BJJ Student Wins $46 Million … Paralyzed

Do tell…

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Actual video is on Tom Blass’ instagram if anyone wants to see it - really was just a case of zigged when he should of zagged and clearly could happen to anyone anytime - scary :worried:


After watching the video original stance has softened. Doesn’t look like it was an overly spazzy move.

Looks like he just happened to try to Granby over his right shoulder just as Sinestro tried to Leo Viera roll over his left.

Really does look like a freak accident


So this injured guy is walking an and climbing again?


For 40+ million I would be on my way back to Brazil.


After reading the judgement and watching the video I have reaffirmed what I already knew: Rener Gracie is a piece of shit


Par terre is the king of broken neck positions, it happens a couple times a year in folk style, usually when the kid on top chops the supporting arm out. Ken shamrock broke his neck folking out. It sounds like this guy had the muscle tone of a jellyfish


Isaw the video, it didnt look like the instructor was being reckless. To me it looked like the newbie was going off and out of control.

I heard about expert witnesses and they will say anything for a price.


Yeah it’s weird how durable and fragile we are at the same time.


Hopefully some stem cell crispr type shit can get this dude his limbs back eventually.

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Wait wtf? He’s rock climbing?


Makes sense real black belts and teachers focus on safety. They are aware how easily it is to break someone.


Fuck Rener. No one should ever train with him or give him views again.


It wouldn’t surprise me if rener makes it to the highest echelons of politics


This. Everyone who hates rener needs to recognize hes made of the same cloth as every politician in office, or high level ceo. Narcissistic, only using people for his own self interest, no morals or ethics, and no real character.



There’s a video of him giving an “inspirational speech” to these military guys. It doesn’t make him look good

“My level of intensity was much higher, so I often got paired up with the higher-level belts because of my wrestling and, quite frankly, just the ability to want to kick the shit out of people because it’s just fun.

So I got paired up with the black belt instructor and we went to for that, multiple rounds…I went to turtle and he put his knee in my neck and torqued me over"

Fuck this guy.

  1. you didn’t go “tit for tat” with a world champion black belt. He toyed with you. Anything you did happened because he allowed it.

  2. he didn’t put his knee in the back of your neck, you lying sack of shit. You tried to Granby violently before clearing his upper body connection and it just so happened to be at the same time he was doing a safe technique.

Also “my intensity was higher so I often got paired with higher belts” just means “I was a horrible training partner who hurt regular hobbiests so I was mostly only allowed to roll with higher belts”

I wish he actually had been paralyzed


ok wtf. does anyone know his medical diagnosis or did he just pretend to have a severed spinal cord at the neck.

“my intensity was higher” holy shit what a faggot.


Honestly I’m starting to wonder this myself.


Probably everyone associated that they could draw in to the suit. Ultimately it will come down to the insurance they had.

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I hate flying armbars etc. I told my friends they were hurting my knee and if it was a tournament I’d pile drive the guy for doing this

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