BJJ cowards need to stop hiding from wrestlers

PeacefulDestroyer24 -

I can't believe the beta male faggot pussies in this thread actually defending the cowardly rules of modern BJJ. What a bunch of cowards. 

BJJ/Grappling NEEDS to be more takedowncentric if it's ever to transcend to the next leve and become a true martial art. 

Haha. There are plenty of Bjj guys that have come from a wrestling background. Takedown is good but then what?

"Say when"


- Doc Holiday

I much prefer wrestling where the idea is to grab someone and hug on to them for dear life and put them on their back, then, um, yeah... you win. Not sure what you have won, but you have won! Yay!

PeacefulDestroyer24 -

BJJ under its current scoring system is a joke of a sport and not a true martial art. There should be more emphasis on takedowns rather than encouraging butt scooting because butt scooting does not work in a real fight. We all know that the rules are tailor made so that wrestlers can't just come in with 0 experience and beat BJJ guys at their own sport. 

The "BJJ masters" should take their own philosophical advice and put ego aside and make the game more centered around takedowns. Because in order to implement BJJ in a real fight you need to be able to take it to the ground. And the way to make BJJ guys learn better takedown defense is to give takedowns the points the rightfully deserve in tournaments. Until this is done the sport will not evolve and you will continue to be recognized as butt scooters who can't win in a real fight. 

Wrestling Cowards need to allow Submissions!

Wrestling under its current rule set doesn't allow for BJJ guys to come in and fuck them up.

We all know falling onto your stomach to avoid getting pinned is not realistic at all in a street fight.

We all know that the rules are tailor made so that BJJ can't just come in with 0 experience and beat wrestlers at their own sport.

Fuck..... It's almost like grappling arts aren't real fights... Like it's just a game or something. Crazy thought.

Shinsplint -
PeacefulDestroyer24 -

I can't believe the beta male faggot pussies in this thread actually defending the cowardly rules of modern BJJ. What a bunch of cowards. 

BJJ/Grappling NEEDS to be more takedowncentric if it's ever to transcend to the next leve and become a true martial art. 

Haha. There are plenty of Bjj guys that have come from a wrestling background. Takedown is good but then what?

Stall apparently

i have done BJJ and wrestling and am about equal leval at both.I do agree and was always suprised more BJJ schools didnt make the students master takedowns prior to learning ground because in order to take the fight or match to the ground you need to secure the takedown.But I do think most good BJJ schools do takedowns.The schools I have trained at did emphisize ground but also did takedowns.In tourneys I agree flopping to ur back shold be penalized and is clearly a 2 point takedown for the OTHER guy who is on top ,Even back points id be ok with as well

last nights Maia verses Woodley is excatly whats the matter with BJJ they great at ground but it does no good if you cant get the fight there

that said taking down woodley isa  tough feet even for a good wrestler But i do agree if BJJers started drastically improving the takedowns they would dominate again

Ok, how many points do you get for takedowns? And what's the limit on those take down points during a bjj match? Otherwise wrestlers come in and run a takedown clinic. Limit the amount of points for takedowns and you will then have wrestlers able to fight their way in but not blow a match out of the water.

PeacefulDestroyer24 -
triforce -
PeacefulDestroyer24 -

If BJJ becomes more takedowncentric then it becomes a more useful martial art. 

"More useful martial art" 

-The UFC was built on Jiu Jitsu and any BJJ black belt could beat any wrestler if the wrestler doesn't know BJJ so that's a pretty hilarious statement

Yes wrestling is perhaps the best base in MMA today but a BJJ who doesn't know any wrestling beats a wrestler who doesn't beat any BJJ practioner. As Mark Schultz said "Nothing beats wrestling. Except for jiu jitsu" 

But I guess you know more about wrestling than an olympic gold medalist wrestler - great post OP :/

No. Royce Gracie is a completely different fighter from modern BJJ pussies. Modern day BJJ guys are pussies who get manhandled by wrestlers in their own sport.

BJJ has become such a pussified sport filled with passive beta males. Comparing them to wrestlers is a joke. I would go as far as to say most modern BJJ practitioners wouldn't even hold a candle to an average untrained street thug in a real fight. 

"Modern day BJJ guys are pussies who get manhandled by wrestlers in their own sport."


Look up Ed Ruth (beast of a wrestler and bjj blue belt), against Conor DeAngelis at PanAms this year. Ed lost. So no, in their own sport they don't manhandle the right guys. Definitely not in gi bjj if that's what you meant.


Now that said, a lot of the issues in sport BJJ are due to the rules of the major events. I've said it for a while now, if a someone pulls guard you should give the opponent 2 points, but if the guy on bottom gets the sweep, then give him 4 points for that sweep. This way the guard puller is taking an actual risk in pulling guard, but will be rewarded to take the lead if he gets the sweep. The problem is currently, there isn't tons of incentive to be the guy on top because at the highest levels its extremely hard to pass guard, and you don't have a lot of options from on top for high percentage submissions.


Abrasive tone, but I agree with the overall message and I am a BJJ black belt with my own academy.

Agree also. 20 years ago not enough fighters understood bok so simply got caught out but everyone's game evolved except maybe that of the attitude of bjj. This is mma when maia was punched to the floor he sat there looking at Woodley as if to say ok now come down and get me. Woodley just stood there looking at him like get your ass up and fight bitch if you want to implement your ground game you need to impose your will and take it there.

Honestly asking an opponent to come in and fight to your strength is faggotry.

stanneh - Agree also. 20 years ago not enough fighters understood bok so simply got caught out but everyone's game evolved except maybe that of the attitude of bjj. This is mma when maia was punched to the floor he sat there looking at Woodley as if to say ok now come down and get me. Woodley just stood there looking at him like get your ass up and fight bitch if you want to implement your ground game you need to impose your will and take it there.

Honestly asking an opponent to come in and fight to your strength is faggotry.
Understood bjj*

What's easier...from a wrestlers point of view, takedown or blocking a Takedown?

Seems to me, maia does pretty high level take downs. Watch his other fights. His plan is well known and was very successful. Isn't possible TW's defense was just better?

Also seems like a lot of full time bjj gyms these days have at least 1 wrestling class a week on their schedule and everywhere I've trained bjj do use takedowns but it's one part of grappling so of course a full time bjjer isn't going to our wrestle a full time wrestler

TheHouse - Ok, how many points do you get for takedowns? And what's the limit on those take down points during a bjj match? Otherwise wrestlers come in and run a takedown clinic. Limit the amount of points for takedowns and you will then have wrestlers able to fight their way in but not blow a match out of the water.

limit passing guard points ,,if ur guard is good dont let them up

kungfugrip - What's easier...from a wrestlers point of view, takedown or blocking a Takedown?

Seems to me, maia does pretty high level take downs. Watch his other fights. His plan is well known and was very successful. Isn't possible TW's defense was just better?

blocking is easier especially against a non wrestler

So scoring 4 points for a take down instead of 2 will suddenly make white belt wrestlers into world champions?

DuffyLaCoronilla -

So scoring 4 points for a take down instead of 2 will suddenly make white belt wrestlers into world champions?

2 is fine but if u sit on ur ass to AVOID getting takin down for a mere advantage point saves them points If u sit in ur ass it should be 2 points for the other guy ( at least because in wrestling its also backpoints if u get takin down to ur back )