BJJ cowards need to stop hiding from wrestlers

BJJ under its current scoring system is a joke of a sport and not a true martial art. There should be more emphasis on takedowns rather than encouraging butt scooting because butt scooting does not work in a real fight. We all know that the rules are tailor made so that wrestlers can't just come in with 0 experience and beat BJJ guys at their own sport. 

The "BJJ masters" should take their own philosophical advice and put ego aside and make the game more centered around takedowns. Because in order to implement BJJ in a real fight you need to be able to take it to the ground. And the way to make BJJ guys learn better takedown defense is to give takedowns the points the rightfully deserve in tournaments. Until this is done the sport will not evolve and you will continue to be recognized as butt scooters who can't win in a real fight. 

I respectfully did not read this 

Does your Mum know you're on her computer?

Butt scooting faggots will be triggered 

If BJJ becomes more takedowncentric then it becomes a more useful martial art. 

TrainJudo is smiling from 6 feet under. Buttscootin faggits. 

BJJ is like a younger person's version of golf. Fun to play but who the hell watches it with the boring butt scoot heavy 50/50 scissoring competitions?

I don't like the direction BJJ is going/has gone. 

A ground based martial art that doesn't emphasise on takedowns? 

This is reaching Aikido levels of faggotry. 

stringtheory -

I respectfully did not read this 

Invisible VU to you. 

VegasMMA -
stringtheory -

I respectfully did not read this 

Invisible VU to you. 

I should have put a trigger warning. 

Do something about it?

Not sure there is a worse poster right now. Tries to troll but is just terrible at it.

Rules vary, but most point scoring BJJ you get 2 points for TD, same as wrestling.

PeacefulDestroyer24 -

If BJJ becomes more takedowncentric then it becomes a more useful martial art. 

"More useful martial art" 

-The UFC was built on Jiu Jitsu and any BJJ black belt could beat any wrestler if the wrestler doesn't know BJJ so that's a pretty hilarious statement

Yes wrestling is perhaps the best base in MMA today but a BJJ who doesn't know any wrestling beats a wrestler who doesn't beat any BJJ practioner. As Mark Schultz said "Nothing beats wrestling. Except for jiu jitsu" 

But I guess you know more about wrestling than an olympic gold medalist wrestler - great post OP :/

You don't just throw the baby out with the bath water but instead ,you learn takedowns aside from your bjj. 


Every combat sport has his pros & cons ,if no wrestlers ever learned or trained any submissions (outside of wrestling ),most would get tapped in mma.   

triforce -
PeacefulDestroyer24 -

If BJJ becomes more takedowncentric then it becomes a more useful martial art. 

"More useful martial art" 

-The UFC was built on Jiu Jitsu and any BJJ black belt could beat any wrestler if the wrestler doesn't know BJJ so that's a pretty hilarious statement

Yes wrestling is perhaps the best base in MMA today but a BJJ who doesn't know any wrestling beats a wrestler who doesn't beat any BJJ practioner. As Mark Schultz said "Nothing beats wrestling. Except for jiu jitsu" 

But I guess you know more about wrestling than an olympic gold medalist wrestler - great post OP :/

No. Royce Gracie is a completely different fighter from modern BJJ pussies. Modern day BJJ guys are pussies who get manhandled by wrestlers in their own sport.

BJJ has become such a pussified sport filled with passive beta males. Comparing them to wrestlers is a joke. I would go as far as to say most modern BJJ practitioners wouldn't even hold a candle to an average untrained street thug in a real fight. 

I can't believe the beta male faggot pussies in this thread actually defending the cowardly rules of modern BJJ. What a bunch of cowards. 

BJJ/Grappling NEEDS to be more takedowncentric if it's ever to transcend to the next leve and become a true martial art. 

Who invited this guy? It's fun to have new characters on here.

Politically Incorrect - Nah, just let them go the way of Judo and have their "pure" competition, and claim that the best BJJ guys in the world would totally beat anybody in the world, but they just don't want to do MMA because it would violate the respect of the BJJ Community.

The more common claim is that the rules of modern MMA prevent them from winning.

There's no need to be upset