Bisping: My back's against the wall

Bisping: My back's against the wall


War Cung Le!

Lazer MMA -
War Cung Le!
Fuck you bitch!! Phone Post 3.0

I can't root for Cung? I'm a fan LOL

All i know is its gonna be a better fight than the kennedy blanket show Phone Post 3.0

I'd like to see Bisping win but I don't think it's going to happen against Le.

Pitbull3744 - I will be rooting for both men. I hope Bisping can pull it together for a win and I hope Cung LE can win in devastation and maybe make a run at this thing one last time. Phone Post 3.0

Well I'm a fan of Cung and that would be mad cool!

dhughes -
BigfootsChin - 
Lazer MMA -
War Cung Le!
Fuck you bitch!! Phone Post 3.0

Lol, was only messing! Im a little exited for the fight :-) Phone Post 3.0

I see Bisping winning by UD. Outworking Cung on the feet.

carcaju - I see Bisping winning by UD. Outworking Cung on the feet.
He's honna need a finish to make up for that last outing imo!

But i think its gonna be tough against le....... Would take any win though to be fair Phone Post 3.0

So bizzle loses to a top ten fighter and gets a top 20 fighter? I hope he gets knocked out early so we don't have to watch the "Pillowfist jab& jog show." Phone Post

pillow fisted jab and jog fest...
I hope Cung kicks the crap out of Spitsping....
Spitsping is and has always been a big mouth and one of the most over hyped fighter in the UFC

How's Cungs gas tank?

How's Bisping's eyes? Seems like he's playing with fire. Phone Post 3.0

Cung's style doesn't deal well with power, so he might be able to defeat Bisping, he is getting older though and doesn't fight as often, he may have slowed down since we've seen him last. Phone Post 3.0

It sounds like Bisping has alittle fire going in his heart again... but I actually see this fight ending in the same result at the Franklin/Lee fight a while back. Its not a bad idea to have the winner welcome Silva back, it would be a good tune up fight for him and let the winner have a huge profile fight. Phone Post 3.0

Cung's actually a good fight for him. Its gonna be a technical, slightly tricky striking match. Cung is old, small but still tricky and as Franklin find out, can still KTFO someone.

I havent seen the Kennedy fight but Bisping was getting up from Chael's tds. Im sure some rust had something to do with it.

"Cung isn't taking me down and I won't take him down."

Yeah, Cung Le would never take anyone down.

I like both fighters, this should be good.

Why does the ufc coddle Bisping so much?

When he keeps losing they still give him high profile fights.