best MA for multiple attackers

western boxing. emphasizes foot movement and balance without compromising for a strike.


I love judo but don't know how to apply it to multiple attackers, so I agree with you with boxing.


All great if you can just manage to have all your fights in a parking lot.

KRav maga is only good in open quarters.

box like an american, win fights.

Butt scooting

I study a well known art that is favored by people in Kenya...running.

disbeliever - 
FranklinFailedMe - All great if you can just manage to have all your fights in a parking lot.
Are you implying Krav is only good in open quarters?
My comment was in reference to the OP.

Having said that Krav Maga is a giant load of bullshit.


so its settled then: boxing.

Yes, and I don't need to take a Yellow Bamboo seminar to know it's a crock of shit.

Gun kata.

MikeZev - so its settled then: boxing.
I would agree generally speaking. However, many fights happen inside houses, in a store, night club or bar where there simply is no room for footwork and as we all know...clinch happens.

I live in a Boxing/kickboxing city and state. There are a LOT of boxing gyms and everyone boxes around these parts. I would say I have at last 2 dozen friends that box, most competitively. I have seen these guys in too many fights to count and see many of these fights where they are rolling on the ground, flying over car hoods, in a bathroom stall, you name it. As good as some of these guys were they never got a chance to use their boxing and knowing a thai clinch or how to wrestle would have served them much better.

My vote is for muay thai. It contains your "boxing", but you get to add fibbing (thai clinch). You can't control a person through footwork, but you sure as hell can move him around wih double collars.


Bobby Lupo -  Boxing and Judo. Good enough for Frye, good enough for us

Let's not forget his Wrestling. I think Boxing and Wrestling are a perfect combo, if we are using combos. I thought the OP only wanted ONE MA. If not, then it's MMA.


A Gun?

I'm going with "A Gun" and any other answer is pretty much retarded. If you get jumped by three guys with bad intentions pretty much nothing will save you except either them being total buffoons or you having a weapon.

I'm sorry, but you really don't want to spend too much time trying throw or shoot a double on someone when you are fighting multiple people...good opporutnity to get punted in the face.

For multiple attackers as far as MA goes it's Western boxing IMO. I think you want to stay away from kicks, knees and clinches when you are dealing with multiple people as much as possible.

Saying "gun" doesn't mean you win by default. I've seen footage of a guy with a gun and a bunch of grenades. The grenades and bullets ran out, and there were survivors and they were NOT happy. When you use a gun, it's all or nothing because if you don't "finish" everyone you just signed a death warrant. Not necessarily the same in a fistfight.

Put it this way. If you were one of those multiple attackers, attacking someone and the victim punched your friend, how mad would you be? If he shot your friend, how mad would you be?

Lee Murray says its a mix of boxing/MT/BJJ and being coked out of your mind!!

bryanand - I'm sorry, but you really don't want to spend too much time trying throw or shoot a double on someone when you are fighting multiple people...good opporutnity to get punted in the face.

If you think all there is to wrestling is shooting a double or trying to throw, you are unqualified to even comment.


200m sprint combined with 1 mile marathon.