BROCKTOBER!!!!! who's excited!

Who's humpin' who in that pic?  At least whitey has the decency to be completely naked there.

I might need some help with a new name for 2J2M. Normally I have been renaming people "I GOT FRATE TRANED!" but I think I need something special for Jupes.

BROCKTOBER!!!!!!!!!!!! Phone Post

sparkyman - 
Sagiv Lapkin -  
Now THAT'S funny!



LOL @ bismanfightclub ^figures the mexican would have to bring a weapon, and use illegal knee's.

That knee said no and meant no

 Lol, I've been wishing everyone a happy Brocktober. Very few are getting it though :)

Where is JimmersonzGlove????

Hey Sierra the Sissy - the line is basically even in Vegas now. So go cash your food stamps and get my money ready. Brocktober will always be remembered as the month Cain put a beating on Brock and took his belt.

I only wonder if Cain will lose heart and verbally submit the moment he realizes his pitty pat punches have no effect.

Squared Circle - I only wonder if Cain will lose heart and verbally submit the moment he realizes his pitty pat punches have no effect.

Cain's KO over Nog>any striking Brock has ever shown. Including that sloppy punch to Couture's temple and pity pat hammerfirsts.

Introduction to Problem #8, Standardized Math Test:

A Cain Train and a Frate Trane leave an event center in opposite directions. One of them (Cain) is holding the belt, so he is traveling 5 mph slower...


lol, I will likely be choked nearly unconscious in the very spot that he is standing four hours from now.

 Quite impressive. If he beats Cain and JDS, he's got quite a string going.


Brocktober makes me want to be an American......

Do we get Brocktober in the UK?

WALES1 - Brocktober makes me want to be an American......

Do we get Brocktober in the UK?
Me too! I'm celebrating it in Canada, so I don't see why not in the UK!!!!

Still working on names for jupes




I suck swock


Good thing I have time to work on it.

Neo Cyrus - Only a paid shill would say he's excited about Cock Chestnar.

LOL. I wondered how he has been the UFC's largest draw ever.

bismanfightclub - Still working on names for jupes




I suck swock


Good thing I have time to work on it.
