Bryce saying he'll retire after loss to Ilia

Hope they don’t put his coffin too deep into the flat earth… He might do into space…

Flat earth hick idiotic fuck

Chael took it to the extreme. He’s admitted that he had a problem quitting in fights that he had to have therapy for. I feel like he could have tried to fight the Silva sub. He tapped immediately.

You sound like a flat-earther stole your girl

He can’t help it. It’s instilled in him to Tap. That’s why he has a history of fake taps / early taps.

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let me chime in on this one…

off the very rip let me start saying though ive got a few ufc fighter under my belt I am from from any type of expert :slight_smile:
1-Chaekl has it all figured out He was there for a good time not a long time… the guy took minimal damage and reviewed the situation… Can i get out of this or turn it around? NO? ok tap and live to fight another day…

Its harsh to admit but the mobb be it fans or members dont really care about the fighters and certainly are not the ones dealing with short and sometimes long term effects of these wars.

wanderlai silva multi millionaire ok you chose the kill or die path but some of these guys take the kid with the green hair that fought omalley and got hit with over 200+ punches whats the point of that??

ok champ you’ve got heart but nobody is going to remember come the next weekend …

Look at guys like spenser fisher? great guy high level competitor when i was coming up today relagated to charities and a cautionary tale? FUCK NO!!

take a page out of boxing… you arent winning ? Then you have no business in the cage step out and live to fight another day…

Chael did the best he could and came up short a few times but always talked himself back into the mix… this idea fighters should be Warriors and go out on their shield eating every punch to head for a cheque they are getting way is silly.

Personally i advocate for better defensive ability but why on earth would you take 4 round of khabbibs GNP if you were helpless are 2round??

the sports growing and at some point corners are gonig to have to mature and thing a bit more about fighters careers i know a few who showed “heart” and never were the same and nobody give a rats ass :slight_smile:

just my two cents


que ?

Just because you’re round doesn’t mean the earth is

I feel like Chael has severe imposter syndrome. No matter how hard he works and grows, develops, etc… he just doesn’t think he deserves to win. Therefore he subconsciously quits or puts himself in a position to lose. He literally handed Anderson his arm when there was a virtual guarantee he would be the champ. He did this countless times. His brain somewhere in there thinks he is worthless and doesn’t deserve to be there, and causes him to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.


We as humans punish ourselves for the perceived sins we’ve committed. How many times did you make something 10x harder than it should have been? I think everyone can relate to that. This kind of explains why Christianity is the ultimate religion in many respects.


I can relate to that on so many levels.

Somehow you completely nailed it with this post


Yes… I buried her too deep in the flat earth

At some point Bryce will join a legit fight team and get his striking to a point where he can actually contend or he will become a win some, lose some guy at the mercy of the UFCs match makers


Not Serra but close :joy:

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I had no idea who this guy was before this fight but he quickly ruined my impression of him the moment he put his dirty boots up on the limo bar on the UFC 282 Embedded @ 2:15.

Have some manners and respect.


I didn’t even notice that. And they wonder why the elites want them to mask up and get vaccinated, it’s for public health and cleanliness!