Best workout for weightloss?

Been binging for months now and need to get back in the gym and stop eating like shit...I never really had to train for weightloss before but need to this time...Aside from the obvious running and other cardio workouts any advice for a good 3 day workout for fat loss, a program would be appreciated as well if possible

The best routine is the one you'll actually follow.

Speaking from experience, the best workouts are strength building workouts (5x5, starting strength, etc.). The lean muscle you put on burns calories. But really its 90% diet, you can't outwork a shitty diet unless you can train all day like Michael Phelps.

the diet is in place now I'm ready to get back in the gym...Anyone with a specific workout they have done or know about?

NJstileNJ - the diet is in place now I'm ready to get back in the gym...Anyone with a specific workout they have done or know about?

What is your lifting background? Are you comfortable around barbells and doing back squats and dead lifts? Or will you just be using machines?

Eel - 
NJstileNJ - the diet is in place now I'm ready to get back in the gym...Anyone with a specific workout they have done or know about?

What is your lifting background? Are you comfortable around barbells and doing back squats and dead lifts? Or will you just be using machines?

Yes I am comfortable with all of that stuff...I try to stay away from machines unless their is no other choice. I have lifted for years previous but havent for probably last 6 months

NJstileNJ - the diet is in place now I'm ready to get back in the gym...Anyone with a specific workout they have done or know about?

Starting Strength

^^ Any idea of where I can find the program or can you post it here...sorry to be so annoying

419, you gave me that same advice about 3 years ago (as todd seeney?) and it is still one of the best things I have taken on from this board. Phone Post

The obsession with Starting Strength/Stronglifts/5x5 on this board is getting ridiculous.

Now you're advising those MASS/STRENGTH gaining programs for weight-loss?


Weight loss has more to do with nutrition than lifting scheme.

Strength program is very important for weightloss. But you only really need 1-2 sets at 80% of max twice a week at the most. The reason being heavy lifting releases various hormones to help you preserve musclemass

You should cut volume, not intensity when losing weight

419 - Weight loss has more to do with nutrition than lifting scheme.

I get that...I was just looking for some insight

Don't forget to drink a gallon of milk a day.


shadallion - The obsession with Starting Strength/Stronglifts/5x5 on this board is getting ridiculous.

Now you're advising those MASS/STRENGTH gaining programs for weight-loss?


Results are the product of diet. If you eat like a beast you'll get gain mass. If you keep the calories low and eat clean you'll lose fat (like I posted above, this came from experience).

How lose fat and be skinny and stuff by jk

Step One - Set a goal that is specific, measurable, attainable, and time bound. As an example:

"I will lose 10 pounds by the first of November 2011."

Step Two - Keep food journal. I will guaren-fucking-tee that your diet is not as clean as you think it is. I'll also guarantee that my diet isn't as clean as I think it is. The journal is the only way you can track this.

Step Three -

Step Four - Some sort of load bearing program. This is really up to you and there is no 'magic bullet' out there. As mentioned the best program is the one you stick to but even more important is that the program is built with the SAID Principle in mind. SAID is the Specific Adaption to Imposed Demands and is really the only constant in training. The essence is that your body is lazy and will look for the easiest way to do something. If you don't challenge your body regularly (note: I am in no way endorsing cult-fit with this statement) you will plateau and stop seeing improvement. My personal workout is based about 5-7 minutes of cardio at 75% MHR and then a circuit of 5-6 exercises for 4-5 circuits total.

Step Five – Cheat........ within reason. Don't not have the chocolate cake dessert when you're out for dinner but do ask for it without the ice cream, whip cream and ask for a half portion. The worst mistake people make on diets is to try to completely deny a food craving. Give in a little within reason and then go back to being healthy.

Step Six – Track your progress, review your results and adjust as needed.

Hope that helps.

shadallion - The obsession with Starting Strength/Stronglifts/5x5 on this board is getting ridiculous.

Now you're advising those MASS/STRENGTH gaining programs for weight-loss?

