Bryce saying he'll retire after loss to Ilia

Aww are you upset you have to focus on others failures to make you feel better about yourself ? Also not from a flyover state and my dad has been a good influence on my life. Sounds like you’re projecting your own issues with your father. I hope you can overcome your failings and not be such a loser online.

Comparing Bryce to Islam is terrible. Bryce had lost fights before.He was tapped on TUF. He took a pretty thorough asswhipping from Topuria. It wasn’t a complete blowout, but Bryce couldn’t sugar coat the loss saying he’d just got caught or made a mistake giving up position, didnt fight the hands, etc. Topuria busted him up early striking, stuffed Bryce’s takedown attempts and took Bryce down. Bryce kind of got back into the fight and was holding his own, but never was in control or even made Topuria uncomfortable. Bryce started wearing down, got buzzed and then got outgrappled and hit with a sub very quick that Bryce knows he shouldn’t be caught in. I’m sure he felt pretty low after having a pretty good stretch. He’ll be fine. Islam has a solid crew around him who I’m sure picked him up. He is from a tough area where weakness is not allowed. They are totally different types of personalities.


Your making my point for me .american "country boy will survive " types are fake tough guys .all the camo in the world cant disguise a lack of heart .

You sound retarded

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Flat earth retarded or regular tarded?


I wouldnt call bryce a front runner based on that fight. Topiura beat him up, beat him down, forced him into defensive wrestling which exhausted him, and then ragdolled him into a tight arm triangle. Bryce met a much better fighter and got beat up. Pretty simple. He needs to leave arkansas or at least focus on his muaythai for a solid year.

Im still amazed he got by barboza the way he did. Edson should have won that fight pretty easily on paper.

Bryce does go to outside gyms, he’s been up to train with the Serra crew, lived in Al Iaquimtas fightets house , several times

We’re on the UG, facts don’t matter.



Zabit quit because he couldnt fight more than 2 rounds.

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He quit because it was allahs will

Bryce quit because allah hates america

I believe he said he was going to work with Krause right before that scandal happened. I’m not sure if he already was working with him, but he said Krause was going to corner him as the 4th cornerman when Bryce was supposed to be the main event at Apex in November. I think he was taking trips up there with his teammate TJ Brown.


Tough sport. Highs are high and lows are damn low


Like Uncle Chael says … tapping is many times a way out of a fight you know you can not win. Bryce did not fight that sub at all. Flu or no flu … he needed out of the cage and quickly. If he did have the flu he got in there because he needed the money and could not afford to pull out. He is selling wooden boxes and homemade soap on line for goodness sakes! He also has a new girlfriend who has been in his ear about quitting. To paraphrase the erstwhile Dirty Harry Callahan “A wise man knows his limitations.” I don’t think he will retire but don’t think he will ever get back to where he was. A beating like that has long lasting mental effects, one loses their confidence. There was fear in his eyes, not frustration but fear. Some guys are able to push that down and climb right back on the horse, some guys are forever relegated to the sidelines.


Good post

cannot disagree with anything


I see it the same way, but he got subbed on tuf, no ? So he has faced defeat, but not like that.

I don’t remember anyone saying those guys were unbeatable machines…. Maybe they are all just exciting to watch?

This probably doesn’t need its own thread… I’m sure many fighters have stop they wanna stop fighting right after they lose badly

He was on Insta yesterday making another 15K donation to the Arkansas Children’s charities and said he was going to donate half of his next fight as well, so he is planning to continue.


The haters on here don’t want to hear about this though.