Bisping chose Boetsch to get closer to title

FormrChamp - Still not sure how Bisping can get a title shot without ever beating a ranked opponet.


cumprido1 -  How does beating Boetsch move you closer to a title shot?

 Because Boetsch just knocked out the last guy to fight for the title.  Beating the former #1 contender tends to be a pretty big deal when it comes to the rankings.

cumprido1 -  Le was a former champ who lost one mma fight qfter a long layoff. It would be a much more exciting fight and a harder fight for bisping and that's why he chose boetsch.


Strikeforce is awesome, but their belts are a joke.  Cung beat a completely washed up version of Frank Shamrock to win that belt, then ducked Jake Shields and booked a 'non-title' fight against a journeyman fighter (Scott Smith) and got KTFO.  Le is an entertaining novelty act, not a great all-around fighter.

cumprido1 -  Bisping needs to fight someone like palhares or munoz. If he beats them... give him a shot. Hell, give him a shot now. I'd love to see another highlight reel ko. Phone Post

Holy cow.  You bitch about Bisping not beating anyone and then bring up Palhares?  I love his style, but his best win is ,,,, Dan Miller?  It boggles my mind how someone can claim Bisping is a can crusher and then turn right around and praise Palhares in the same breath.  Boetsch's win over Okami is light years more impressive than any of Palhare's wins.

Munoz would be an excellent matchup, but I don't see how he is vastly superior to Boetsch.  They are both former LHWs who dropped down after realizing they were giving up too much size and they both have a single signature win (Maia for Munoz, Okami for Boetsch).  If anything, Boetsch looks slightly better since his signature win is against a guy who beat Munoz.

Chiron - Boetsch is a harder fight than Le.

I like Le more but he's not as tough of an opponent and he's not coming off a win against a top 5 MW either. Good move by Bisping.

 I 100% believe that Boetsch is a tougher opponent than Le. I think Boetsch gained a ton of confidence after beating Okami, but his achilles heel is still cardio. I sure hope his training camp is focusing on getting his cardio to where it needs to be.

frederic - 
DoomFarmer -  Boestch is a risky fight for Bisping.
He is still a walk in the park compared to the title shot bisping wants with Anderson...

Yeah, exactly

 so Bisping chooses his fights? LOL

Bisping's title fight would look just like his takedown attempt on Dan Henderson.. 

inf0 -  so Bisping chooses his fights? LOL

Everyone chooses their fights.

Zuffa can't force guys to take a certain fight.  They propose a fight and the fighter either accepts or rejects it.  They presented BIsping with two options and he chose the more difficult fight.  Kudos to him IMO.

Ahhh the backward logic of Bisping.

He will never get a title shot at this rate.

5 fights left on his contract after the Boestch fight.

And he will need to fight at least 1 top tier MW before he gets a title shot and if keeps accepting what "he" perceives to be easy fights , than he will never get a shot.

Plus he is a boring ass fighter , who always say's "sorry" after his fights lol

BrettAwesome - One more time - Bisping is cherrypicking here. Worse, he's being allowed to cherrypick by the UFC bookers. In what alternate universe does beating Boetsch put you closer to a title shot than beating Munoz? Yet he gives interviews dismissing Munoz's talents and bigging up Boetsch's to make it seem like he's being brave.
how do you get this ^^^^^

"Bisping (22-4 MMA, 12-4 UFC) recently spoke to UFC matchmaker Joe Silva about his next fight, and he got two offers. One was Boetsch (15-4 MMA, 6-3 UFC), who recently staged a shocking comeback to defeat former UFC title challenger Yushin Okami, and the other was Cung Le (7-2 MMA, 0-1 UFC), who fights for the first time since a late-2011 loss to Wanderlei Silva."

from that ^^^^

Bisping is ducking Munoz , amazing . Phone Post

CaptainKirk - Am I the only one that thinks Boetsch is a tougher fight?
Nope cause at this point based on their records of late Boetsch is the tougher fight. Phone Post

If he would've chose Le all the haters would be saying that he chose the easier fight because he's coming off a loss. Phone Post

Steve4192 -
inf0 -  so Bisping chooses his fights? LOL

Everyone chooses their fights.

Zuffa can't force guys to take a certain fight.  They propose a fight and the fighter either accepts or rejects it.  They presented BIsping with two options and he chose the more difficult fight.  Kudos to him IMO.

Not a bisping fan but the dude tool the harder fight for sure in Boetsch. Le would gas and lose badly. Phone Post

Lovetriscuit -
Thacommish - 
Lovetriscuit - ie: I have seen Tim Boetsch gas. I'm scared of someone who went toe to toe w/ Silva. fights were u watching... boetsch is the one who won in the 3rd round, le was the one that gassed and lost... fuck dude remember?!

Boestch has had problems gassing in the past - Bisping is a cardio machine - I think Bisping sees Boetsch as someone he could tire out - vs being much more afraid of Cung Le's striking.

I think Boestch is the harder fight, but I think Mike thinks Boestch is the easier fight in his eyes since he can outcardio/footwork him - vs Le whom has trickier stand up.
Boetsch just beat Okami

Le just lost to Wanderlei

Bisping wants a title shot as soon as possible

What part of that are you failing to comprehend? Phone Post

Has nothing to do with being afraid of Le's striking lol Phone Post

studiocamp - Just give Bisping the title shot, let him get KTFO'd again and be done with it.
Yes Phone Post

studiocamp - Just give Bisping the title shot, let him get KTFO'd again and be done with it.

really. i do think it will be a shame if he never fights silva

i respent bispings gameness, but he will lose. badly. he couldnt even finish a way off-cycle Phael.

lol at all the pathetic Bisping haters, the mods are fucking useless bastards, i get frozen for the tiniest bit of fighter bashing, and yet they do fuck all about tards that continually bash Bisping.

Swamuel McSwamuelson - lol at all the pathetic Bisping haters, the mods are fucking useless bastards, i get frozen for the tiniest bit of fighter bashing, and yet they do fuck all about tards that continually bash Bisping.

Massive butthurt hey...
too bad its over a b level fighter like Bisping
Save your energy bro

Bisping's scared of being hit usually, so he runs around the cage until his opponent gasses. Mayhem and Sonnen have no standup power, so he didn't run. I'd be shocked if he doesn't run for his life against Boetsch. Unfortunately, Boetsch is slow and gasses, so it's a tailor made matchup.