Bonnar goes berserk at hospital

Yeah I kinda laughed at that…like is anyone saying “Well, if Diego vouches for his mental health, that’s good enough for me!”

That video is standard pill user stuff…sad, Bonnar is on a very bad road and without a major change it will end tragically.


We have heard Dana say a million times that he loves those TUF 1 ‘kids’, especially Forest, and Bonnar. And that he would do anything for them.

Well, that being so, he might want to enroll Bonnar into a high cost treatment/ rehab place. To get his life back on track. That would be a real payback.


He’d probably leave. Unless it’s court mandated you can walk out whenever, and if he has problems with rules and regulations in public rn, he’d last an hour in rehab lol.

100% That could be a training video they use for hospital staff: “Team, this is the type of scenario you can expect to see… A) Avoid Contact B) Get them out of hospital C) Dont be impressed by credentials D) Call police”

Sucks to see, but Ive seen people go through this upclose… He wont stop that on his own.

It’s really, really hard to help an addict. I’ve known my share or them, and whenever anyone reaches out to try and get them straight, they just end up taking advantage in whatever way they can and end up as bad as they were before.


This. You have to make your own road in your own time and when it’s not your time then you won’t succeed. You have to want to get clean and you have to take steps to get there.


Don’t get me wrong, I feel terrible for the guy and hope he gets straightened out.
Having said that, I cried laughing at some of the shit he said in this vid


As I said on the Phil Baroni-Mexico thread, it’s the eyes, you can always tell by the eyes, and Bonnars eyes scream fucking crazy.


Congrats on your sobriety, and also perfecting Blue Steele


Yep. Looks like he seen the devil


Pure fucking panic, like Lucifer himself has come up and slapped him.


It’s when you coming down and you don’t fucking want to.

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It’s so weird because Forrest was always regarded as the crazy one and Bonnar the boring one. Now Griffen has zero social media presence, a great job, and seemingly doing life to the fullest.




Yep. Looks like he seen the devil


Scared Season 4 GIF


" you ever look at the back of a $20 bill on weed man? Some trippy shit going on…"


Congrats man! I hope you are doing well.


strong correlation between anti - vax/right wing views and substance abuse problems


:see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil: @Bolshinstvo u trolling or joking hehehe

I’m vaxed but have friends who are not.
I accept their choice and freedom…

If u wanna travel internationally, ya gonna have to ,:syringe::syringe::syringe::syringe:

I’m also a user of pain meds for 3 herniated prolapsed discs that give me insane sciatica, had many surgeries and over 10yrs I’ve been on and off heavy pain meds… (And at one point addicted)

That said… I’m not anti vax bro.
I must be the only one right brother…

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*[quote=“BoydBucky, post:102, topic:3686957, full:true”]
:see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil: @Bolshinstvo u trolling or joking hehehe

I’m vaxed but have friends who are not.
I accept their choice and freedom…

If u wanna travel internationally, ya gonna have to ,:syringe::syringe::syringe::syringe:

I’m also a user of pain meds for 3 herniated prolapsed discs that give me insane sciatica, had many surgeries and over 10yrs I’ve been on and off heavy pain meds… (And at one point addicted)

That said… I’m not anti vax bro.
I must be the only one right brother…

Got my vax, no shame here…

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