Bye Eddie Alvarez

you bashed the UFC on fighter pay and hold out a new contract after this fight and LOST.

Good luck dealing with the UFC lowballing you big time. Just call Coker already.

Why does it hurt your feelings so bad?  Dude is a legend and one of the only guys outside the UFC to help build the sport back in the day.  He rolled the dice and it didn't pay out.  What enjoyment do you get out of someone else's misfortune?  Do you not think fighters are underpaid?

TeamPrimal -

Why does it hurt your feelings so bad?  Dude is a legend and one of the only guys outside the UFC to help build the sport back in the day.  He rolled the dice and it didn't pay out.  What enjoyment do you get out of someone else's misfortune?  Do you not think fighters are underpaid?

I'd have to agree.

morpheus is a demoter

Unkind Zuffa -
TeamPrimal -

Why does it hurt your feelings so bad?  Dude is a legend and one of the only guys outside the UFC to help build the sport back in the day.  He rolled the dice and it didn't pay out.  What enjoyment do you get out of someone else's misfortune?  Do you not think fighters are underpaid?

I'd have to agree.

That's because you're not an insufferable prick!

Eddie is a great guy, provided a lot of entertainment over years. I'll be psyched if he goes back to Bellator and has a nice run.

Don’t see why anyone would be happy with Eddie leaving the UFC. He lost to Porier who has been on a tear. I’d still like to see Eddie back.

choadler -

Eddie is a great guy, provided a lot of entertainment over years. I'll be psyched if he goes back to Bellator and has a nice run.

he cheated in both fights with Dustin, yeah wow, what a great guy!

They won’t cut him, dude is always in entertaining fights minus the Pettis match. 

Eddie is a good dude. And what exactly is UFC low ball? UFC money can be lower than what these posted payouts are? Because the payouts for last night were horrifically bad.

I have no clue why these guys fight, but it isn't for money!

Brock Lobster -

They won’t cut him, dude is always in entertaining fights minus the Pettis match. 

eddie isn't young anymore, he wants to take care of his family so pay is key, Reebok only pays him 5K.

Sponsorship is where his money is and it isn't UFC

Morpheus1976 -
choadler -

Eddie is a great guy, provided a lot of entertainment over years. I'll be psyched if he goes back to Bellator and has a nice run.

he cheated in both fights with Dustin, yeah wow, what a great guy!

You're coming off like a tremendous douchebag 

WattMell -

They aren't gonna cut Eddie. Dana wanted him from Bellator specifically because the guy puts on wars. I've always thought Eddie was getting chinny and abit overrated but he's tough as fuck when he's not fighting McGregor. He's can be real cringey when trying to sound bad ass to the media, it always cracks me up lol. Like the title for most violent man stuff and then Dustin comes out and blasts him away. I think he and his team were trying to push the boundaries on fouls last night though, like they thought they had to get dirty to beat Dustin or something?

that's like 5 years ago. Times has changed a lot, WME is cheapskating.

BrowBeaten -
Morpheus1976 -
choadler -

Eddie is a great guy, provided a lot of entertainment over years. I'll be psyched if he goes back to Bellator and has a nice run.

he cheated in both fights with Dustin, yeah wow, what a great guy!

You're coming off like a tremendous douchebag 

i am not the one who cheated, friend


Morpheus1976 -
BrowBeaten -
Morpheus1976 -
choadler -

Eddie is a great guy, provided a lot of entertainment over years. I'll be psyched if he goes back to Bellator and has a nice run.

he cheated in both fights with Dustin, yeah wow, what a great guy!

You're coming off like a tremendous douchebag 

i am not the one who cheated, friend

I'm offering you helpful words here. That's all. 

Don't care if he loses, I'll always want to watch Alvarez fight, the guy is a warrior. 

Don’t bring the dog out of him

Fuck off Morphageus

you are the dumbest cunt on the UG

Poor Bellator has to deal with his ridiculous  screeching mongoloid of a wife, now. Wishing well to Eddie regardless of what happens.