Bud Jefferies passes away

For those of you who aren’t familiar, Bud was a strongman, writer, teacher, who had a unique way of training. Insanely strong, and very playful the way he went about it. Pulling semi’s while tearing decks of cards, juggling kettlebell’s while throwing axes, unusual stuff like that. Fun to watch. He will be missed.


Sad news, I have an original copy of Twisted Conditioning i purchased a 100 years ago.

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oh no, what did he die from?


Wasn’t he easily over 300 lbs and basically obese despite his strength exploits? RIP.

Same here. RIP Bud.

I don’t know what he weighed when he died, but about 10 years ago he dropped 110lbs with a crazy-high volume of KB swings. I hope he was able to maintain his weight loss. I bought some isometric training DVDs from his company and they were incredible.


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Guy was a beast, RIP

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No idea who he was but RIP


Intensive weight loss


He was a legendary strongman, once squatted 1000lbs raw. Basically trained himself into a monster in his backyard with nothing but heavy weights and his intuition. He’s written some amazing training books and dabbled in MMA for awhile.


Didn’t know he had done MMA.

I wouldn’t want to fight him