guess? Interesting.... Phone Post 3.0

In Phone Post 3.0

Don't know how to post tweets on here. Source is @JamesGoyder, don't wanna steal his info. Phone Post 3.0

DanTheWolfman - If he goes to One FC, will be interesting to see if he eats a solid Knee or Soccer kick when shooting eventually. I mean with overall scoring, even if you get taken down again and again, if you just hope for that one telling blow it might eventually come.
I'd like to see who in Asia can stuff his takedowns. More interested to see if he can throw knees to the head from North/South and side control. Phone Post 3.0

Great scoop for onefc if he ends up there. Askren gets international fan base and
Onefc gets more American viewers. Phone Post 3.0

Arlovskis Chin - Great scoop for onefc if he ends up there. Askren gets international fan base and
Onefc gets more American viewers. Phone Post 3.0
Good point. Phone Post 3.0

Askren belongs in the UFC. It seems like Dana wants to turn the clock back from sport to spectacle. The no-holds barred and Pide era are DEAD! MMA is now a sport.

Sign Askren please.

Interesting Phone Post 3.0

Good for Aoki, he can finally train with a high level American wrestler. Phone Post 3.0

Askren and Heath sims on the coaching what's up! Phone Post 3.0

DoomFarmer - Good for Aoki, he can finally train with a high level American wrestler. Phone Post 3.0
Ah that's true! Phone Post 3.0

They should have put Askren on the January 4th Singapore card!!! Phone Post 3.0

He's trained there before. Is this permanent or just for a while? Heath Sims is there too right? Phone Post 3.0

Fabes - He's trained there before. Is this permanent or just for a while? Heath Sims is there too right? Phone Post 3.0
Yes, Heath is the head coach. I'd presume it's long term. Phone Post 3.0

Wow this is shocking to say the least Phone Post 3.0

DanTheWolfman - No one really, it takes timing, in transition like if he goes ankle pick/low single against cage, other legs kicks the face. He will ragdoll a bunch, but like the aggressive way that Filipino team goes for strikes, soccer kicks, even when getting positionally dominated....eventually you can get caught with your head down there.

N/S knees dangerous from a real good wrestler........ask Goes if he can remember how long he was in coma for

Sherk took more than one hugh knee from Franca and fought through it, not sure if Askren could but who knows?

Askren will still be a part of Roufusport and will be splitting training with Duke Roufus in the US, and Evolve MMA in Singapore during fight camps.

From Bloody Elbow. Phone Post 3.0

Awesome Phone Post 3.0

Kinda similar to Ebersole splitting time between Thailand and Australia.

Evolve's gym is absolutely amazing by the way. Lots of talent there too for bjj and Muay Thai. Phone Post 3.0

I can see him being doing camps in both places but fighting in OneFC would be pointless.

But I guess if he cant fight the best in the world he might as well make as much money as he can.

But seriously who would he even fight?  Atleast in WSOF fights with Fitch and Palhares are relevant.