Best Gi's

I like a tight, fitted gi with narrow sleeve openings

I think that is very popular these days and probably advantageous tactically. I would call that a modern cut.

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The Origin gis are really nice and America but very expensive. Iā€™ve had good luck with Venum gis in the past and a few others.

I ordered an Origin gi and I wasnā€™t happy with it. The material itself was nice but it was sort of wrinkled and then stitched over the wrinkle so that it was permanently that way, and it wasnā€™t like that on the other side (admittedly - Iā€™m really uptight and observant when it comes to flaws like that). They didnā€™t think it was a big deal when I brought it to their attention, but I thought it was shotty relative to the price of the gi. I opted to return it and they wouldnā€™t wave the restocking fee, which wasnā€™t insignificant.

ā€œBecause we manufacture our products from scratch, and hem pants per order, we do have a 15% restocking fee for any returns for a refund. If you would like to return an unused/unwashed product for a store credit on your account, there is no restocking fee.ā€

Judo gis and bjj kimonos are different for a few reasons.

First, when judoka weigh in they arenā€™t wearing a gi so it can be a suit of armor which it often is. BJJ players have to wear the kimono on the scale so itā€™s as light as a feather.

Also, Judo giā€™s have to allow for four fingers space from wrist to armpit. For BJJ it is two fingers space, so the sleeves are much narrower.

Lastly, they are built for entirely different reasons. Judo giā€™s are much heavier on top, and are made to prevent grips the could be used for throwing. BJJ kimonos are tighter to prevent submissions and are generally less reinforced aside from a sturdy collar.

Old BJJ kimonos were basically identical to judo giā€™s, but new ones are more like a cotton scuba suit. I have reverted to judo gis as they allow more airflow


They also allow more ligma

Just getting back into training after about a decade off. I liked my Atama gold Kimonos alot, but my all time favorite was the MKimonos hybrid. Unfortunately, it looks like the company is no longer manufacturing gis - anyone know if they can still be found?

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Iā€™m at a hot gym with no air con. I only care that the jacket is thin and the pants are rip stop.

At the moment Iā€™m using a Braus gi that meets those requirements. It was relatively cheap - $160 Australian.

Gilberto! He used to jiu jitsu pro gear in SoCal. He was managing Jacare. Maybe he stopped selling gis?


I just Googled it and thereā€™s a Koral USA website. I am almost certain that this is relatively new.

The ā€œNew Classicā€ and the MKM 2.1 both look great.

I remember driving down to the JJPG shop way back in the day and picking up a few Korals.

At the time Jacare was supposedly living in the upstairs portion of the shop and available for privates (didnā€™t speak much English thogh).

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I used to love going to the JJPG store to buy shit. Aloisio silvaā€™s place was upstairs. I trained in there.

This was true! Ran into him back in the mid 2000s when visiting the store.

What happened to budo videos? Ive been out of the loop for several years and they used to be huge and doing all the ibjjf coverage for tournaments

When i traoned i had 3 gis from th3se guys. The Yuki favorite.

As an aside, my Japanese friend said the word kimono is not used in Japan for a martial arts uniform. Itā€™s gi or do gi.

Do other martial arts call it that?

I think thatā€™s a Brazilian thing to call a gi a kimono. Similar to atama. Atama means head in Japanese, maybe thinking the head is at the top so itā€™s the best? I dunnoā€¦

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Shoyoroll makes gis for our academy. I got to be partly involved in designing the last ones and the upcoming ones as far as helping come up with the ideas, color schemes, logo placements etc which was pretty cool. I have a stack of those I wear. And some other random Shoyorolls. People forget with how big the company has gotten (and how out there some designs are) that they started with a DIY ethos out of Bearā€™s garage and made a name for themselves by directly supporting the community and basically building a new direction for the Jiu Jitsu industry. Iā€™ll forever support those guys.

Before SYR I was a Koral guy. I just wanted to look like Jacare so bad. Had the standard issue ones to train in, the MKM for competition, the fight shorts for MMA, etc


Does Koral still make gear?

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I ordered one a few years back and itā€™s definitely not the same as the old school ones.

Not as thick or fluffy, and just felt cheaper overall.