Best way to train your chin?

Sliced - I see there's a huge difference between guys with monster chins like Fedor and Nogeuira and guys like Kimbo and Tim Sylvia that can't take a punch to save their lives. That shit wins fights for sure. I've started getthiting into MMA training instead of just being a fan and I need to know how I can train to take a better punch.

A couple of friends have suggested just a few hard shots to the chin so I get used to it and a couple of others think I should take softer repeated punches like jabs so I can build up a tolerance. Do most of you guys train with the hard shots way or the softer way?

 Fedor never really had a great chin.
He avoided being hit clean.

Poopyface TomatoNose - You either got a chin our you don't. Neck muscles should party a party, but James Thompson's chin says otherwise. Phone Post
This , imo its the same with KO power you ether have it or you dont Phone Post

Sliced -
frederic - 1. Learn to tuck chin and not leave it out.
2. Clench jaw. A lose jaw will be more prone to KOs.
3. Neck strengthening. Don't overdo it and strain your neck, but there are shrugs, head-weight-rig exercises (see Thai/boxing catalogs), etc.
4. See the punch coming or don't get hit at all by blocking better and/or bobbing, weaving, dodging.

Worst thing to do is condition your chin by getting KO'd. Seems that getting KO'd only makes you more susceptible.
Cool. So it seems like I'd have a much higher chance of getting KO'd with the hard shots version, so I'll do those four things plus the repeated weaker shots. My friends coming over tomorrow and he's gonna put on some of the heavy 16 oz gloves and jab me in the chin for about twenty minutes. Thanks man! Do you think three times of that a week would be enough? I'll make sure I clench my jaw.
You're an idiot lol Phone Post

An old asian remedy called nuts on yo chin...

Sliced - 
frederic - 1. Learn to tuck chin and not leave it out.
2. Clench jaw. A lose jaw will be more prone to KOs.
3. Neck strengthening. Don't overdo it and strain your neck, but there are shrugs, head-weight-rig exercises (see Thai/boxing catalogs), etc.
4. See the punch coming or don't get hit at all by blocking better and/or bobbing, weaving, dodging.

Worst thing to do is condition your chin by getting KO'd. Seems that getting KO'd only makes you more susceptible.
Cool. So it seems like I'd have a much higher chance of getting KO'd with the hard shots version, so I'll do those four things plus the repeated weaker shots. My friends coming over tomorrow and he's gonna put on some of the heavy 16 oz gloves and jab me in the chin for about twenty minutes. Thanks man! Do you think three times of that a week would be enough? I'll make sure I clench my jaw.
I don't know shit about this subject, but this seems like a very stupid idea.  So dumb in fact, I am now convinced you are a troll.  And a very good one at that.  Well done, sir.  Very well done indeed. 

1. Be born with a brain that is resistant to strikes (can have a terrible price; ask Ali)
2. Keep your hands up and your chin into shoulders rolled forward - that lesson from everyone's first day in MMA is too often forgotten.
3. Bite down on your damn mouthpiece, that is really why it was there (I have a missing tooth from forgetting that).
4. Defense is more important that offense, learn head movement (especially while punching), rolling with punches, etc. When you are shadown boxing, sparring, etc. work on defense above all, as those attacks that put fear into your enemies, respect into your friends, and warm your girlfriend, are not useful when you are asleep.
5. Spar properly, to develop technique, not to go to war - every guy in a bar who can't hold his liquor can do that just fine for you.
7. Fight carefully. First job is not to excite asses in seats, it is to keep yours.
8. Build up your neck.
9. Build up your endurance.
10. Fail to do that and you can get knocked out bad and never be the same, even if your were good at first.

Oh yeah, and don't take advice from trolls :-)


"The old school boxing trainers tell you to chew gum."

This is true, I'm sure a lot of the other suggestions would help but this was one of the most common answers back in the day. My first boxing coach (Dale Grable) told me to chew gum until my jaw wouldn't chew anymore, not sure if it works but everyone was told to do it. This was back around 1979, 1980 time. Phone Post

I forgot to add on that last post, he also told us to sleep without a pillow, I guess it strengthened the neck. Not sure if it was good advice, it was to uncomfortable for me but I knew guys who did it. Phone Post

Pride Rules -
Sliced -  Well now I'm getting a bunch of conflicting advice which is frustrating.

I'm just gonna do the method my trainer said. Idk if anybody here knows who he is but his name is Scott Blevins. He's a pro with a bunch of fights from what I hear so I have to assume he knows what he's talking about. Phone Post

 i dont see how anyone hasnt caught on yet

? I don't get it. Like honestly if I have a pro who trains me I have to go with what he says cause I know he has experience rather than a bunch of internet people that I suspect are fucking with me. Thanks for the input though, kirik. Phone Post

sliceds chin - are you kidding me motherfucker? YOU want to train ME? how about you stop pissing in the sink and try shaving me more than you shave those little fucking balls. bitch i will grow so many pimples your boyfriend wont let you suck his dick.

 Hahaha holy shit!

LMAO @ you dumb assess getting trolled. Bravo Sliced Phone Post

Eating pussy Phone Post

seeing the punch coming is huge. i think it plays a big part in why Nick Diaz never gets KOd. he is so relaxed, doesnt lean into his own punches too much, and sees everything

banco - Given the research on brain injuries it's simploy not worth if for non-professional fighters to take hard shots on a regular basis (or even a semi-regular basis).

true. the best way to train your chin is to not get hit there

Kid Charlemagne - Learn to roll when receiving strong punches.

Like trapping a soccer ball coming from afar, you would cradle and move in momentum direction.

Same if someone's throwing an egg. Keep moving in momentums direction. Phone Post
Tried this with my friend today and dude, this advice was awesome! We did 20 minutes with the 16 ozers but I focused each time on kind of going with the punch. I probably took somewhere in the neighborhood of 300 shots but I feel like this session was better because I really have that movement down now. My head also hurts a lot less. Phone Post

 Yall motherfuckers be trolling each other back and forth its pretty funny though keep it up.

Nuts Phone Post

Repetitive sparring sessions of getting your ass whooped Phone Post

Phone Post

tard_wrassler429 - Phone Post
Can't tell if stupid or trolling. Phone Post