Bulgarian bag

My kids got me one for my birthday and I tried it tonight. Like a sandbag shaped like a horseshoe and you can perform both dynamic and static exercise. Grip, shoulders, back, core, and fatigue were addressed quickly.

I’m going to use with burpees and kbs. Anyone have experience with these bags? So far I like.

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I’m sore as fuck and my body is tired.

I have one I bought and have made numerous DIY weights. I enjoy them for extra bodyweight drills. It’s a fun tool to have. Please be careful with the side to side twist motion you always see people doing on YT, that shearing action isnt good for spinal health.

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I’m less sore today.

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Is this shit bad for my shoulders??

Tough question to answer. I use a variety of weighted Bulgarian Bags, I don’t do any twisting motions. I do rows, squats deads, lunges and carries. I dont have any shoulder issues.

Yeah I meant the spin move. I have arthritis in my right shoulder.

I wouldn’t recommend any ballistic movements.

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I have impingement issues stemming from a shoulder separation when I was young, which therapy helped me get under control. For me, the spins heavily address the shoulders but in a good way. Not sure about arthritis.

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