Calling out the f@g better known as StephenL

Train Judo - 

<b>I (like my instructor before me) dont pretend Im anything but me..Im honest and unashamed of that..Everyone knows it..You see, im not one of those guys who shows up at the gym and pretends to be someone he isnt..It's why people like me and why they trust me..

Judgemental and fake people suck..This is why our team was so strong..Because they knew me, knew every minute of my life and I theirs. I care and they know it. They didnt show up for a class, pay their money, get 45 minutes and have me take it and go home..They showed up, hungout, called me when they needed to talk, confided in me, shot the shit, asked for help, etc. and vice versa.. I knew everyone of my guys, where they came from, what the felt, their hopes, their dreams..Everything...That is a family. That is what makes people excel. Love. In life and in martial arts.

My instructor Walter taught me that when he took me in, and get this, OMG!!! He too was drinking, cussing and being himself beside our mats when he taught me the very things I taught our guys..and if any of you on here can argue with my success at making great fighters (or Walt's), I dare you to..Drunk, sober, straight as an arrow, classless, whatever..I love my homies and they love me..I carry on a tradition and a method that works.

I have demons like a "fighter" Im going at them headfirst with my hands up right now...Do you have the same drive in your lives for your demons? I know the guys I taught do.

If you don't, well then, we'll always be better "fighters" than you.

CSF didnt "close", its a friendship and a bond most people will never understand..It will never and can never "close"..And when I get back, the gym we meet at will open again.

Nothing else needs to be said about it because if you say anything else about it, you were never part of this team and know jack shit about it..</b>   

You don't need to explain anything to anyone. It would be impossible too because like you said it's not just a gym, its more than that.

I think that one day where I came up and told you I was going to be leaving for a bit I gained a HUGE amount of respect for you. Not to say I didn't have any for you before but just the way you handled it was the sole reason I did come back.

If you weren't who you are CSF wouldn't have been as enjoyable as it was/is. If mint skoal and mad dog is what makes you the way you are then cool. You will have a six pack and a couple tins waiting for you on your return!

 I just want it to be said the mad dog line was not a jab at Q, Just having a little fun. Next time I will say a 40oz of

LOL :)

 fun fact about Stephen his favorite musician is John Mayer. 

its alll good sir

Q was out here with me. yesterday we went to SD and he got all fucked up and when the lady gave him his bill he just pushed her and walked away. last i saw he was face down in the dirt with 4 or 5 cops bitch kickn him. nothing since. big mike your right. Mad Dog 20/20 for life!

DCC - Q was out here with me. yesterday we went to SD and he got all fucked up and when the lady gave him his bill he just pushed her and walked away. last i saw he was face down in the dirt with 4 or 5 cops bitch kickn him. nothing since. big mike your right. Mad Dog 20/20 for life!

Its bad enough that Quincy left here, but don't rub it in with your fake stories. Everyone knows Quincy wouldn't be at such a height level in order to push anyone.


 Stephen or Mike's buddy^?   

Train Judo - lol

 When did county get wifi??

mortician - <div id="postVideo-29422587"></div><script type="text/javascript">var so = new SWFObject("", "postVideo-29422587-Flash", "425", "355", "9.0.28", "##000"); so.addParam("allowScriptAccess", "samedomain"); so.addParam("allowNetworking", "internal"); so.addParam("wmode", "transparent"); so.write("postVideo-29422587"); </script> Stephen or Mike's buddy^?   

What a silly question. Anyone who calls themselves Stephen as opposed to Steve, is automatically under homo suspicion.