
Since moving into this house I have had 3 Centipede incidents.

the 1st 2 were fast and zippying around so once i was able to box them into a corner, I drowned them in Home Defense(tm) bug spray

this morning it appears 1 came up through the bathroom sink and was stuck in there.
This sink is on the 2nd floor of the house and we use the sink several times a day.

How the hell did it come up? WTf?

any centipede experts wanna fill me in or is this just another result of yesterdays UFC?

Maybe the weather? We found one yesterday in the middle of our kitchen. My husband said it's unusual because it's usually when it rains.

 check your bed Jimmy.

lol. I don't live with Jimmy. Although, I think he was bitten by one when we were little.

I feel your pain. I've been bitten twice, once on the top of my head and once on my back. Both times, those wiggly bastards were in my bed.

one crawled into my bed and was wrapped between my toes when i came to w/ it stinging the living fuck outta me. i've heard you need to create a perimeter around your house w/ some kinda centipede powder. yours onzuka battles these centifuckers all day.

I know at camp, they have you run the water in the showers to get any centipedes up out the drain.

Cod damn it!

*prepares for CentipedePacolypse

I know at camp, they have you run the water in the showers to get any centipedes up out the drain.

Cod damn it!

*prepares for CentipedePacolypse

Jimmy how did you dbl post 14 mins apart?

JIMMYNAKS - I know at camp, they have you run the water in the showers to get any centipedes up out the drain.

Cod damn it!

*prepares for CentipedePacolypse

Friggen Centipedes are fugging with my phone now?

Oh...It is ON!!

JIMMYNAKS - I know at camp, they have you run the water in the showers to get any centipedes up out the drain.

Cod damn it!

*prepares for CentipedePacolypse

I hate these centifuggers. They suck hard core...

When we used to camp and sleep on poncho and liner we used to make a perimeter using comet cleaner. it was rumored to keep them away. My Mdl 60 .38 loaded w/ resized and primed cases and wax slugs was used around the house to dispatch them fuggers as well as mice and rats.


Thanks Kanotoa!

For now, gonna be Home Defense then.....

and a mini flame thrower!

 they are satans tiny minions and they scare the shit outta me.  

 They uninvite themselves in when it rains

kanotoa - I heard some asshole cut off the pinchers of those little demons and would throw them on people. NOT FUNNY!

My bad.

I once cut off the pinchers and taped one to the inside of the phone (old school phone) where you'd place your hand. I told my friend he had a phone call and watched as he picked up the phone and put it to his ear.

I guess he finally felt the wiggling and threw the phone in the air. He said his had chicken skin for a long time afterwards.

BMFL - I feel your pain. I've been bitten twice, once on the top of my head and once on my back. Both times, those wiggly bastards were in my bed.

*giggles and backs out of thread quietly still giggling


Guess who I did this to? I'll give you some hints.

He is one muscular Japanee, has an art degree from the University of Colorado, likes to eat fukd up food, and can smash you with his legs from within his guard.