Brendan Schaub... do you genuinely think he is funny/entertaining?

I totally forgot about that

Not at all. I donā€™t mind hearing him talk about mma because at least he fought at the highest level. But I also donā€™t seek out his opinion. But heā€™s not funny and heā€™s kind of a douche.

I liked the specialized collab so I bought some. I know I know!

Hilarious GIF

I donā€™t hate Schaub by any means and give him props for achieving what he has. That said, I donā€™t find him interesting, funny, intelligent or charismatic ā€¦I do at times enjoy his food truck diaries though

I agree with most people here. His stage comedy seems very bad. And he also seems annoying at times.

But the strange thing is, he must have something. His shows are very popular. His Youtube stuff gets high ratings. He sells out clubs. Showtime seem to love him.

He is very likable to a lot of people, and yet really annoying to a lot of people too.

If I try to think what he has, I think itā€™s this: I think he is just like a guy friend in your crew, when we you are in your 20ā€™s. He is a bit of a personality, opinionated, brings the energy, likes a laugh, not very serious and can also be kind of a douche sometimes too.

Because of that, I get why people like to have him on as a companion/background/casual listen. He is just one of the guys. And he has similar interests. He also naturally projects his voice, and speaks assertively, so it is easy to listen to.


haha pwned

always reminds me of a hipster/2.0 version of Ross from ā€œFriendsā€.


Iā€™ve never liked him as a fighter and found him annoying as a ā€œpersonalityā€. Nothing personal just garbage.

Not even remotely

NGL I hated him 20 seconds into his initial appearance on the first ep of TUF. That was the only whole season I ever watched and Nelson dropping him like a sack of bricks in the finale was so satisfying.


I compare him to the 7yr college boy who is the leader of a frat. He has been there forever so thatā€™s why he runs it and younger kids try to be in his good graces. Later when they mature they think back and laugh at what a douche he was. It doesnā€™t even compute to him why none of these guys ever call him.


I couldnā€™t have said it better.


It was awkward. Like everyone was there to see Rogan and friends ā€œ then he walks out. Ppl are there to laugh and he starts doing Mexican material about his family or some shit.

It wasnā€™t funny but there was some forced situational kinda laughs

Rogan was actually great live on that night. Joey was awesome and Ian edwards also good.

They were a lot more fun than it seems on specials. Joe was really cool to the crowd and ripped some lesbians that were talking through it

I think you nailed it. Now I can see this.

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Then how does he sell out tickets everywhere he goes. YOU may not like him but his ticket sales would say otherwise. To each their own

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He rides Roganā€™s coat tails.

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Heā€™s on a lot of podcasts sonnnnnnn!

I can listen to him when he seriously talks about MMA. For example, he had some good info on the Ariel ESPN situation. As for the comedy, I donā€™t really find Joe or Brendan funny enough to exclusively listen to one of their specials. Congrats on the successes though!

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Anything ground breaking on Arielā€™s situation?