Boxing vs MMA in a street fight

Depends on the fighter & their experience on the street.

Smart money would go to the MMA trained guy.

Chupacabro is correct, you would be able to size up your opponents dicipline or lack there of....

A buddy of mine studied only Judo & was jumped a couple of times while in high school... A throw & slam to the hard concrete typically took the fight out of the punk that jumped him back in the day.

Boxer with body armor, no can defend.

Are we talking about world star style street fights or you run of the mill liveleak one. Phone Post

Stannis Baratheon -
sniper1026 - Depends on the fighter & their experience on the street.

Smart money would go to the MMA trained guy.

Chupacabro is correct, you would be able to size up your opponents dicipline or lack there of....

A buddy of mine studied only Judo & was jumped a couple of times while in high school... A throw & slam to the hard concrete typically took the fight out of the punk that jumped him back in the day.
Unless you have trained in all disciplines how would you recognise the opponents stance, foot work etc? Phone Post 3.0
if you're trained in all disciplines, then you're no longer a pure boxer and this hypothetical is mute. That's right. No sounds. Phone Post 3.0

People can talk all the shit they want...street fight most often start and end with punches.

Boxing alone may not win sanctioned MMA fights (actually not true....JDS was the champ for awhile and killed everyone including Cain w/ C level boxing and is still the solid #2 guy in the world).....but like it or not boxers are PROVEN in the street and boxers generally do VERY VERY well in street fights. PERIOD.

It's true that the guy that throws first usually wins.

Boxers are the best at throwing 1st, hard, fast, and accurate....You can get off 3-4 punches before someone has a chance to react, set up a kick, or go for a takedown.

I'm a former pub manager and my job more involved stopping fights than being in them, wrestling is good for that as you can control people really easily. However it is vital to try and stay on your feet at all times, only twice have I ever been on the ground with someone where they were fighting me and interestingly enough, the only two times I have had people directly fight me (because I had asked them to leave the premises, it's Australian law to do so under certain circumstances). I ended up putting one guy in a standing RNC after I got bitten on the hand and put him to sleep, the other guy got a dislocated shoulder from a kimura after he swung at me, missed and then dragged me to the ground. In both instances the bouncers hadn't started work yet so I was on my own with it  - but both guys were at the venues on their own so I faced no risk of them having friends hit me as well. 


My assessment is knowing the martial arts that make up MMA is probably more ideal, but you need to be smart about what you're doing in a real life scenario if you plan on trying to control the situation. Don't approach it like you're in the octagon. And most of all, the best thing you can do is run. Although BJJ is good if someone chases and tackles you (according to the UFC roundtable WW edition hahahaha)

Thankfully, this topic has never, ever been discussed before in dozens and dozens of threads on this very site.

I'm confident this discussion will bring up completely unique points that haven't been made hundreds of times before.

And I'm sure that this thread--THIS ONE--will finally, universally, and completely resolve the finer points of the intersection between sport/MMA/street fight/TMA/boxing. All future threads will no doubt refer back to this one, as the authoritative treatise. Phone Post 3.0

its hard to argue this one because people often mix the aspects of "no holds bar" street fighting and the concepts of "one and one" in the same argument

i say if you are 100% sure that its a one on one fight then you would still want to be mma. you have to plant your feet to throw a punch, you take away the boxers legs and he has lost his power, he goes to the ground and he has absolutly no orientation in which to defend himself. game over.

Doem - its hard to argue this one because people often mix the aspects of "no holds bar" street fighting and the concepts of "one and one" in the same argument

i say if you are 100% sure that its a one on one fight then you would still want to be mma. you have to plant your feet to throw a punch, you take away the boxers legs and he has lost his power, he goes to the ground and he has absolutly no orientation in which to defend himself. game over.

I love the assumption that all boxers are shitty streetfighters with no balance and really weak bases that fall over if you blow on them....Please. How many guys have shown up as a whitebelt in grappling class, and surprise surprise, they have a great natural base and sense of balance. Some guys are just naturally strong, solid, athletic, with a great innate sense of balance....some of these guys can punch hard.

And some of those guys learned how to box.

LOL @ some nerdy BJJ blue belt coming at one of these guys with his shitty takedown skills and Z level striking.

Doem - its hard to argue this one because people often mix the aspects of "no holds bar" street fighting and the concepts of "one and one" in the same argument

i say if you are 100% sure that its a one on one fight then you would still want to be mma. you have to plant your feet to throw a punch, you take away the boxers legs and he has lost his power, he goes to the ground and he has absolutly no orientation in which to defend himself. game over.

I love the assumption that all boxers are shitty streetfighters with no balance and really weak bases that fall over if you blow on them....Please. How many guys have shown up as a whitebelt in grappling class, and surprise surprise, they have a great natural base and sense of balance. Some guys are just naturally strong, solid, athletic, with a great innate sense of balance....some of these guys can punch hard.

And some of those guys learned how to box.

LOL @ some nerdy BJJ blue belt coming at one of these guys with his shitty takedown skills and Z level striking.

My legs are longer than most boxers arms. What makes you so sure someone well versed in muay thai or karate wont be able to defend themselves against a boxer? Besides timing a boxer has to be able to read straight front kicks and roundhouse kicks while cutting angles. A decent Teep and jab should be able to hold off a boxer long enough to gauge his timing and secure a takedown or wear a boxer out with leg and body kicks.

Chupacabro - 
thegoldenboy - Hey guys, I'm new here but I think I’m equipped at some level to discuss this topic as I’ve trained MMA for approximately 2 years at a top MMA gym (home to a few UFC fighters) and boxing for 1 year with top boxing coaches. I was previously seeking an amateur career if not a professional career in MMA but have decided to make the switch to boxing. I’ve also been in a number of street fights so I feel like my opinion is a valid one.

Anyway, first I’d like to say that I love both sports and have absolutely no bias in my comments. I believe that MMA is king for a 1 on 1 fight against a boxer whether that be in the cage or in a random field, however if the two opponents do not know each others skill sets there is a significant risk that the MMA fighter tries to box with the boxer and gets subsequently knocked out. This is why if a boxer steps in the cage with an MMA fighter he will nearly always lose as the MMA fighter knows exactly what to do to win.

The mistake that many people make is the comparing of the cage to the street. I can confidently say that the cage is not or anything like the street. My honest belief is that boxing is king for a street fight. Why? Because in the majority of street fights you will not be in a 1 vs 1 fight, you will not want to grapple with someone or take him down because of the risk of him pulling a knife or simply because of the fact that the concrete ground is dangerous/dirty and you are at severe risk of being kicked in the head by others. Kicking and kneeing is also a risky manoeuvre as it puts you off balance and is difficult to throw if you are wearing trousers or jeans. Lastly elbows are hard to land due to their short range leaving punches as the most reliable way to end a fight. Also most fights go from 0-100mph in the space of a few seconds; in these cases punches are thrown before anything else as they are the most quickest and efficient way to hurt someone. You will find more often than not that even MMA fighters prefer to box when it comes to street fights. A good example is how Lee Murray knocked Tito Ortiz out cold in the street with one or two PUNCHES, obviously in the cage it would have been a very different story but the street is not the the fucking cage.

Also in nearly every street fight that I have been in I have used nothing but my fists even though I had many other tools and skills at my disposal. However, in every 1 vs 1 fight I have been in e.g school fight, cage fight nothing beats MMA. I'd just like your opinion on my take of this, thanks for reading.
Any one who tranes would be able to spot a boxer by stance and footwork. The boxer would have to disguise his skill, which he would only think to do If he knew his opponent was an MMA fighter. Phone Post 3.0

You talk absolute shit and fail to realise like many others how quickly most street fights materialise, not to mention the high levels of adrenaline that is induced. In the majority of street fights people square up before anything else and in that tiny period of time boxing is king. A quick, hard, devastating combination straight to the chin in under 2 seconds will get the job done leaving absolutely no time to size up someones strengths.

ausgepicht - 

If you think styles matter, you are in a discussion from somewhere around the timeline of UFC 30. This is perhaps one of the dumbest threads ever created on the forum.

Are you 14?

No I'm not 14 and yes styles DO matter even if the person fighting is more important. Why is this a dumb thread?

SKARHEAD - People can talk all the shit they want...street fight most often start and end with punches.

Boxing alone may not win sanctioned MMA fights (actually not true....JDS was the champ for awhile and killed everyone including Cain w/ C level boxing and is still the solid #2 guy in the world).....but like it or not boxers are PROVEN in the street and boxers generally do VERY VERY well in street fights. PERIOD.

Exactly. In the cage you are mentally prepared to execute the necessary moves to win a fight. In the streets such a thing does not exist in most cases. Fights crop up from anywhere in seconds and in these situations throwing first and doing as much damage as possible in the shortest amount of time is why boxing is king in the street.

I'll probably get a lot of shit for this as I am on an MMA forum after all but in my honest opinion if Jon Jones walked into a pub and started getting mouthy to an elite boxer his weight whom he didn't know he would very likely get put to sleep for simply believing that he'd be able to knock the opponent out with his hands. Why would Jon use his hands? Well he'd use his hands because its the easiest and quickest way to stop a fight and he would have absolutely no reason to think that he would have to rely on his other skills.

thegoldenboy -
Chupacabro - 
thegoldenboy - Hey guys, I'm new here but I think I’m equipped at some level to discuss this topic as I’ve trained MMA for approximately 2 years at a top MMA gym (home to a few UFC fighters) and boxing for 1 year with top boxing coaches. I was previously seeking an amateur career if not a professional career in MMA but have decided to make the switch to boxing. I’ve also been in a number of street fights so I feel like my opinion is a valid one.

Anyway, first I’d like to say that I love both sports and have absolutely no bias in my comments. I believe that MMA is king for a 1 on 1 fight against a boxer whether that be in the cage or in a random field, however if the two opponents do not know each others skill sets there is a significant risk that the MMA fighter tries to box with the boxer and gets subsequently knocked out. This is why if a boxer steps in the cage with an MMA fighter he will nearly always lose as the MMA fighter knows exactly what to do to win.

The mistake that many people make is the comparing of the cage to the street. I can confidently say that the cage is not or anything like the street. My honest belief is that boxing is king for a street fight. Why? Because in the majority of street fights you will not be in a 1 vs 1 fight, you will not want to grapple with someone or take him down because of the risk of him pulling a knife or simply because of the fact that the concrete ground is dangerous/dirty and you are at severe risk of being kicked in the head by others. Kicking and kneeing is also a risky manoeuvre as it puts you off balance and is difficult to throw if you are wearing trousers or jeans. Lastly elbows are hard to land due to their short range leaving punches as the most reliable way to end a fight. Also most fights go from 0-100mph in the space of a few seconds; in these cases punches are thrown before anything else as they are the most quickest and efficient way to hurt someone. You will find more often than not that even MMA fighters prefer to box when it comes to street fights. A good example is how Lee Murray knocked Tito Ortiz out cold in the street with one or two PUNCHES, obviously in the cage it would have been a very different story but the street is not the the fucking cage.

Also in nearly every street fight that I have been in I have used nothing but my fists even though I had many other tools and skills at my disposal. However, in every 1 vs 1 fight I have been in e.g school fight, cage fight nothing beats MMA. I'd just like your opinion on my take of this, thanks for reading.
Any one who tranes would be able to spot a boxer by stance and footwork. The boxer would have to disguise his skill, which he would only think to do If he knew his opponent was an MMA fighter. Phone Post 3.0

You talk absolute shit and fail to realise like many others how quickly most street fights materialise, not to mention the high levels of adrenaline that is induced. In the majority of street fights people square up before anything else and in that tiny period of time boxing is king. A quick, hard, devastating combination straight to the chin in under 2 seconds will get the job done leaving absolutely no time to size up someones strengths.

Case in point 54 year old retired boxer Rocky Lockridge in the motel parking classic "Don't go there man, Don't do it, knocked his ass cold, Silly sleep" Phone Post 3.0

Again on the other thread as the "wrestling / grappling guy" who thinks its laughable that blue belts and high school kids are beating Mayweather in a street fight. Not trying to argue that boxing is a better base for an mma competitor Phone Post 3.0


thegoldenboy - 
ausgepicht - 

If you think styles matter, you are in a discussion from somewhere around the timeline of UFC 30. This is perhaps one of the dumbest threads ever created on the forum.

Are you 14?

No I'm not 14 and yes styles DO matter even if the person fighting is more important. Why is this a dumb thread?

Basically because these threads have been DONE TO DEATH well over 10 years ago...and real life encounters, actual fights in the ring/cage, and streetfight videos all have long since proven that ALL styles can be used effectively and have by all different kinds of fighters....At the end of the day it's not the style, but the man...Basically, if you're an unathletic nerdy multi faceted MMA fighter, Mike Tyson is still going to rape you even if all he ever trained in his life was ballet.....By this point it goes without saying, everyone here KNOWS this, and we don't even bother talking about it anymore.

In other words you're exposing yourself as a GIGANTIC NOOB and most likely someone of highschool age who just stumbled onto the sport and thinks he's discovered something new.

thegoldenboy - 
SKARHEAD - People can talk all the shit they want...street fight most often start and end with punches.

Boxing alone may not win sanctioned MMA fights (actually not true....JDS was the champ for awhile and killed everyone including Cain w/ C level boxing and is still the solid #2 guy in the world).....but like it or not boxers are PROVEN in the street and boxers generally do VERY VERY well in street fights. PERIOD.

Exactly. In the cage you are mentally prepared to execute the necessary moves to win a fight. In the streets such a thing does not exist in most cases. Fights crop up from anywhere in seconds and in these situations throwing first and doing as much damage as possible in the shortest amount of time is why boxing is king in the street.

I'll probably get a lot of shit for this as I am on an MMA forum after all but in my honest opinion if Jon Jones walked into a pub and started getting mouthy to an elite boxer his weight whom he didn't know he would very likely get put to sleep for simply believing that he'd be able to knock the opponent out with his hands. Why would Jon use his hands? Well he'd use his hands because its the easiest and quickest way to stop a fight and he would have absolutely no reason to think that he would have to rely on his other skills.

You do have a point here.

Look what happened to Tito on the street....and Lee Murray would get his shit pushed in by pro boxers.

higherprimate718 - I think it works like this:
boxing is better for street fighting because its a more easily accessible weapon
but if an mma guy clinches with a boxer hes gonna fuck his shit up
Can we end the thread now? Phone Post 3.0