BJJ is not a good martial art for self defense.

The Cats Pajamas - 
TheSliceman - TS is right, BJJ is great for 1 v 1 but for real self defense it is terrible; you ever seen someone but-scooting in a bar fight? HELL NO, cuz he would get his face stomped out so fast.

The best real Self-Defense is Boxing and Wrestling. Both are very effective in brawl situations.

These types of arguments are so fuckin retarded, i can't believe they are made by anyone who trains. Why would anyone who has trained BJJ for more than a couple of months need to buttscoot against some shmoe? No, he's going to fuckin manhandle him, and throw him to the ground like a ragdoll.

ppl say and think the most pathetic things when referring to bJJ for the street-- AS IF they( Bjjers) will approach it like they were at Mundials or Pan ams ...on the street.

bjj for 1 vs 1

gun for multiple attackers... stop living in fantasy world, ts would get tapped by any run of the mill blue belt thinking his muay thai is superior

This is how real street fights end:

 Any realistic martial art has its uses, BJJ would be my choice if I had to defend myself off the ground for some reason. Boxing (with an awareness of grappling) is probably the most practical though, you keep both feet on the ground and you get experience moving off walls and corners. 

this thread has never been done before :/

One on One it's ok. Few streetfights are just one on one however Phone Post

If someone armbars an attacker on the street, breaks the arm of the attacker and then proceeds to twist the arm trying to tear the arm off after the break. Would the attackee go to jail?

People out fighting = idiots.

First two years of college i fought all the time,
i fought everyone. I picked fights, fights found me,
id fight 3 guys, id fight one guy, etc..
Some i won, some i lost, but every time i WANTED to fight.

Since I have grown up a little bit,
i go out just as often, and haven't been in a single fight.
99 percent of the time you can escape a situation without getting physical.

Kakkarotto_san - This is how real street fights end:

some funny shite their homes lol!!!

You have to laugh at the people saying "not this thread again" or "these arguments are so fucking stupid!".

Well, quit bumping the thread with your complaints geniuses.


BJJ as self defense video. Pretty bad ass!

i used to train muay thai for about two years and quit for a year and a half now. i train a decent amount of jiu jitsu for about 3 years now..

other weekend a guy punched me in the face two times unexpectedly (had my hands down)

I grabbed onto his sweater and tried to get him to the ground and almost succeeded when his friend punched me in the face and they both ran away. I was left with a fractured nose, cracked tooth and blood pouring like a fountain from my face.

have to admit that stand up is the way to go, nobody fights fairly, now more than ever.

4later Phone Post

This is a stupid argument - I don't care what you know and how bada$$ you think your training is - you get in a fight with 3 guys and your A$$ better run.

More than one attacker you need striking for but more than three attackers and you are generally screwed. I got jumped last year and I managed to drop the first couple guys with strikes and got overwhelmed and boot stomped.

My 12 year old daughter is taking BJJ for self defense. she didn't want to take anything involving striking and i wanted her to be able to defend herself. now she is considering adding Muay tai as BJJ has taken away her fear of fighting. I hope she doesnt read the underground and see bjj sux for self defense

Kakkarotto_san - Just reading uniquetechniques story about being jumped by 3 big guys and I'm still wondering, do people here still believe that BJJ is good for self defense???

It is not. Not at all.

Muay Thai, traditional full-contact Karate, Judo, Boxing, or any martial art where you can immediately deliver KO power to an opponent is a good martial art for self-defense.

I add Judo because it is the one grappling art that can actually DEDICATES to delivering explosive throws that can KO an opponent. That, AND, it give you enough knowledge of submissions and grappling that you're not going to be overwhelmed by someone trying to take YOU down.

But overall, self defense is about taking as many people OUT as possible in the shortest period of time. I can't think of any legitimate martial art that is WORSE at this than BJJ. Horrible.

Great for MMA, horrible for self defense.

Tell that junk to Crazy Horse yo!

John Nic - i used to train muay thai for about two years and quit for a year and a half now. i train a decent amount of jiu jitsu for about 3 years now..

other weekend a guy punched me in the face two times unexpectedly (had my hands down)

I grabbed onto his sweater and tried to get him to the ground and almost succeeded when his friend punched me in the face and they both ran away. I was left with a fractured nose, cracked tooth and blood pouring like a fountain from my face.

have to admit that stand up is the way to go, nobody fights fairly, now more than ever.

Exactly. Did you ever think back and say to yourself, "if I just started throwing nasty bombs, elbows, knees, whatever; instead of GRABBING and trying to take him down then maybe things would have been much different"?

I guarantee it would be. Even if you still walked away with a busted nose and bloody face, that guy would have been out cold or at least had the same busted face.

STRIKING is the way to go for a street fight. (with enough grappling knowledge to stuff the bitch ass takedown of some bitch ass guard-pulling BJJ asswipe).

fxdfp - This is a stupid argument - I don't care what you know and how bada$$ you think your training is - you get in a fight with 3 guys and your A$$ better run.

Problem is, you don't always have the luxury of running away when suddenly confronted by a swarm of people. You can end up on the ground immediately via a shove, punch, kick, or simply tripping over your feet as panic sets in when trying to get away. There are no guarantees, of course, but in that kind of situation knowing how to wrestle(clinch/pummeling) and function on the ground is a lifesaver, especially when supplemented with the type of multiple attacker/weapons oriented drills I posted footage of earlier.