Can you explain the difference

when u pull down on the head to finish it at a judo club they cry "thats illegal"

Bad Monkey - So your beef is not that they incorporated techniques, it is that the Gracies falsely claimed to have come up with this on their own.

Kind of like plagiarism. They should have added footnotes stating the source. In this case Judo.

I understand now. Thanks for helping to enlighten me.


In this case maybe they just shouldnt have said they invented shit..They just should kept on keepin on...especially when you consider a judoka beat Helio's ass like a complete bitch 20 years before hand..

Then again, They didnt know the triangle, that was 20 years too early...Im sure he would have won had he read the judo book earlier... had he made it so a small man could win in that decade...

 Wait isnt BJJ based on the whole premise that the smaller man could win? Why is it Kimura's size is always mentioned...

 Hypocrisy, its the other white meat.

I never liked Brazilian Jiudo anyway.

Bad Monkey - So your beef is not that they incorporated techniques, it is that the Gracies falsely claimed to have come up with this on their own.

They arent. Apparently they claim to have got it from a Judo book.
Really the big argument is whether Helio actually modified Ju Jitsu as he claimed or he took what was taught to him by a Judo Master and just made a bunch of self promotion claims.

^Can a nigga get an amen?

LSelvon - Huge difference! The judo one is NEVER seen in judo.

 this. judo will always be gay because any type of "fighting" where you try to land on your stomach to prevent losing doesnt make any damn sense. why the hell should a fight be over if the guy lands on his back. thats stupid. judo is retarded

TrainBJJ - Between the BJJ triangle that Rolls stole out of a judo book in the 1970's and the triangle choke that's been in judo since the 1800's?

Is the BJJ triangle better because it's a hundred years younger? 

Youth is often a deciding factor in fights, Ive seen that in ufc...

no difference.

Rolls just rescued it from oblivion where Judoka discarded and forgot about it because they kept pussyfing their competitions.

you should thank the Gracies for injecting new life into your forgotten, ignored, and discarded techniques.


BJJ is continually evolving and adopting techniques, both old and new.

Judo is continually devolving and getting rid of/banning/forgetting everything that is not a big throw.

20 more years and BJJ will have everyones techniques and Judo will have 7-10 impressive throws that look flashy and captivating. The rest will have been discarded by "new" rules.


spg - Who cares?

The fans!

That dwarf cocksucker TrainJiudo just got owned.

trainjudo is just an annoying, hateful, lonely piece of shit. Who cares. Bjj is judo. Big fucking deal. Get on with your life. Train or teach judo and stfu.

Sankaku Jime FTW

flipdid - trainjudo is just an annoying, hateful, lonely piece of shit. Who cares. Bjj is judo. Big fucking deal. Get on with your life. Train or teach judo and stfu.

^must be a buttflopper, he sounds pissed!!!

For those of you who think certain techniques don't exist in Judo because they are not allowed in the sport, are you willing to say everything illegal in the sport of bjj does not exist within the art itself????

I think you'll find the flaw in your argument by answering this question...

Ok, we get it...BJJ is Judo. Maeda was a Judoka. Carlos and Helio were Judokas. By proxy so are all BJJers.

Enough with the hate.

What hate? I am merely using Judo.

Found this clip fitting for this thread...

Anyone wanna guess the year???



Most of those old Japanese Judo guys had good Jiu Jitsu. This is before Judo got watered down to what it is today.


Judo = watered down Ju jitsu.