BJJ cowards need to stop hiding from wrestlers

I think Maia has solid wrestling skills, but when you wrestle a D1 All American you are talking about next level talent.

mestregruber -
Winston Wolf -
Triple_B -
kungfugrip - What's easier...from a wrestlers point of view, takedown or blocking a Takedown?

Seems to me, maia does pretty high level take downs. Watch his other fights. His plan is well known and was very successful. Isn't possible TW's defense was just better?

Depends who is doing the takedowns and whose defending.

Maia couldn't take him down because he didn't make Woodley respect his hands, so woodley kept his hands low to focus on tdd. He stopped a lot of those shots with underhooks as a result.

Maia has good wrestling for a BJJ guy that hasn't being doing it that long, but he doesn't have many attacks. Mostly low single shots with only a few finishes and he needs to put you against the cage to be successful consistently which also allows him to take guys backs. Woodley was only in that situation a few times which forced Maia to try and take him down in the middle of the cage which is not his strong suit.

Maia had no chance of taking Woodley down unless he was concerned with Maias punches  which he wasnt Good post vu

Really? Why did Woodley grab the fence, then?

Maia missed on like 21 takedowns dude. The same 2 takedowns each time. It looked amateur level of TDs. That said he couldn't train his wrestling in USA because of the 4 week camp ( I guess) and Woodley took like 2 steps forward the whole fight. Takes 2 to tango 

Winston Wolf -
Rude_Boy_TM - Average wrestlers couldn't beat average jiu-jitsu guys until they learned jiu-jitsu...

and juijitsu guys would get pinned against a wrestler

Pinned and then what? In a fight on the street you better have something a bit more solid than a pin.

OP wrote this while "triggered", to use his words

Mix6APlix -
1800champagne -

TrainJudo is smiling from 6 feet under. Buttscootin faggits. 

Did Quincy die?

I thought he was hilarious. I hope that's a dark joke.

PeacefulDestroyer24 -

BJJ under its current scoring system is a joke of a sport and not a true martial art. There should be more emphasis on takedowns rather than encouraging butt scooting because butt scooting does not work in a real fight. We all know that the rules are tailor made so that wrestlers can't just come in with 0 experience and beat BJJ guys at their own sport. 

The "BJJ masters" should take their own philosophical advice and put ego aside and make the game more centered around takedowns. Because in order to implement BJJ in a real fight you need to be able to take it to the ground. And the way to make BJJ guys learn better takedown defense is to give takedowns the points the rightfully deserve in tournaments. Until this is done the sport will not evolve and you will continue to be recognized as butt scooters who can't win in a real fight. 

Could I win a street fight against Tyrone Woodley or ben askren? You’re right. Could I dump the vast majority on their head and Bjj them to death.


good thing all those street fighters out there aren’t great wrestlers too.

Vast majority of untrained me meant

MaxHollowedMyAnus -
Winston Wolf -
Rude_Boy_TM - Average wrestlers couldn't beat average jiu-jitsu guys until they learned jiu-jitsu...

and juijitsu guys would get pinned against a wrestler

Pinned and then what? In a fight on the street you better have something a bit more solid than a pin.

I take it u never watched MMA ? have u ever heard of  ground and pound Or submissions Most wrestlers have some good subs as well But obviously are tough to pull off againsta  good BJJer  Hmm letrs see Jon Jones ex wrestler ..Stipe ex wrestler..Woodler wrestler...Cody G wrestler hmm ptractucally every UFC champis a wrestler who have done more than pin

how about a hard slam on the concrete from a D 1 wrestler and a pin

Winston Wolf -

how about a hard slam on the concrete from a D 1 wrestler and a pin

Just curious. How many times have you been slammed hard by a wrestler?

PeacefulDestroyer24 -

BJJ under its current scoring system is a joke of a sport and not a true martial art. There should be more emphasis on takedowns rather than encouraging butt scooting because butt scooting does not work in a real fight. We all know that the rules are tailor made so that wrestlers can't just come in with 0 experience and beat BJJ guys at their own sport. 

The "BJJ masters" should take their own philosophical advice and put ego aside and make the game more centered around takedowns. Because in order to implement BJJ in a real fight you need to be able to take it to the ground. And the way to make BJJ guys learn better takedown defense is to give takedowns the points the rightfully deserve in tournaments. Until this is done the sport will not evolve and you will continue to be recognized as butt scooters who can't win in a real fight. 

You're right. Also, karate should begin teaching takedown defense and sprawling. It is no longer a true martial art unless it does. Also, wrestling should begin teaching ground and pound so it can be more useful a well.

Also, boxing should teach wrestling and kicking.

Winston Wolf -
MaxHollowedMyAnus -
Winston Wolf -
Rude_Boy_TM - Average wrestlers couldn't beat average jiu-jitsu guys until they learned jiu-jitsu...

and juijitsu guys would get pinned against a wrestler

Pinned and then what? In a fight on the street you better have something a bit more solid than a pin.

I take it u never watched MMA ? have u ever heard of  ground and pound Or submissions Most wrestlers have some good subs as well But obviously are tough to pull off againsta  good BJJer  Hmm letrs see Jon Jones ex wrestler ..Stipe ex wrestler..Woodler wrestler...Cody G wrestler hmm ptractucally every UFC champis a wrestler who have done more than pin

But pure wrestlers don't know any subs. They learn all of them from surprise BJJ.

Keep your argument consistent.

Anek -
Dryfly - 
Winston Wolf - 
Dryfly -
kungfugrip - What's easier...from a wrestlers point of view, takedown or blocking a Takedown?

Seems to me, maia does pretty high level take downs. Watch his other fights. His plan is well known and was very successful. Isn't possible TW's defense was just better?
        <br />
        <span class="User-149737" id="userPost60537996"><span class="User-94712" id="userPost60537689">&quot;Maia does pretty high level takedowns&quot;...You have never been to a High School wrestling tournament have you?<br />
        I do not believe Maia could get a take down against a varsity High School wrestler even once in an entire season.</span></span></blockquote>
        <span class="User-149737" id="userPost60537996"><span class="User-94712" id="userPost60537689">thats nonsence he would takedown most hs wrestlers his weight.Woodley was a college all american</span></span></p>
<br />
<span class="User-149737" id="userPost60537996">Not with any take-down I have ever seen from him he wouldnt.<br />
Surely not with that crap he was trying last night. That shit would quit working in about 8th-9th grade.<br />
I have watched thousands of wrestling matches, my son wrestled at a fairly high level for about 12 years. You may be shocked if you sat thru a high level High School tournament.</span></blockquote>

He took down Rick Story (NAIA runner-up), Jon Fitch (D1), and Chael Sonnen (D1 All American).

Exactly.  Not one highschooler on the list.

Shinsplint -
PeacefulDestroyer24 -

I can't believe the beta male faggot pussies in this thread actually defending the cowardly rules of modern BJJ. What a bunch of cowards. 

BJJ/Grappling NEEDS to be more takedowncentric if it's ever to transcend to the next leve and become a true martial art. 

Haha. There are plenty of Bjj guys that have come from a wrestling background. Takedown is good but then what?

Exactly. Points for takedowns in sport bjj, is dumb. All the higher level bjj guys could absolutely win a streetfight from their back, so the point is irrelevant.

MaxHollowedMyAnus -
Winston Wolf -
MaxHollowedMyAnus -
Winston Wolf -
Rude_Boy_TM - Average wrestlers couldn't beat average jiu-jitsu guys until they learned jiu-jitsu...

and juijitsu guys would get pinned against a wrestler

Pinned and then what? In a fight on the street you better have something a bit more solid than a pin.

I take it u never watched MMA ? have u ever heard of  ground and pound Or submissions Most wrestlers have some good subs as well But obviously are tough to pull off againsta  good BJJer  Hmm letrs see Jon Jones ex wrestler ..Stipe ex wrestler..Woodler wrestler...Cody G wrestler hmm ptractucally every UFC champis a wrestler who have done more than pin

But pure wrestlers don't know any subs. They learn all of them from surprise BJJ.

Keep your argument consistent.

this is MMA every fighter knows every style..Wrestlers alos do wayyyy better in a BJJ match than a  BJJer does in a wrestling match.Also u scoff at being pinned how about starting a fight with u on bottem against a wrestler

Winston Wolf -
MaxHollowedMyAnus -
Winston Wolf -
Rude_Boy_TM - Average wrestlers couldn't beat average jiu-jitsu guys until they learned jiu-jitsu...

and juijitsu guys would get pinned against a wrestler

Pinned and then what? In a fight on the street you better have something a bit more solid than a pin.

I take it u never watched MMA ? have u ever heard of  ground and pound Or submissions Most wrestlers have some good subs as well But obviously are tough to pull off againsta  good BJJer  Hmm letrs see Jon Jones ex wrestler ..Stipe ex wrestler..Woodler wrestler...Cody G wrestler hmm ptractucally every UFC champis a wrestler who have done more than pin

All have years of bjj experience. Who pinned Rickson? Royce? I'm confused by your ignorant response...

MaxHollowedMyAnus -
Winston Wolf -
MaxHollowedMyAnus -
Winston Wolf -
Rude_Boy_TM - Average wrestlers couldn't beat average jiu-jitsu guys until they learned jiu-jitsu...

and juijitsu guys would get pinned against a wrestler

Pinned and then what? In a fight on the street you better have something a bit more solid than a pin.

I take it u never watched MMA ? have u ever heard of  ground and pound Or submissions Most wrestlers have some good subs as well But obviously are tough to pull off againsta  good BJJer  Hmm letrs see Jon Jones ex wrestler ..Stipe ex wrestler..Woodler wrestler...Cody G wrestler hmm ptractucally every UFC champis a wrestler who have done more than pin

But pure wrestlers don't know any subs. They learn all of them from surprise BJJ.

Keep your argument consistent.
Right? In my original response I wasn't referring to jiu jitsu fighters beating wrestlers at wrestling. If that "D1"wrestler you speak of has never even seen jiu-jitsu, he's getting his arm broken. Even you know that.

Bjj is a very effective martial art against people that have never trained grappling. Once you add striking no Gi and basic grappling defence things become very even. It makes me laugh when Bjj players talk like it's the ultimate martial art. 

PeacefulDestroyer24 -

BJJ under its current scoring system is a joke of a sport and not a true martial art. There should be more emphasis on takedowns rather than encouraging butt scooting because butt scooting does not work in a real fight. We all know that the rules are tailor made so that wrestlers can't just come in with 0 experience and beat BJJ guys at their own sport. 

The "BJJ masters" should take their own philosophical advice and put ego aside and make the game more centered around takedowns. Because in order to implement BJJ in a real fight you need to be able to take it to the ground. And the way to make BJJ guys learn better takedown defense is to give takedowns the points the rightfully deserve in tournaments. Until this is done the sport will not evolve and you will continue to be recognized as butt scooters who can't win in a real fight. 

They have that already. It's called Judo. 

I agree with OP... BJJers are just a bunch of butt scooting homosexers and its a FACT not a single one of them knows a single take down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!