By By UFC hello TNA


Ray Jackson - You broke my heart Davis.

That video is damn gold!!

Marcus, thanks for saying what needed to be said!!!

Marcus Irish Davis - Samoa Joe was a really good guy. met his wife too and seemed very nice. We didn't do anything "real". Just had some fun acting it out and stuff. He is pretty agile for a big guy. Obviously the Mike Tyson thing was a bit too much- but isn't wrestling all about being WAY over the edge?

Hiptosser- the whole thing on attacking me with the Irish shit is old. NEVER said I was some full blooded Irish man. Always said I was a mutt. Its a fucking monicure. Is Denise Hallman actually "superman" Is Is Dan Severn really a "Beast"? No none of us are those things BUT one things for sure---- Your really a faggot.

Whoa whoa whoa.

1) What's all this about pro wrestling being acting?

2) What's all this about Dan Severn not being a beast and Dennis Hallman not being Superman?

3) Please no one mention Santa or the Easter Bunny around Marcus.

BTW, are you going to be in Joe's corner at TNA Lockdown next week Marcus?

Jeremy (from Sityodtong)

How much would you say Joe weighs? They list him as 280 but I know rasslin orgs always exaggerate. I thought the Realfighter shirt was just a label so the marks would know you were legit.

BubbaRayGracie- Not sure yet if I'm going to work the corner of Samoa yet... there is speculation that I may.

What's up Trigg- I may see you there Bro!

Qtyp- I would say he's close to if not is 280

TTT for Davis getting some extra $ w/o getting real punches thrown at his head.

Marcus weather you're Irish or not is irrelevant.

But you're not a hand grenade!

You're neither green, lumpy nor have a pin sticking out of you!!

(btw good luck really enjoy how you fight)

LMAO @ The Realfight tshirt!

LMAO at the Real Fighter shirt for a pro wrestling promo.