Better Mouse Trap - Unless you compete professionally, the only good thing about training in these various combat disciplines is to put money in the instructors pocket.
Most humans go through their life without getting into a street fight, bar brawl,butt-raped, etc
So it doesn't really matter which one of these scam arts is better than the other, it's simply not applicable to 99.999% of the populace.
GageIsLegend - Boxing and wrestling are best combos. You don't think that once you are on the ground trying to sub the guy the other two won't be kicking you in the face?
jkennedy - How come everyone seems to think BJJ for self defense involves butt scooting?
Because alot of folks like to talk about things they have never done/dont know anything about.
because you discussed active guard instead of simply saying good bjj.
That's fair. I consider BJJ the same as Self Defense. I also think MMA from a BJJ perspective is just an extension of Self Defense which is why I'll teach it to my daughter(s).
GageIsLegend - Boxing and wrestling are best combos. You don't think that once you are on the ground trying to sub the guy the other two won't be kicking you in the face? <img src="/images/phone/post_tag.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>
But no chance they will be smacking you in the back of the had as you box a guy, right?
jkennedy - How come everyone seems to think BJJ for self defense involves butt scooting?
Because alot of folks like to talk about things they have never done/dont know anything about.
because you discussed active guard instead of simply saying good bjj.
That's fair. I consider BJJ the same as Self Defense. I also think MMA from a BJJ perspective is just an extension of Self Defense which is why I'll teach it to my daughter(s).
fair enough, personally i think a lot of the bjj ground techniques aren't an excellent idea in a street fight that isnt 1 vs 1 (much better to know than not know though), but things like standing kimuras, and chokes are an excellent idea.
Better Mouse Trap - Unless you compete professionally, the only good thing about training in these various combat disciplines is to put money in the instructors pocket.
Most humans go through their life without getting into a street fight, bar brawl,butt-raped, etc
So it doesn't really matter which one of these scam arts is better than the other, it's simply not applicable to 99.999% of the populace.
most humans go through life without getting into a fight? that has to depends on where you live man, and also you dont gain nothing, you gain self confidence, the health benefits, and hell training can be pretty damn fun, as well as technical insights for watching mma/k1/boxing, so you dont have to rely on the commentator to explain things to you.
Better Mouse Trap - Unless you compete professionally, the only good thing about training in these various combat disciplines is to put money in the instructors pocket.
Most humans go through their life without getting into a street fight, bar brawl,butt-raped, etc
So it doesn't really matter which one of these scam arts is better than the other, it's simply not applicable to 99.999% of the populace.
most humans go through life without getting into a fight? that has to depends on where you live man, and also you dont gain nothing, you gain self confidence, the health benefits, and hell training can be pretty damn fun, as well as technical insights for watching mma/k1/boxing, so you dont have to rely on the commentator to explain things to you.
Krav maga is the answer.. We train for live situations each practice, 2 to 4 attackers at the same time. The key is ending it as fast as possible. Throat, eyes, balls are the areas you focus on in your attack.
With multiple simultaneous attackers it is not about honor or flashy shit, it is about defending your life. There are no rules in situations like that so no TMA will prepare you for it
DMCN - Krav maga is the answer.. We train for live situations each practice, 2 to 4 attackers at the same time. The key is ending it as fast as possible. Throat, eyes, balls are the areas you focus on in your attack. With multiple simultaneous attackers it is not about honor or flashy shit, it is about defending your life. There are no rules in situations like that so no TMA will prepare you for it
This is such stupidity! The possible scenarios in a self defense situation are so variable. There is no single martial art that is end all/be all for unarmed self defense. But there are certain martial arts that develop important skillsets and attributes for different aspects of self defense. For example, a good bjj'er can escape someone trying to hold him down and pound him on the ground, or someone putting him in a choke hold from behind. A good boxer can throw fast hard punches that might knock down or keep back several people trying to surround him.
so styles like Bjj and boxing are great for self defense in that they train the skills to be able to do those things. However, a self defense situation can go anywhere. It should not be approached with the mentality of a Bjj match, boxing match, or an MMA fight. You have to keep situational awareness and common sense. Act in whatever manner will accomplish the goal of protecting your life, getting away, or neutralizing the specific threat if you need to. Self defense is not about which individual martial art 'works best on the street' (in and of themselves, none of them do really) Its about utilizing the most practical skillset applicable to the situation, in an intelligent manner. So the question is, which martial arts train important skillsets?
DMCN - Krav maga is the answer.. We train for live situations each practice, 2 to 4 attackers at the same time. The key is ending it as fast as possible. Throat, eyes, balls are the areas you focus on in your attack. With multiple simultaneous attackers it is not about honor or flashy shit, it is about defending your life. There are no rules in situations like that so no TMA will prepare you for it <img src="/images/phone/post_tag.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>
Krav Maga is good for physical fitness & beating up a street guy that knows nothing and that’s about it. A Krav Maga guy would get submitted by a BJJ guy, ground and pounded by a good wrestler, and knocked out by a boxer or muay thai striker. They take basics from a bunch of arts and master absolutely none. Those multiple attack scenarios they use where they have the guy bent over grabbing his neck while they have the arm may work with 2 guys if you are lucky but never 3. Don’t kid yourself pal.
Muay Thai + Judo are my weapons of choice. Granted you can never predict what will happen in a street fight. If there was a technique or style that worked 100 percent of the time no one would train anything else.
Best advice I've been given, avoid fighting when you can. If you can't, put them down hard and fast, then GTFO.