The clinch is the first thing I'm going for in a street fight, you don't need to worry about where you're throwing your knees, you just need to throw them. I train Muay Thai and BJJ and if I had to use anything on the street I would determine what to do based on the situation. 1 on 1 I'd probably try and use my Thai to sucker the guy into a takedown. Normally in a street fight you don't have to straight shoot on someone, because most people who don't know what they're doing are going to straight throw themselves at you, use their momentum to put them down. If I chose to use my Jiu-Jitsu the only submission I'd even think about attempting would be a choke from a dominant position. Best bet there is to get top control and throw punches.
Uncle Justice - Toughest streetfighters I ever knew, even way before the NHB days, were all wrestlers / boxers.
Thats becasue those Boxers & Wrestlers were fighting people on the street that knew nothing else. Of course they would do good against your average thug off the street with no formal technique.
Devlin - so you'd be happier for your daughter to end up on the ground than standing and punching, that seems a terrible idea to me. I cant envisage a scenario in a fight where i'd want to be on my back on the floor, sure bjj's excellent if you trip or get knocked down fighting,
Life isn't a video game.
I didn't say I won't teach strikes and footwork but the base will be BJJ. Since I'm not a BJJ purest it won't be butt scooting it will be judo based as mentioned. The thing is knowing guard work is key to getting back to your feet. If you're outweighed by 80lbs then you have to look for things that work.
joejones - chokes are good
ive done them to end fights quick and ive seen doormen i know do them too
soccer kick
its cleaner than gnp and i did that a lot before
hitting and armbar in a fight or expecting someone to know to tap is ridiculous tho
you will have to break their limbs or they will come out swinging when you release
That's the formula. Works well and is low risk. Just standing up and banging leaves you vulnerable to a wild haymaker. Keep thing tight and minimize your chances of getting clipped. Trouble is when the guy is a lot stronger than you. He'll throw you around for a little bit before he tires. Chocking helps here too though, takes some of his gas away.
Maybe its been a long time since I've been in a street fight but the times I've tried joint locks the other guy was so terrified he backed off as soon as I let go. Things are probably different now that mms is so popular. Back then nobody knew what was happening and they thoughtbtheir arms was going to break. Btw, I've never applied a straight arm bar, its too risky. Only short arm bars from kneeling.
Chware teg - The best form of self defence against multiple attackers (3-4) is a nice sweet right cross to the ringleader followed by a sub 12 second 100 metres!
Correct. I did that a few times back in the days.
It all depends on the scenario. Judo would be good cuz if you throw someone on concrete then they're done.
toughest/best street fighter i knew in the 70's in oakland ca . trained a little in judo and boxing
I would love to see this multiple attack theory tested. Since when do Muay Thai or Boxing train to fight 3 people at a time? Boxing and Muay Thai would be just as useless as BJJ against 3 motivated and agressive attackers.
The only art that trains for for multiple attackers in a hard street scenario is Aikijutsu and I have yet to see that tested.
I agree that going to the ground in street scenario when you do not know if you are going to get kicked in the head is not a good idea. I would much rather knock someone down and be able to stand and look around.
BJJ is still the best art for a one on one fight with anyone. A BJJ guy would destroy a boxer, kickboxer, wrestler, or a karate guy in a one on one fight. Mixing it with a striking art like Muay Thai/Boxing is still a good idea though if you are worried about a surprise street attack in a chaotic environment with a lot of people around.
Self Defense isn't about kicking ass...
..its about extricating yourself from a bad scenario and its 90% mental and about awareness.
Of all the martial arts I can think of, at least Gracie JJ acknowledges this and trains for it.
Are you speaking in the context of bjj/gjj as a method of self-defense, or strictly groundfighting?
In terms of overall self-defense, bjj/gjj as envisioned by Carlos/Helio is fairly balanced when it comes to standup defenses, strikes, and takedowns/throws that don't necessarily rely on the ground to "take someone out". And re: groundfighting, having tools to work with in worst case scenarios is never a bad thing, no matter the odds, and with training/practicie a person can adequately defend themselves on the ground against multiple attackers, or at least scramble back to their feet.
I particularly like the stuff Shivworks/Southnarc is doing with bjj in duty/tactical environments.
Weapons deployment/what happens after the big throw that doesn't take out the opponnent:
Groundfighing w/weapons:
Vehicle/CQC defense(could you see this applying to car jacking and date rape scenarios?):
Multiple attackers w/weapons deployment:
These people saying armbars are useless on the street are wrong.
I have been doing BJJ for a lot of years and if it was a street situation where I did not know this guy or what he was going to do the armbar is not to make him tap. It would be to straight break the guys arm.
Unless you compete professionally, the only good thing about training in these various combat disciplines is to put money in the instructors pocket.
Most humans go through their life without getting into a street fight, bar brawl,butt-raped, etc
So it doesn't really matter which one of these scam arts is better than the other, it's simply not applicable to 99.999% of the populace.
JOESONDO -joejones - chokes are good
ive done them to end fights quick and ive seen doormen i know do them too
soccer kick
its cleaner than gnp and i did that a lot before
hitting and armbar in a fight or expecting someone to know to tap is ridiculous tho
you will have to break their limbs or they will come out swinging when you release
That's the formula. Works well and is low risk. Just standing up and banging leaves you vulnerable to a wild haymaker. Keep thing tight and minimize your chances of getting clipped. Trouble is when the guy is a lot stronger than you. He'll throw you around for a little bit before he tires. Chocking helps here too though, takes some of his gas away.
Maybe its been a long time since I've been in a street fight but the times I've tried joint locks the other guy was so terrified he backed off as soon as I let go. Things are probably different now that mms is so popular. Back then nobody knew what was happening and they thoughtbtheir arms was going to break. Btw, I've never applied a straight arm bar, its too risky. Only short arm bars from kneeling.
never give up your centre or allow them to have the intiative
even if they are aggressive they better be playing your game or else you are playing theres
so id say make sure you can throw or takedown
streetfighting is streetfighting tho
if i can touch your face il happily take your eye ball out of your skull
i dont look for trouble so the chances are you are declaring war on me for going about my business in the first place
there aint no competition and honor in that shit
the clinch knee choke stomp version is the peaceful one believe me
BJJ has a place, to learn submission defense and realistically if you're fighting a guy much much bigger than you without weapons or a path of escape it'd be your primary useful art.
I disagree with karate, face punching is the primary activity in street fights and kicks are overrated especially since you can get taken down. Karate is the last thing you should study.
I agree though, boxing, muay thai and judo are better for the street. I'd add wrestling too. And of course studying them in an integrated MMA class.
People still comment on these stupid threads?
Call me a pussy all you want, but 3 vs 1 I will be using bitearate, my eyepokeitsu and Muaydicksshot!
BJJ is the best martial art for a one on one fight... Point has been proven time and time again.
nothing more predictable then internet tough guys talking about what they'd do in some movie fight scenario.