Carnivore diet, 1 month in. It's working.

i may be trying this in the near future for weight loss, arthritis and skin issues. however, i like having a balanced diet and enjoy fresh vegetables and occasional pasta dishes (spaghetti and meatballs are prob my fav!) so i dont see myself sticking to this unless the results are nothing short of amazing. cheers.

does anybody have a link to read bakers book online and is it necessary or is all the info you need online? its like 50 bucks on amazon canada which is kind of expensive for a book.


Can you still do Metamucil on this diet? The sugar free one?

I have been thinking of trying it. Fasting has changed my life and I feel to lose the last 5 kilos fast this would be a good idea. 

I love paleo style of meat and veg but every time I try pure carnivore I crash and burn and everything goes off the rails.

In my 20’s I was on a very strict meat diet. Difference was I ate vegetables with every meal as well. But no pastas or beads etc. I was in incredible shape and often “jokingly” accused of steroid abuse because of the way my physique looked.

I’ve recently come across Paul Saladino like some of you mentioned. He advocates for fruit as well, which a lot of you refrain from. Why? I’m interested to hear what your opinions are on fruit and why the lack there of.

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The old school traditional thought is that fruit = sugar, and sugar = bad.

The newer trend with people like saladino is that fruit is evolutionarily compatible with the human diet. Fruit is the part of the plant that the plant wants you to eat. Most vegetables, and plants in general, produce chemicals to deter consumption. For example, goitrogens in kale. These compounds are seen as evidence that these plants have evolved in such a way that we should not be eating them. The counter to that is the whole idea of hormesis, like these plant toxins actually produce a beneficial effect in the body, like how a sauna causes stress on the body and releases heat shock proteins.


It’s not just that counter argument. A lot of people believe he is just flat out wrong. That he wasn’t eating nearly enough, caused himself deficiencies and has compensated by loading up on honey and other sugars. Many people have stopped listening to him now.
I posted this is another thread but here it is again

What is the benefit to cut out nutrient rich fruits and veggies?

I guess I’m on a carnivore diet, and yeah, it’s good lol. Carbs have zero benefit. Grass fed beef, vegetables, and pasture raised eggs are what I eat 90% of the time. I do love cheating with a bag of Doritos and a ice cold Monster energy drink. The salt + sweetness gives me a hard on.

Aren’t fruits and veggies carbs? Obviously not all carbs are created equal.

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I guess I should have been more specific. I mean shit like bread, pasta, etc.

If I go even a 3 days in a row, eating nothing but veggies, meat, and eggs, I look like I’m cutting weight in that I’m defined as fuck. I also get hard ons like when I was 12.


You shouldn’t eat people imo


While I eat more meat and fish than ever before I am not totally giving anything up

Fuck Ricoh.