Best strikers in UFC today (GIFS)

Anderson P Sonnen - 
SakuEar -
pj_benn -  Stopped reading after gsp Phone Post

I think GSP's striking is extremely underrated, and I would put him up there with the best in MMA. the way he uses his jab to set up takedowns, his leg kicks, and high kicks, His straight punches, everything about his striking game is crisp, tight, accurate, and powerful. The guy is very misrepresented by many fans as being a "Lay and Pray" fighter, when he is seriously one of the most technical, talented, and cerebral fighters in the game today. He is amazing to watch, and always entertains me.

Great post. VTFU tomorrow Phone Post

Thanks buddy, I will vote you up as well tomorrow. I'm new to the UG, but not to MMA forums. I was intimidated by the UG hahaha, but I manned up and went for it. I am just sick of people hating on GSP. I think to the true hardcore MMA fans, he will go down as one of the GOATs. unfortunately, so many people hate on him, and he gets a bad rap. The guy is a beast.

Anderson P Sonnen - 
iCameiLostiRetiredDiaz - No edgar on here? Phone Post

Nope Phone Post

Here ya go



Thanks! great gifs! I think hendo belongs on here also! Will vote up when I get my bluename renewed!

After work today, I will add a ton of gifs for Andy, Hendo, and many others. And thanks for the vote ups guys, no need to, just showcasing some awesome talent. Phone Post

khaynes21 - Damn, the way Frankie loaded up on that right hand to knock Maynard out against the fence was EPIC.

I remember when that happened that night, I screamed at my friend, doubting Thomas, "POINT FIGHTER!?, POINT FIGHTER!?" Phone Post

Willy the Coyote - My main point was that you contradicted yourself. You said Overeem had only beat an out of his prime Lesnar. Well Nick has only beaten an out of his prime/out of his weight class BJ Penn since returning, then lost to Carlos Condit by being outstruck. I don't see why you would allow one based on this and not the other.

You may not realize this but it's actually called MMA and not UFC and there are other organizations which also put on fights. Nick Diaz was in this one called "Strikeforce" where he fought a bunch of guys and beat all of them mostly with striking. You should check it out sometime if you like UFC.

Faber?????????????????? His striking is his biggest weakness in my opinion. Thats why he cant beat aldo/barao/cruz

Frankie edgar!

We need some Njokuani

WTF Fight of the Day - • Johnny Ray Rodriguez vs. Johnny Rodriguez Phone Post

Sub'd Phone Post

GracieFighter250 - Faber?????????????????? His striking is his biggest weakness in my opinion. Thats why he cant beat aldo/barao/cruz

OKAY!!!! Ive explained several times that I personally like Faber and think his striking is very underrated. Might be being bias, but whatever lol (hope fabe comes across this thread and sees how under appreciated his striking is by so many) if anyone thinks I should edit Faber out, let me know and I will.

That said, name one fighter that outstruck Cruz/Aldo/Barao. And don't come at me with "they haven't truly been tested by a great striker yet" Phone Post

3rdLion - We need some Njokuani

Will do Phone Post

Willy the Coyote -
Kanabull - 
Willy the Coyote - My main point was that you contradicted yourself. You said Overeem had only beat an out of his prime Lesnar. Well Nick has only beaten an out of his prime/out of his weight class BJ Penn since returning, then lost to Carlos Condit by being outstruck. I don't see why you would allow one based on this and not the other.

You may not realize this but it's actually called MMA and not UFC and there are other organizations which also put on fights. Nick Diaz was in this one called "Strikeforce" where he fought a bunch of guys and beat all of them mostly with striking. You should check it out sometime if you like UFC.

Maybe if you read the entire thread you would know that I was gong off of someone else's criteria, you jamoke.

For the record, I know alot of these guys have had sweet moments in other orgs, but my main purpose for this thread was to show some of the more recent gifs of the best strikers IN the UFC as of NOW. I will add gifs to each fighters' glory moments in and out of the UFC later bros. Phone Post

Edited the first post with more awesome gifs. More to come later homies. Phone Post

Great thread. Someone vote OP up for me??? Phone Post

Willy the Coyote - 
Kanabull - 
Willy the Coyote - My main point was that you contradicted yourself. You said Overeem had only beat an out of his prime Lesnar. Well Nick has only beaten an out of his prime/out of his weight class BJ Penn since returning, then lost to Carlos Condit by being outstruck. I don't see why you would allow one based on this and not the other.

You may not realize this but it's actually called MMA and not UFC and there are other organizations which also put on fights. Nick Diaz was in this one called "Strikeforce" where he fought a bunch of guys and beat all of them mostly with striking. You should check it out sometime if you like UFC.

Maybe if you read the entire thread you would know that I was gong off of someone else's criteria, you jamoke.

Well then I hope you both read my extremely informative post.

3rdLion - We need some Njokuani


LMFAO Thanks for requesting him, I forgot about this </p>


Kanabull - 
Willy the Coyote - 
Kanabull - 
Willy the Coyote - My main point was that you contradicted yourself. You said Overeem had only beat an out of his prime Lesnar. Well Nick has only beaten an out of his prime/out of his weight class BJ Penn since returning, then lost to Carlos Condit by being outstruck. I don't see why you would allow one based on this and not the other.
        <br />
        You may not realize this but it's actually called MMA and not UFC and there are other organizations which also put on fights. Nick Diaz was in this one called &quot;Strikeforce&quot; where he fought a bunch of guys and beat all of them mostly with striking. You should check it out sometime if you like UFC.</blockquote>
    <br />
    Maybe if you read the entire thread you would know that I was gong off of someone else's criteria, you jamoke.</blockquote>
<br />
Well then I hope you both read my extremely informative post.</blockquote>


errr hmmmm scroll up a bit ;)

"For the record, I know alot of these guys have had sweet moments in other orgs, but my main purpose for this thread was to show some of the more recent gifs of the best strikers IN the UFC as of NOW."





and ofcourse........

Willy the Coyote - Lol @ Mirtrix Phone Post

This lol  VTFUPhone Post