Just reading uniquetechniques story about being jumped by 3 big guys and I'm still wondering, do people here still believe that BJJ is good for self defense???
It is not. Not at all.
Muay Thai, traditional full-contact Karate, Judo, Boxing, or any martial art where you can immediately deliver KO power to an opponent is a good martial art for self-defense.
I add Judo because it is the one grappling art that can actually DEDICATES to delivering explosive throws that can KO an opponent. That, AND, it give you enough knowledge of submissions and grappling that you're not going to be overwhelmed by someone trying to take YOU down.
But overall, self defense is about taking as many people OUT as possible in the shortest period of time. I can't think of any legitimate martial art that is WORSE at this than BJJ. Horrible.
Great for MMA, horrible for self defense.
learn it all and stfu
uniquetechnique is a known troll who pretended to be a swedish alliance purple belt, who was outed by, well a swedish purple belt, i believe while intensely trolling the judo forum. while it might be true, i'd take what he says with a grain of salt.
that being said, in police reports, the highest rate of KO multiple fights and i think single fights, was by throw, not punch. so judo and wrestling are at the top of the footchain for self defense imo.
Toughest streetfighters I ever knew, even way before the NHB days, were all wrestlers / boxers.
Guy Fawkes - Best for one on one but I agree on multiples or self defense.
If something is good for multiples, then it is best for one on one as well.
Muay Thai is the best for one on one, with Judo as a backup. No can defend.
Kicks from a distance, hands at medium, in close elbows and knees, and if you grapple you're getting a plumb clinch followed by a massive O soto gari.
gotta say i agree, bjj is throughly useless if your fighting 3 vs 1. Especially on concrete, its just a bad idea. however in even numbers or one on one fights its a brilliant concept and is almost indefensible without the proper techniques.
It doesn't matter what self-defense/martial art you know. If you get jumped by three big guys, you are getting your ass kicked. Plain and simple. Two vs. one is bad enough, let alone three. To think otherwise, you have been watching too many movies.
Kakkarotto_san -Guy Fawkes - Best for one on one but I agree on multiples or self defense.
If something is good for multiples, then it is best for one on one as well.
Muay Thai is the best for one on one, with Judo as a backup. No can defend.
Kicks from a distance, hands at medium, in close elbows and knees, and if you grapple you're getting a plumb clinch followed by a massive O soto gari.
Can't say I agree with you there. Against one guy, grappling is perfectly fine. Maintaining distance against a single opponent without a wide open space is difficult. Once clinched, it's pretty hard to maintain your balance. <br /><br />I used bounce many years ago. Stand up grappling, specifically the guillotine had the highest percentage of success, especially in tight against or a wall or in hallways. It was relatively easy to negate striking in those situations, even knees and elbows.
Your post = lame sauce.
I must have missed the classes where Judo or Muay Thai has you spar multiple attackers.
That guy needed his gun. Not martial arts
chokes are good
ive done them to end fights quick and ive seen doormen i know do them too
soccer kick
its cleaner than gnp and i did that a lot before
hitting and armbar in a fight or expecting someone to know to tap is ridiculous tho
you will have to break their limbs or they will come out swinging when you release
The best form of self defence against multiple attackers (3-4) is a nice sweet right cross to the ringleader followed by a sub 12 second 100 metres!
Kakkarotto_san - Just reading uniquetechniques story about being jumped by 3 big guys and I'm still wondering, do people here still believe that BJJ is good for self defense???
It is not. Not at all.
Muay Thai, traditional full-contact Karate, Judo, Boxing, or any martial art where you can immediately deliver KO power to an opponent is a good martial art for self-defense.
I add Judo because it is the one grappling art that can actually DEDICATES to delivering explosive throws that can KO an opponent. That, AND, it give you enough knowledge of submissions and grappling that you're not going to be overwhelmed by someone trying to take YOU down.
But overall, self defense is about taking as many people OUT as possible in the shortest period of time. I can't think of any legitimate martial art that is WORSE at this than BJJ. Horrible.
Great for MMA, horrible for self defense.
This TMA attitude is dangerous. The thought is that you'll be able to always see a fight coming and that you'll have a chance to stand and defend. This also presupposes that there is nothing 'proactive' you can do to avoid being in a situation where you'll need to use MA for self defense.
1. Self Defense is 90% proactive and 10% reactive.
2. I'm not going to be teaching my daughter to 'box' to get out of an attack however I'd be more than happy to know she has an active guard and can choke someone unconscious.
Sure there will be the handful of times when knowing how to throw a good punch will come in handy but good BJJ will teach you the basics of Judo and a solid ground game.
sometimes if you are hemmed in like in a bar and you know that help is coming or you can escape if you time it right, the floor can be less dangerous than standing
you have the human shield of the guy you are fuckin up and if you can time it right you can get out of there
the transition to standing is the dangerous part
you are right tho
theres no cowardice in running from a jumping but if you cant run then fuck it
tools and bloodbath
jkennedy -Kakkarotto_san - Just reading uniquetechniques story about being jumped by 3 big guys and I'm still wondering, do people here still believe that BJJ is good for self defense???
It is not. Not at all.
Muay Thai, traditional full-contact Karate, Judo, Boxing, or any martial art where you can immediately deliver KO power to an opponent is a good martial art for self-defense.
I add Judo because it is the one grappling art that can actually DEDICATES to delivering explosive throws that can KO an opponent. That, AND, it give you enough knowledge of submissions and grappling that you're not going to be overwhelmed by someone trying to take YOU down.
But overall, self defense is about taking as many people OUT as possible in the shortest period of time. I can't think of any legitimate martial art that is WORSE at this than BJJ. Horrible.
Great for MMA, horrible for self defense.
This TMA attitude is dangerous. The thought is that you'll be able to always see a fight coming and that you'll have a chance to stand and defend. This also presupposes that there is nothing 'proactive' you can do to avoid being in a situation where you'll need to use MA for self defense.
1. Self Defense is 90% proactive and 10% reactive.
2. I'm not going to be teaching my daughter to 'box' to get out of an attack however I'd be more than happy to know she has an active guard and can choke someone unconscious.
Sure there will be the handful of times when knowing how to throw a good punch will come in handy but good BJJ will teach you the basics of Judo and a solid ground game.
so you'd be happier for your daughter to end up on the ground than standing and punching, that seems a terrible idea to me. I cant envisage a scenario in a fight where i'd want to be on my back on the floor, sure bjj's excellent if you trip or get knocked down fighting,
jkennedy -Kakkarotto_san - Just reading uniquetechniques story about being jumped by 3 big guys and I'm still wondering, do people here still believe that BJJ is good for self defense???
It is not. Not at all.
Muay Thai, traditional full-contact Karate, Judo, Boxing, or any martial art where you can immediately deliver KO power to an opponent is a good martial art for self-defense.
I add Judo because it is the one grappling art that can actually DEDICATES to delivering explosive throws that can KO an opponent. That, AND, it give you enough knowledge of submissions and grappling that you're not going to be overwhelmed by someone trying to take YOU down.
But overall, self defense is about taking as many people OUT as possible in the shortest period of time. I can't think of any legitimate martial art that is WORSE at this than BJJ. Horrible.
Great for MMA, horrible for self defense.
This TMA attitude is dangerous. The thought is that you'll be able to always see a fight coming and that you'll have a chance to stand and defend. This also presupposes that there is nothing 'proactive' you can do to avoid being in a situation where you'll need to use MA for self defense.
1. Self Defense is 90% proactive and 10% reactive.
2. I'm not going to be teaching my daughter to 'box' to get out of an attack however I'd be more than happy to know she has an active guard and can choke someone unconscious.
Sure there will be the handful of times when knowing how to throw a good punch will come in handy but good BJJ will teach you the basics of Judo and a solid ground game.
does bjj really work as rape defence
surely a weaker bjj exponent that is female is giving them their pussy on a plate
unless its cyborg of course
if its cyborg then you will be the one getting raped