Or you could just have a gun. Thing about an 'explosive' martial art is you still have to pull the trigger and maybe punch out some dude's windpipe or something. Awesome you killed him.
BJJ is a nice peaceful way to take someone out if need be and that was it's appeal to me.
Honestly if you're looking to fuck up a bunch of guys real quick, carrying a piece around is more effective than a karate black belt.
i actually had confrontation about 2 months ago with an ass tard...
long story short...
i am better at BJJ/Subrasslin techs than my MMA/MT but it so happenend i just used MT by Intinct...
a quick unexpected right hook to the head with a follow up high knee thrust to the chest ..pretty much the endof the fight...the guy didnt even bother approaching me at ..
i pretty much knee'd that fool about say 30% worth of effort ..NOWHERE near 100% or with anger/rage behind it.. and i was being gentle at that.
had it gone to the ground i probably would have just kneed his face/head silly n neck cranked him.
iam sure if there was 2 or 3 guys the MT wouldve been MOS DEF enough as i kinda did this in a span of 2 seconds.
I am under the impression that using BJJ in a street fight would be disastrous, at least in an area like mine. Most fights where I live involve either weapons, including knives, people being outnumbered, or both. Now the last thing you want to do when your facing two people is to grapple. If you were smart you would try to keep your distance, make sure your not surrounded and strike first and hard. That way you have the chance of taking out one of them while the other either re-evaluates the situation, or charges you. Getting in close in any way would just get you beaten from all angles. Also the element of a knife being pulled in a one on one fight makes closing the distance a very questionable decision.
TS is right, BJJ is great for 1 v 1 but for real self defense it is terrible; you ever seen someone but-scooting in a bar fight? HELL NO, cuz he would get his face stomped out so fast.
The best real Self-Defense is Boxing and Wrestling. Both are very effective in brawl situations.
Kali. Look it up, find a gym if you're really interested in self-defense. It is extremely practical for a variety of situations, including being outnumbered with no ability to escape.
Training is not based on techniques that are being taught in the class being used against you. It's training if someone has a knife, gun or are empty handed. It also teaches you to use everyday objects as weapons. Because of this, we taught many undercover police officers that couldn't afford to be caught carrying a real weapon. Our weapon of choice was a nice, sturdy pen. I always carry one.
How come everyone seems to think BJJ for self defense involves butt scooting?
How come people think judo players can pull off throws in a fight? A larger percent can't and end up doing a sloppy double legs or trips (just like BJJ guys).
I have been doing judo for 20 years and no you don't know better than me. Just putting that out there since most of you fucks will tell me how you would O soto gari me on my head.
You are better off with wrestling boxing and bjj. Judo is a non issue til higher levels when you have to have a more diverse takedown game.
Best art, is the art of diplomacy combined with common sense. The guy in the that original thread (which I think is a troll anyway) tried to go and START a fight with an unknown number of people after a rude comment. He is lucky he didnt get shot/curb stomped, and only an idiot IMO goes and picks fights with unknowns over words. The fact he did it with young kids with him, means he is past being an idiot and it sounds to foolish, I think that story was just BS.
But here is a fact for you "self defense" people. Fighting someone one on one is one thing, but I have never seen a true self defense scenario where the attacker was unarmed/alone/even close to the same size as the person being attacked. There is no art for multiple attackers that doesnt involve the use of weapons that can in any way be called close to reliable. Anyone training any martial art/combat sport for that one day they get "attacked" is wasting time and money. For a real attack there are far better ways to defend yourself (mace/knife/gun/running shoes).
jkennedy - How come everyone seems to think BJJ for self defense involves butt scooting?
Because alot of folks like to talk about things they have never done/dont know anything about.
JSMHP - How come people think judo players can pull off throws in a fight? A larger percent can't and end up doing a sloppy double legs or trips (just like BJJ guys).
I have been doing judo for 20 years and no you don't know better than me. Just putting that out there since most of you fucks will tell me how you would O soto gari me on my head.
You are better off with wrestling boxing and bjj. Judo is a non issue til higher levels when you have to have a more diverse takedown game.
I teach (and have had reports back on how successful it is in live situations) a throw to LEO that works and is very good at ending fights.
Standing head and arm choke with a hip toss. It can be modified to a drag down if you don't want to be catapulting someone threw the air. I've used it in MMA, as a bouncer and on very highly resisting LEO (he was trying to prove I couldn't do it on someone who knew it was coming).
BJJ should be more than just playing guard look at Jacare.
stlnl2 -jkennedy - How come everyone seems to think BJJ for self defense involves butt scooting?
Because alot of folks like to talk about things they have never done/dont know anything about.
100% agree with you.
jkennedy - How come everyone seems to think BJJ for self defense involves butt scooting?
because their only experience with this topic is watching MMA on TV and watching world star hip hop videos
Unless you are extremely good at taking hits, a Green Beret or Batman, fighting more than one guy is a recipe for a serious ass kicking. And no amount of training will make you overcome that, brotha.
And the reason people on the UG think BJJ involves “butt scooting” is because the UG has many, many trolls and dumbfucks.
Ok.... I agree with this in general. But in reality, 3 big guys would probably also fuck up some so-so brown belt striker as well.
They have weight classes for a reason, and they also have 1 on 1 fights for a reason as well.
stlnl2 -jkennedy - How come everyone seems to think BJJ for self defense involves butt scooting?
Because alot of folks like to talk about things they have never done/dont know anything about.
because you discussed active guard instead of simply saying good bjj.
I used a bjj technique recently to get a retard strong guy off me and put hole in his face.
Some arts are better than others but they all can be used.
Devlin -stlnl2 -jkennedy - How come everyone seems to think BJJ for self defense involves butt scooting?
Because alot of folks like to talk about things they have never done/dont know anything about.
because you discussed active guard instead of simply saying good bjj.
Where did anyone say active guard? I only saw a few references to BJJ, and most assumed taking a fight to a prolonged ground battle, or being on your back. But I could have missed it.
Also, I think it should be clear, the situation he is talking about WAS NOT SELF DEFENSE. It was a fool picking a fight with 4 grown ass men.
yusul - uniquetechnique is a known troll who pretended to be a swedish alliance purple belt, who was outed by, well a swedish purple belt, i believe while intensely trolling the judo forum. while it might be true, i'd take what he says with a grain of salt.
that being said, in police reports, the highest rate of KO multiple fights and i think single fights, was by throw, not punch. so judo and wrestling are at the top of the footchain for self defense imo.
I read on another forum where the owner of Tattoo Zoo came on and spoke as well. Also another witness took a pic of their vehicle and posted it on that forum. So it might be legit.
In a situation like that doesn't matter what your style is. Multiple attacker situations are more about street smarts than any martial arts training. Positioning, keeping distance, improvising weapons, ect ect.
nogblublt - In a situation like that doesn't matter what your style is. Multiple attacker situations are more about street smarts than any martial arts training. Positioning, keeping distance, improvising weapons, ect ect. <img src="/images/phone/post_tag.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>
You left out the most important one.....staying out of them in the first place.......