Can Tito still cut it in the UFC?

I read from Dave Meltzer that Tito didn't want to fight Machida because he wasn't a big enough name.

"he said he still wasn't sure who he was fighting, but he wasn't worried because he's got so much else going on right now."

With the Apprentice, I was thinking that fighting is the furthest thing from his mind at the moment. Even though the "show" is over, he still has to make appearances for the Finale/Reunion show, Apprentice photo shoots, interviews, etc.

Yeah I don't think he'll be fighting for the next several months anyways.

Why would he come back? He has an awesome camp in Big Bear, he's getting paid well from all his "celebrity" appearances, and a girlfriend with pockets deeper than we could even imagine. He hates Dana, and to be honest, he could probably be making more outside the cage than in. Check out this interview from about a week ago while he was at Tao here in Vegas. What do you think he wants to do?

This could actually just be another thread, but what do you think about Tito fighting HW? I mean he walks around naturally at about 235-240, and since the LHW division seems to be packed full of names, does anyone think he would have a shot against guys like Sylvia, Werdum, or Gonzaga? I mean Vera does it, does anyone think Tito could?

Imo he's a better matchup for Machida than most top LHWs in the UFC right now.

What did the Sok fight show if anything against Machida? That he can be taken down easily even though Nakamura could barely do it, Sok did it easily so my guess is that Tito would as well.

Chuck, Wand, Rampage will have trouble striking with Machida imo and will still aim to battle the standup with him. Tito i dont think would and Tito has never been in sub or sweep trouble in top position on the ground.

Matchup wise, i think Tito may be the guy to beat Machida.

Not count your chicken be for the eggs hatch!!! I have 4 sold year in front
of me. My fans will be happy next week.....

What is a "4 sold year"?

I don't think anyone is counting anyone out or chickens before they hatch, it's just been so damn long. And with all the outside distractions with TV and Jenna, can we really expect the old Tito with the same drive as the 25 year old, or just a 100% healthy, 32 year old businessman finishing out his contract? And yeah, what the hell is a "4 sold year"?

Some blue namer please make sure that after this thread drops that they search for and find it next week.

If Tito himself says that his fans will be happy next week, he better be talking about a fight announcement, not a movie or TV show announcement.

Hell yea Tito can still cut it in the UFC but do think with his chronic back issues his Championship days are behind him.

Watch the video. Do you really think he still WANTS to fight? Lord knows he doesn't have to if he doesn't want to, so does he WANT to? After watching this, I have my doubts...

Tito, hope to see you back fighting again.

How 'bout a rematch with Wand??? He's a big enough name!

Looking forward to it Tito.

gate-keeper status

Tito/Futa 1,
My buddy and I met you at Rockin Rodeo in Tempe along with Frank Shamrock years ago at a small show you both promoted. I am a big fan of yours Tito, you were cool as hell at that show whereas Frank we couldn't get near. Just thought with your back issues the championship form will be hard to ever attain again. Am I wrong? Here is hoping I am wrong and we see you back in top shape soon!! What about the Machida offer?

Gotta take my comment back!  Can't keep it any more real that firing back on the UG!

I'm sure he doesn't need it, but I hope this thread lights a fire under ol' FUTA1's ASS! Vendetta was the first live event I ever went and saw and that was the greatest administered asswhoopin' I've ever seen. 15 straight minutes of knotting up Ken's face was brutal, but it was Ken on his way out.

The thread asks the question "Can Tito still cut it in the UFC?", not "Can Tito still cut it in MMA?" Think of it like this, Tank is still fighting MMA, but could he come into the UFC HW Class and cut it with the likes of a Gonzaga, Werdum, or even an Arlovski? I personally don't think Tank could do it.
With that said, I'm sure Tito has more than 4 solid years left in MMA, but can he do it at the UFC level?

Sounds like tito should be droppin some news on the UG in the next few days right?

that's all I needed to hear WOOT TITO....

And if you ever get some tiume hit me up as like to speak to you about a few things.

I'm a big muay thai guy.