Bisping chose Boetsch to get closer to title

Bisping chose Boetsch to get closer to title

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Bisping (22-4 MMA, 12-4 UFC) recently spoke to UFC matchmaker Joe Silva about his next fight, and he got two offers. One was Boetsch (15-4 MMA, 6-3 UFC), who recently staged a shocking comeback to defeat former UFC title challenger Yushin Okami, and the other was Cung Le (7-2 MMA, 0-1 UFC), who fights for the first time since a late-2011 loss to Wanderlei Silva.

"Because Tim Boetsch is coming off a great win over Yushin Okami, it just made more sense and was the more appealing matchup," Bisping today told Radio ( "It's also a tougher matchup for me, but I want to win that next fight and stake a claim to that title shot.

"I think beating Tim Boetsch rather than Cung Le gives me more grounds to do that."

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MieshaTatesArm - english translation: wanker wanker tea and crumpets

Still not sure how Bisping can get a title shot without ever beating a ranked opponet.

Random Moniker - 
GroundStPound - 
Random Moniker - Someone forgot to tell the market we're going to $150.

Oh shit sell!!!! Phone Post 3.0

Anyone know the best way to prepare crow. Baked? Fried? Braised?

I wonder if they're good eating? Perhaps a few of the peeps who've been shitting in this thread recently can let us know.

You must be very rich by now. AMA? How much money have you made since the OP?

Boetsch is a harder fight than Le.

I like Le more but he's not as tough of an opponent and he's not coming off a win against a top 5 MW either. Good move by Bisping.

Just give Bisping the title shot, let him get KTFO'd again and be done with it.

Thacommish -
CaptainKirk - Am I the only one that thinks Boetsch is a tougher fight?


I feel the same way. I don't think chungs gonna do much in the UFC. Phone Post

botech is a tougher opponent but still not on the same level

Boetsch is a grown ass man.. Im going to put some money on him to beat Bisping down.

Thacommish - 
Lovetriscuit - ie: I have seen Tim Boetsch gas. I'm scared of someone who went toe to toe w/ Silva. fights were u watching... boetsch is the one who won in the 3rd round, le was the one that gassed and lost... fuck dude remember?!

Boestch has had problems gassing in the past - Bisping is a cardio machine - I think Bisping sees Boetsch as someone he could tire out - vs being much more afraid of Cung Le's striking.

I think Boestch is the harder fight, but I think Mike thinks Boestch is the easier fight in his eyes since he can outcardio/footwork him - vs Le whom has trickier stand up.

FormrChamp - Still not sure how Bisping can get a title shot without ever beating a ranked opponet.

Bisping does not have a title shot yet and I don't think one has been promised if he wins this fight. But he is already ranked in the top 10 some even have him in the top 5 and Boetsh is a ranked opponent so a title shot after this win really wouldn't surprise me.

I see Bisping winning this. Then they'll probably match him up with the winner of Belfort/Silva. So methinks Bisping vs. Belfort for #1 contender.

I know everyone here hates on Sonnen, but the guy is hilarious and maybe the only one with a chance of beating Anderson, and frankly I'm tired of uncompetitive middleweight title fights i.e. Silva clowning all of them. If Sonnen wins we might actually get to see some great back-and-forth title fights for the first time in a long time in that weight class.

studiocamp - Just give Bisping the title shot, let him get KTFO'd again and be done with it.
This Phone Post

Bisping has a tendancy to get caight with big shots, and Boestch has one shot knock out power.

I like Cung Le but this is a tougher fight

I would rather have seen Munoz vs Bisping. I felt like Okami choked big time in that third round against Boetsch. Bisping should be able to win a comfortable decision against him.

He chose... poorly. Phone Post

DoomFarmer -  Boestch is a risky fight for Bisping.
He is still a walk in the park compared to the title shot bisping wants with Anderson...

Since when do fighters determine whether they are in line for a title shot? Just concern yourself with beating a top ten fighter for the first time in your career. If you beat Boetsch you still wouldn't have beaten a top ten fighter and STILL undeserving of a title shot. Phone Post

It doesnt matter who Bisping beats. He cannot, would not, beat Andy! I honestly think unless Silva goes to LHW, he will never lose in the UFC.
These MW guys are either gonna have to drop to 170 or go up to LHW. Dont mean to jack the thread, but no....Bisping wont fight Andy anytime soon. Phone Post

Of course hel get a title shot after this , him and Munoz are the only 2 left that are somewhere in the vicinity of a tittle shot that havnt already been decimated by silva ..... Yet