
I agree with someone but I won't say who so that we all get along ;)

Sub/KO attemtps are the #1 criteria. Guys need to take notice that they can't playt he UFC game and win decision in Pride. Their scoring system is not the same. Controll means next to nothing in Pride. Attmepting to finish the fight is #1. Damage by near subs and knockdowns is #2.

That being said I still think Newton won. I thought Renzo did way more than Takase and shoudl ahve won over Newton. So the consistancy isn't there, but then again there is no consistancy in JD in any organization.

Obvious fuck over.

I though Calros won. Takase keeps suprising me. He lost so easily to Horn and Iha, then he comes back to beat Anderson Silva, Newton (maybe) and Breannan.

I thought the standup was even when Takase actually decided to engage.

Takase was close with a few sub attempts...but, Newton did land a few hard shots on the of them left Takase shaking his head

Newton was the one pressing the action, scoring almost all the takedowns and swept Takase a couple times

Newton definately should have won, that was a really bad decision

Even some of the Japanese fans were booing...LOL

Newton won. I don't think 1 close sub attempt should win you a fight. Newton had like a million takedowns and the 1 time Takase took him down, he was swept within 30 seconds.

Also, was I the only one who was offended near the end of round 1 when Takase AND the fucking ref totally ignored Newton's request for Takase to stand up, and Takase just kept crab walking around the ring like a tool? That was fucking bullshit.

Takase did his best to make that an extremely BORING fight. Newton definitely should have gotten the nod, poor decision.

was there any red cards? I read in another thread that takase got 2.

One man army= Todd ;)

Newton did Ricco style GnP

Hi Chris,

Carlos and I just got back. Thanks for yours and everyones support.

To put it like a proud Canadian, "We got HOSED!".

I think Pride is really trying to promote the Japenese fighters at this point and that led to the decision.

1 American judge (good guy) + 2 Japenese judges (very very bad men) = 2 sad Canadians.

Oh well,

A fighters life goes on.

Terry Riggs

P.S. Hope to see you in Bushido soon. How about you against Gomi?

"I think Pride is really trying to promote the Japenese fighters at this point and that led to the decision. "

Go tell that to Minowa.

Yeah, how do you explain Minowa's decision if they are just favouring the Japanese?


The Ricco v Nog decision don't look so good now huh?

Hey Terry. I am sure I am on the next 2 shows because I have a 4 fight (in one year deal) so I will see you there. I would love to fight Gomi again but not sure thay will do that since he has won twice and I lost once but we will see.

Tell Carlos he looked great.


"Takase was close with a few sub attempts...but, Newton did land a few hard shots on the of them left Takase shaking his head
Newton was the one pressing the action, scoring almost all the takedowns and swept Takase a couple times

Newton definately should have won, that was a really bad decision

Even some of the Japanese fans were booing...LOL"

The only problem with this breakdown is that that's not how Pride scores fights. Pressing the action is meaningless in Pride. That's fine for the UFC, that's hwo they score fights but you can't use the UFC scoring system and use it for Pride. Attempts to finish the fight is #1, near KO's/sub's is #2 etc... If you don't attempt subs you ain't going to win in Pride.

I felt Newton won but he should have done more.The Ricco-Minotaruo fight should have put guys on notice that you need to attempt toi finish the fight or you are going to lose. Trying to get a JD is goign to get you a loss.

chris dont listen to these punks some of us like your input on fights

Hot Potato- I think he is a great fighter and I also think I would do well. Here is why. I am a fighter that like transitions and I catch subs in fast transitions and I like a lot of movement. Carlos is fast and moves so well I think it would look a lot like Sak and him but maybe a bit faster. I just hate the slow fights and I feel he does too. I know he likes to bang a lot and I could use some of my new found striking (compliments of Pete Spratt). Anyway Carlos is one of my favorite guys to watch and I think it would be a great one.

Newton won. Another BULSHIT decision IMO. Pride fucking blows.