Biotest Recovery Drink, Your Thoughts?

 Hey everyone, I have been using Biotests "Surge Recovery" drink after my workouts.  Heres a link to the info on the label.  Here is the site Surge Recovery. Its not too expensive at $33 per 16 serving 3lb container.

I was wondering if anybody has a better post-workout recovery drink.  It seems like everyone talks about needing a good recovery drink, but its hard to find them.  Optimum Nut. has a "After Max" product, but it seems like more of a weight gaining sup.  40g of protein and 70carbs.

Ive heard that a regular protein shake with a little fruit juice and a carb snack is good, is that all I really need?

Thanks in advance for the help.

Great stuff, hard to do better... I'd recommend it over most over shit but be aware of how much of that is marketing. I haven't checked out After-Max. You can get the job done with a cheaper supp, and hell probably chocolate milk... BUT... Ideally, if you can afford it, there are no negatives to going with Surge Recovery.

Yeah, there is a lot of crap out there. The only sups I use is Whey Protein and a Recovery Drink. BioTest is just so overly marketed with outrageous claims on their site that I hesitate. This is why I'm asking for others opinions. Phone Post

 Biotest makes some quality products.  Remember that most weight gainers are usually just large servings of post workout style drinks anyways.  You can just take half servings to meet your requirements if you arent trying to gain weight.  For post workout I like a 2:1 carb to protein ratio, and usually 20-30g's of protein. 

A protein shake with fruit juice (chocolate protein and grape juice together are delicious!) would be solid for immediate post workout.  Just go on to your next meal after that.  Fruit juice should provide you with 50+ grams of carbs. 

 I am not a fan of Bio-Test products. There is nothing really wrong with them, I just feel that they are a bit over-priced and way over-hyped. I make my own recovery shakes (and even sold some a while back) They were called "TAKU's Voo-Doo Recovery Shake". There are few people on here who have used them.

Any way, you can buy your own ingredients (carb, portein etc) in bulk, and mix your own for way cheaper. Mixing your own allows you to blend the carb protein ratio to your exact needs / desires. Also, the non-fat milk / choc milk, works just as well. There are no magic ingredients in Bio-Test products.

Read Lyle McDonalds article at Link # 1., below.

LINK # 1

Other links provided just to show that there is lots of info out there.

LINK # 2

LINK # 3

LINK # 4



The Lyle Macdonald article on surge vs. chocolate milk are great and a real eye-opener.

It seems like there are more pleasurable ways to get down the necessary protien/carb fix after exercise. I like mix 30g vanilla whey with 16oz skim milk and pour it over a big bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal.

It's not as if the surgar and conr-starch in Surge are healthier than what you find in junk food. May as well eat some low-fat junk food with your whey. I've read that Dave Tate is fond of skittles post-workout.


Agreed. I actually often eat Grapenuts with non-fat milk as an after workout meal. I like the rock-hard, crunchy texture. They are very high in carbs so a little goes a long way.


P.S. (Said in a Jerry Seinfeld voice)--> Whats the deal with Grape-nuts? you open up the box...No Grape, No Nuts, I don't get it.

I love milk + cereal + yogurt after a meal, or a banana. As long as I eat something little, doesn't matter what, I feel good. Eat too much and I feel shitty and bloated and fart bad.

Great info guys! This is why I posted this thread.

I usually eat dinner an hour or two after my workout, so would a simple 24g protein shake(6oz of water) with a 8oz glass of low-fat choco milk be sufficient post-workout?

btw, im 4 weeks into P90X. That is my workout, so im pretty damn exhausted and in need of nutrients!

 Hey rookie29,

That sounds good to me!


is it better to take a recovery drink after workout or just drinking milk.

I heart Liam!!! Phone Post

 Here are some recipes from my blog for home made M.R.P.'s, using oatmeal as the carb source.




P.S. LOL@ macfights 

Although I'm currently not using them, I'm a fan of the Surge Workout Fuel and Recovery drinks. They taste great as far as I'm concerned and I can mix them with water at the gym, so they are very convenient. I think they're both pretty effective so if money isn't an issue I don't think it's a big deal.

The downside is the price and the extra calories in the pre-workout drink are probably not necessary (although it mixes great with creatine, if you decide to do that pre-workout).

I currently make my own protein shakes with milk, whey protein (I get 5lb bags for $20 at Sam's Club), ice, oatmeal, peanut butter, and banana. I've found that if you run out of the plain Quaker oatmeal and throw in a packet of the Kashi instant oatmeal packet you'll get hooked and have a hard time going back to plain oatmeal.

I also don't mind the marketing done by Biotest, they put out some pretty cool articles for free (I found Dave Tate, Jim Wendler, Joe DeFranco, Mark Ripptoe etc through their site), so sifting through the hyperbole about their products isn't much of an issue for me.

Dropthemic - 

I also don't mind the marketing done by Biotest, they put out some pretty cool articles for free (I found Dave Tate, Jim Wendler, Joe DeFranco, Mark Ripptoe etc through their site), so sifting through the hyperbole about their products isn't much of an issue for me.
I share the same sentiments here.  The way some people hate on Biotest you would think one of the guys banged their wife.  They do the same thing as every other supplement company does, but at least they provide great access to training information and some great strength athletes.  This is the same reason I buy all of my strength training equipment from EliteFTS. 

No, their supplements wont change the world, but they are made with pretty good quality even if they are a bit expensive. 


 I am lucky because I get free, non-fat milk, at work, every day.