Blue Belt Beats Tyson???

No F**KING way! Don't get me wrong I love GJJ but a two to three year prime JJ Blue belt would get killed by Tyson even now and he's not even in his prime.(BTW I'm a Purple belt 200 Lb Decently strong athlete and I have no dillusions that I could beat a man like Tyson)

Do you really care?

No I don't but you must because you looked and replied to this thread. I only made the thread because I had a Guy who is suppose to be a blue belt tell me he thought he could beat tyson.

It has never occured to me if a random blue belt can beat tyson until I saw your post. I guess it all just depends on circumstances. I don't know the guy so I can't really say.

Tyson is about 5 feet tall and would get pummeled in any fight that had no rules.

pinkylock, You have to be kidding, You said a fight with no rules, He is a very aggressive fighter with scientific proof that his punching power is enough to give an average man permanent brain damage. Boxers condition better than most any athlete under the sun, He got into a fight with multiple attackers and he went to jail for beating the crap out of them, btw you realize that I am talking about a regular Blue Belt, not a Brazilian Sandbagging 15 year blue belt.

Shat has K.O.'D the correct!!!


he WOULD beat my ass. But, I met him, and he is not that ipressive. He is small. He is also CRAZY.

ttt for tard strength

It depends on the blue belt's reach. If the blue belt could stick and move from the outside and pepper Tyson's face with jabs and a couple of powerful uppercuts when Tyson closes the distance, I think the blue belt could win it.

a blue belt in a jiu jitsu rules match, sure. In an mma match, no way tyson, even short and old, is still a monster.

In an MMA match, a blue belt with a good wrestling background and a good shot... Sure.

Most blue belts don't do street fight or even mma training. Sport bjj is a far cry from real fighting. If you have your friends put on a pair of gloves while you attempt to shoot in on them you will see that it is not easy task to close the gap without getting nailed.

Ridgeback: I agree, but if you have that wrestling experience, it comes naturally.

o.k., now my serious answer:

There is no answer, IMO. Who is the blue belt? Does he have any other background in grappling? Who is his instructor? Do they train takedowns? Do they train lower body takedowns? Do they train to take people down who are trying to punch them?

I think that in the old days (like 10 years ago), there would have been a possibility. Back then, most BJJers, especially at the Gracie Academy, were training specifically for challenge type matches. These days it is almost strictly to excel at the sportive aspect of BJJ. I dont think any bjjers without serious wrestling takedowns could get Tyson to the floor. Once on the floor, I think most of them could keep him there and finish it, but you also have to consider how nervous the bjjer would be, and how that might affect his coordination (knowing that if Tyson makes it to his feet again it may be over).

avoiding punches?

I totally agree with everything andre said.


Plus it depends on Tyson's awareness of bjj. Does he train submission defenses and takedown counters before the fight?  If he has no idea what a bjjer will try to do that would make a big difference like it did for Royce in his early fights.

 One correction on the Gracie Academy.  From what I understand based on talking to a former student Helio and Rorian picked a select group of students to be trained for challenge matches and they were taught the "deeper secrets" of fighting vale tudo with bjj vs. the regular students who were largely taught the self-defense program and sport bjj.

you can't "avoid his punches" in a boxing sense. No chance in hell. If he is within a couple of feet of you, you are going to get hit and go down, even if it is a glancing blow. The only way to avoid punches is to shoot low immediately and hope to get him down in one fluid motion. If he sprawls on you, which is a natural reaction for many people, he can finish you with punches to the body, even off balance IMO.

If you havent been hit by a pro boxer, you have no idea how much power they generate. I boxed with a pro lightweight who was barely good enough to call himself a pro and even his punches hurt like hell.

Ridgeback, I agree with what you wrote. I think the Tyson of today would be harder to beat than Tyson in his prime. Sounds crazy, but Tyson is a fan of MMA and a friend of Tito and Kerr so Im sure he has had some decent exposure to basic strategy. In his prime he would have likely have expected a stand up fight.

I didnt know that about the Gracie Academy. Thanks for the info!