Best workout for weightloss?

jkennedy post fits exactly my thinking but i would never have been able to write it that well

I cut down from about 191 to 175 after a bulk, as I wanted abs for the summer... Like everyone above has said, eating clean is everything. The one mistake I made was not eating enough fat at first. I started incorporating avocado with dinner, and some almonds as one of my snacks, which helped me break through a plateau (around 182-183). Low carb worked for me, eating about 35g pre-wo on lift days, and another 40-50 or so spread out through the day. Havent gotten headaches or felt sluggish.....

As far as the workout goes, I kept all major compound movements the same, deads squats etc, I just began incorporating supersets for every workout, except legs which I dedicate it's own day for.

Another thing I felt was crucial, was the 15 minutes of cardio after every session, except legs, and twice a week on my "off lifting" days, I do about 30-35 minutes of fasted cardio. Everyone has their opinions on it, seems to work fine for me.

I didn't lose much muscle in terms of size, but strength did drop a small amount. Phone Post

Thanks Sim!

Couple more things to think about:

1. Re-evaluate your goals and objectives. Be prepared to make adjustments to fit the reality of the situation.

2. Share your food journal with friends. You'd be surprised what they notice that you might not think about (as MBA mentioned with the addition of more fat).

3. Alcohol is a killer. Booze is empty calories but it can also do things like fuck up your sleep patterns, inhibit recovery and dehydrate you.

Happy hunting.

good insight and advice...thx guys