Best cardio preparation for BJJ?

i'll prolly start bjj again in a few weeks.

what would prepare me better for intense rolling: 20 minutes of intervals (30 sec walking, 30 sec sprinting) or 40 minutes at a medium pace on the elliptical?

Scrapper #1.

Grappling is dominantly anaerobic.

I took cardiorespiratory tests for a college, I have "average" cardiovascular fitness, I do no distance running or "cardio" at all, but it takes alot to tire me out on the mat. I have excellent endurance on the mat.

I know alot of guys that can run miles and miles everyday but they can't last 60 seconds on the mat.

The term "Cardio" for grappling is a misnomer.

Of the two,

"20 minutes of intervals (30 sec walking, 30 sec sprinting)"

will be much more beneficial.

Taku's interval is great.

I'm working on a program variation of Density Training called "Density Conditioning" that would fit what you're looking for perfectly. Keep your eyes peeled for an upcoming article.

Wiggy -

"I know alot of guys that can run miles and miles everyday but they can't last 60 seconds on the mat."

"The term 'Cardio' for grappling is a misnomer."

Is it a suprise that distance runners dont last a long time on the mat? Considering they do an aerobic endurance sport it seems quite obvious that they are not prepared to grapple. However, grappling "Cardio" should likely reference an anaerobic ability to use absolute strength and strength endurance without the benefit of oxygen. I think the term "Cardio" fits perfectly actually. You're just referring to the wrong energy system.

I would love to see that article Wiggy. :)

Keep your eyes peeled at

Cool Wiggy. Did you get my email?

bodyweight stuff


fartlek training (speed play) -combination of aerobic work cycled with max effort sprints.

Non wtt Gpp movments for time circuits burpees, jumping jacks, mountain climbers, shuffle splits etc...

Weighted gpp sledgehammer work with sled pulls.

Look for my GPP video coming soon.

coach hale

doing crane kicks in the ocean