Calling out the f@g better known as StephenL

 Why is it that you feel the need to high-jack someone's thread?

Shire is just trying to help some fighters in michigan. These people are your friends, I thought.

Also If you are going to be a tool please pay to be one, you fucking cheap ass mud namer.

It seems to me that every time you post somthing you have a tone that is negative. I think we copuld get you into a 10 step program and this could help you. The first step is to tell yourself you have a problem. Once you get past the first step I think you could go far kid!

Please stop high-jacking threads and If you feel like spouting off about how butt sore you are about gyms kicking your ass to the curb....just post it here. :)



 this should get good after Stephen drys off his nuts and reads this!!!!!

damn. not too many thread views. flynn gets more than me.


mike. there is more than one former CSF student who'd like to see an apology from you.

i was away from the place for 7 months and took many calls, in december, from former students who wanted your head on a platter.


You guys should fight. 

they are fighting. lol. keyboard warriors

id watch as long as they dont like start makeing out and shit

StephenL - mike. there is more than one former CSF student who'd like to see an apology from you.

i was away from the place for 7 months and took many calls, in december, from former students who wanted your head on a platter.


 If I was a student I would be pissed too. CSF was one of a-kind. The only place you can train in a team like gym. Too sad to see it close. To much like a lot of small busniess in michigan.

You still have yet to address the main complaint. You high-jack good threads and get them removed. Why do you do this?

Is it the fact that to many students were too happy to see you gone? You creep people out. Sorry dude.

dom10 - they are fighting. lol. keyboard warriors

 any time you want to meet at the bike rack tough :)

StephenL - damn. not too many thread views. flynn gets more than me.


 hey fuck wad, your post is 4 days old, wow. Also who gives a fuck. Matt love him or hate him, is putting on shows.

 Mike, don't force stephen to put the hose to ya!!   ^^^^^

I think we all know were the end of the tube goes every night.....

BigMike77 - 
dom10 - they are fighting. lol. keyboard warriors

 any time you want to meet at the bike rack tough :)

ok, but i gotta be home before the street lights come on.

dom10 - 
BigMike77 - 
dom10 - they are fighting. lol. keyboard warriors

 any time you want to meet at the bike rack tough :)

ok, but i gotta be home before the street lights come on.
lmfao! I remember getting my ass beat when I was not home b4 the porch lights came on!


 I think seve could learn somthing from this video. Steve you are my lone nut

So someone tell me about this CSF thing.

*Hides can of gas

David@AccutestMi - So someone tell me about this CSF thing.

*Hides can of gas

ok......Once there was this magical place called CSF, were good little boys and girls learned how to be the best mma fighters in the state. They payed next to nothing and got to train with arguably the best that Michigan had to offer in trainers. Yes sometimes one of the teachers had a pint of mad-dog 20 20 in his hand but who are we to argue with mortal gods?

CSF ran it's course and was unable to stay open. Again like so many other companies in Michigan. I here Q is in California with Gardner training at team quest and making a run at pro. The crazy Mexican is helping the mentally challenged, and The retired cop is still training Michigan's best. 

I have taken on a new role as michigan tallest pimp. I'm sure I could get one of my girls to rub one out for you! 

Living the life bro. Livin the life!


well at least ur out of the gay porn industry bigmike lol

brutalbrian - well at least ur out of the gay porn industry bigmike lol

 Ya I like to think I got out when I was on top......

that what she said